Closed Family Celebrations

Abby let out a shaky sigh, clinging to Graeme for a moment. She pulled away after a few deep breaths, tugging on his shirt. "I'd like to claim this please," She gave him a small smile. Once she was adorned in his shirt, she pulled the man to bed.

Abby didn't fall asleep right away, instead pulling him in for a kiss. Abby couldn't help herself, and spent a long while gently making out with the man, enjoying his warmth and closeness. Eventually though, she broke away, and with a soft sigh settled down into his arms. Sleep closed in quickly on Abby, soft and warm in Graeme's arms. She snuggled in against him, smiling gently. "You're wonderful," she whispered before falling into the best sleep she'd had since she'd found out she was pregnant with Zerrin.
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Graeme was glad this seemed to soothe Abby, he was happy to hand over his shirt to her as she requested and went to bed. He settled down and then held her close as she pulled him in for the kisses. He was more than happy to do that, returning all of the kissses with the same passion as she showed him. But eventually he just wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she drifted off to sleep. He was content to just lay awake a little longer, holding her in close and hoping that it would help her and that this conversation would've helped her feel more at ease. He just didn't want her to continue to feel so uneasy or out of it when it came to them.

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