Family Time

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The blonde enjoyed her time with her family in the break, but time was flying and soon she was gonna be a fourth years already. She almost couldn't believe it and felt time ticking away, she wanted to get everything out of her school years and wanted to have a chat with her dad. Evelyn didn't had a good relationship with her mother and it was always like that already and the blonde had given up hope that it would ever become better. Espen was their mothers favorite you could really tell and Evelyn could say she was the one from her dads. Parents shouldn't have to pick their favorites but since the twins were born Evelyn's mother never really took care of the baby girl. Evelyn had heard her mother say she was happy with one child, and ofcourse Evelyn's dad explained to her why her mother would say such a thing. Thyra the mother of Evelyn had postnatal depression after giving birth to the twins.

Now the blonde walked outside of the estate of the Manning family and searched for her dad. He didn't knew yet of her boyfriend and she was wondering how he would react to it. The fact that it was the ministers son would be something that could help, since he always motivated Evelyn to make good social contacts. But his little girl with a boy on her side, she couldn't really guess how he would react. But as always the blonde liked to be honest and especially to her dad, she could never lie to him. As she came outside she saw her father sitting with a cup of coffee and a paper inside of his hand with moving pictures. It was sure some news again, and mostly it wasn't good news and than she heard her father complain after he was finished with his paper. The blonde made her way to her dad and took a sit on the couch in their garden and smiled at her father. '' Hi Dad, do you have a moment?'' the blonde asked polite to her father.
The Danish blonde male was happy to have his children back again. He was always busy with his work, but he made time for his children when they came home in the breaks. And mostly they did come home and he wanted to enjoy the time as much as possible so he already had a suprise planned for today. Jorgen enjoyed the morning with a cup of coffee and a newspaper while he was sitting in the garden of their estate. Thyra was out with family and so that gave him time to spend some time with Evelyn, since Espen was with friends. Jorgen was always interested in the stories from Evelyn from Hogwarts. He had enjoyed his time on school too and it was obvious she did too. His little girl had changed so much in her time at Hogwarts, for Espen and Evelyn both went to Hogwarts they were real twins always together. But it was a good thing that Evelyn went to Hogwarts NZ, because she became more independent and he was sure she was gonna turn out to a succesfull lady.

As he heard a voice beside him he put down the newspaper and saw his daughter Evelyn sitting there. She asked if he had a moment and he had to laugh. Why did she even asked anymore, he always made time. As Norwegian MOM Employee as Head of Law and International Affairs he was busy and had to travel a lot but if Evelyn would just needed him on her school or anywhere around the world he would come for her. So the answer to her question was easy.
'' Hi Dear, ofcourse for you always. What is on your mind child?'' he asked in return since it was obvious she wanted to discuss something. At home they had a housekeeper not that he was too lazy to do something himself but they could afford it so why not and asked Ageta their housekeeper to get some drinks for them. If Evelyn wanted to have a moment she was willing to discuss something serious and he was ready to listen.

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