Closed Flights to Nowhere and Everywhere

Charlie chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. He was getting too involved. He leaned back a bit, taking a breath. "Yeah, hey man, no worries." He flashed Perry a smile. "Sorry for getting all deep and stuff, I didn't mean to cross the line if I did." Charlie leant back as much as he could in his seat, stretching out as best he could manage in the small space. "Lighter subject?" He asked, trying to flash a winning smile. "Do you like music?" He asked. It wasn't the best subject ever, but it felt like his entire life so it was an easy go to for him.
Perry relaxed a little as the plane continued on its path towards New York. They have several rather long hours until they had to make sense of anything. He stared at the seat in front of him, inflight entertainment not really doing anything for him. He didn't really care, which was helpful to no one. Still, he shrugged at Charlie as he spoke again. "No real harm done, honestly, it's just a little raw, you know?" And it would probably be true for a long time. He didn't want to think too much about it. "I don't not like music, I've never really used it to relax though, I was always more the kind who liked to watch the lakes, the sounds of nature, sitting in a barely ventilated room and letting my senses get overwhelmed by strange scents," he wasn't sure how he was supposed to describe a potion lab to someone, but he hoped he would take it to mean a science lab, he just didn't like to lie and was rather bad at it. "I like it well enough, I'm not into like... hard core stuff, you know? I like simple things."

@Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie listened to the man, smiling and nodding along. "I need to get out into nature more often," He offered, musing. "I've always thought of nature as mother earths symphony, but I'll admit I don't go out into it as often as I should." Or ever, really, since he'd left the school with its lake and sweeping grounds and massive forest. "Maybe when you get to New Zealand you could find a place by the sea," He mused, imagining that- a seaside home, fresh fish to be had and long walks on a beach. It sounded like a nice vacation, maybe he should bring it up to his folks later.
Zennon ignores the conversation happening as he walks along the aisles to get to first class.
"You need money for that, Charlie," Perry said, shrugging. Something he didn't have enough of these days. It wasn't like his family was poor, they weren't rich, but they generally had enough of what they needed to have what they needed. Until he'd decided to come half way around the world to get away from them of course, which was the only valid choice, even if it wasn't necessarily the right one. Well, maybe it wasn't the wrong one either, it was hard to tell anymore. "I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I'll figure something out," he said, casually, turning to look back at his screen. He looked down at the headphones and then back at Charlie. "You don't mind, right? I'm a bit tired." He was done talking, he didn't want to offend Charlie, but he also didn't want to talk anymore to be honest.
Charlie hummed. "Oh, sure, but it's nice to have an idea to work towards." He offered, wondering if maybe he was being a pest or anything. He wasn't the best at conversation. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or a bit sad when his seat partner asked to rest. He gave Perry a small smile. "Oh absolutely," He agreed, turning to gather up his music sheets. "I wanted to finish this anyway. It was nice to meet you, Perry," He offered, a part of him sure that this would be the last time they spoke. Ah, well. He'd tried, right? That was all he could do in the end.

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