Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Alice smiled at Fayt. She knew that he had a sister who seemed to love him and he seemed to love her back, but Alice knew that everyone needed someone beyond a sister or a brother. Family love only went so far, but she guessed and what she knew from love stories that real true love went a lot further. She felt sorry for Fayt, that he didn't understand this, but then again, she wasn't sure that she properly knew true love for herself. "Fair enough, you have your opinions. He has his, just please don't share them in front of me. I don't really care what you think of each other." She said, wondering why Fayt's opinion on George actually mattered to her. She wouldn't admit this, because she didn't know why herself and would be unsure of the outcome, but the feeling stayed with her, like an unsolved crossword clue.
"Why? Are you being hurt by what I am saying?" Fayt asked with a shrug, surely, if Alice really likes George, then he should at least respect her choice right? And well, he shouldn't really badmouth him in front of her, it wasn't right at all. Nevertheless, he didn't understand why but there was his heavy feeling about the said boy, like, he had already dislike him even though he didn't really know him that well, honestly, once he saw him again, he won't be nice at all, not like he is. "That reminds me, you still haven't told me the real reason why you're here, right?"
Alice shrugged. "I don't know. I just am not really interested in what everyone thinks of each other. I mean, i guess that i should be bothered, but i can't really care about it as long as i have a few opinions." She said with another shrug. She wasn't sure what it was about it all that perturbed her, but something made her not want to know about all of their opinions with each other. Sighing, she turned to Fayt. He was being nice for the moment, but she wasn't sure whether he would stay being nice or whether he would continue to tease her if she told him. True enough, if she had seen him like this originally, she would have told him. But she knew how he could be so she sat there for a moment wondering if she should tell him or not. Indicating to her bag with her books in it, she tried to think of a better answer because she instantly knew that he wouldn't be fooled still by her attempt for a disguise.
Fayt had decide to drop the subject when Alice had just shrugged off his question, honestly, he didn't really like the boy that she was actually going out with, he didn't really get why though. It's not like the boy had actually done something bad to him, actually, it's the other way around, he had actually approached him rather nicely, yet, Fayt felt like his blood would boil whenever he sees the said boy, even his name was really irritating for him to hear. "Fair enough." He then said as he frowned. Sighing, he had just waited for Alice to actually answer back what it was that he had just said, he wanted to know why she was there, that's it. He didn't promise anything about it though. "Are you going to tell me, or not?" He inquired, his eyes fixed unto hers.
Alice smiled and shook the thoughts about George and Fayt meeting away from her mind. Turning back to the conversation, she sighed quickly before shrugging. "Depends whether you will laugh or not. I don't like being laughed at." She said quietly. Deciding to tell him soon because maybe he could answer her question. But he could also easily just laugh at her. But at the end of the day, it was quite a big scene for a simple thought and not wanting to overdo the whole thing she shrugged again. "Well i was just wondering if fairytales really go exist. I mean, muggle ones. They include witches, wizards, unicorns, vampires, merpeople etc... and i was wondering if fairies exist. I mean, i don't care either way, but i was just wondering." She finished, wondering how he would react. Biting her lip slightly again, she turned away, sorting out a book that fell out of her bag.
Instead of laughing at what he had had heard, Fayt had his eyes furrowed, in confusion and well, curiosity. Probably, he didn't quite get what she meant, or probably, he had thought that what he was hearing was not actually not the one that he was supposed to hear, nevertheless, he had had decided to actually comment on it. "Witches exist, wizards, merpeople and unicorns do too..so what's preventing you from believing that they don't exist? Actually, on my case, I can't say that I believe in it, or not. My sister does anyway." He started, thinking how he could actually communicate his thoughts properly. "And actually, it depends on your perspective, or on what type of fairytale it is.."
Alice smiled at Fayt's response. She didn't really take in the words, but she was at least pleased that he didn't laugh at her, or as she had been suspecting, smirk. She wanted to meet the said sister, she seemed nice and Alice was always eager to meet nice people. Looking up from her book, she nodded. "I guess so. Thanks for answering, and for not laughing." She said, her tone serious, but her eyes grateful. She smiled once more before turning away to look at the lake again, still thinking about the idea of fairytales. As she turned away, she froze with fear and her heart missed a beat. Holding her breath, the slightest of squeals slipped through her lips as she came to face a king cobra snake, hissing at her. Her instincts told her to run, but her body was frozen and she couldn't move.
Fayt had had smiled when Alice had thanked him for not laughing, honestly, he himself didn't expect that. Well, it's probably because he was just too fixed with her question that he wasn't able to fully get what was so funny about it. "I don't think that it's funny, that's why I didn't laugh." He said with a shrug, seemingly unaware of the girl's gratitude.

fayt was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Alice froze and squeal. Wondering what was the problem, he had turned to look at what it was that was scaring her. He was actually quite surprised that he saw a snake there, not just any snake but a king cobra at that. Out of instinct, he started to speak in parseltongue, "Leave, you're scaring her." He hissed, forgetting that that special ability of his was supposed to be a secret, even his adoptive parents didn't know that he was a parselmouth after all. "I said leave." He continued, his eyes fixed at the snake's direction.
Alice continued to stay frozen as a strange hissing sound came out of Fayt's mouth. She waited, unsure of what had just happened and then saw the snake almost bow in command and slither away back to the forest. Only when it couldn't be seen any more, did she turn to Fayt to confirm her fears. "What, what was that?" She asked, her voice in a whisper. She had read about the strange gift that a few rare people held, the ability to talk to snakes in their own language but she wasn't sure whether Fayt possessed it or not. Shaking her head slightly she stood up. "Im sorry. I need to go..." She said, shaking slightly still. Picking up her bag, she looked around wildly, as if attempting to find an excuse to leave. Shaking her head as she found no obvious reason, she held her bag tightly and swung it over her shoulder. Leaving the lakefront, she tried to calm her thoughts and sort them out but she couldn't.
Fayt had just realized what he had done when Alice had finally spoken to him, when she had actually asked what it was that he had done. Being taken back by her question, Fayt didn't know whether he should tell her the truth or not, he figured that he'll just scare her off. "That's. . ." Was the only thing that he had managed to say, he can't bring himself to explain to her that he was a parselmouth, for most students were afraid of those who had this ability.

He saw the glint of fear in her eyes, and he knew that his suspicions were confirmed, she was afraid of him now, more than ever, more than she did before. He had tried to stop her by grabbing her hands, he wouldn't let her leave until his mind was at peace.
Alice flinched as he grabbed her hand. Twisting it out of his grasp, she carried on walking, away from his reach. "Your a parselmouth." She whispered again, her voice feeling numb. She had only read about the power, and knew that it traditionally belonged to dark wizards, such as Voldemort. But then again, Harry Potter had the ability to speak to snakes and he wasn't dark. So she had read. Carrying on walking, she felt a strange feeling flood her, one of fear and sadness. Sadness that she had thought so badly and had now started to fear someone who only had got something he had been born with it. Shaking her head again, she calmed her breathing but kept on walking, not looking back to see if Fayt was following her or not.
Fayt had stiffened when Alice broke out of his grasp. She was trying to avoid him now, it was all written in her face, and honestly, he didn't like it, he was actually hurt by what she had done. He felt rejected. He didn't understand it though,. for after all, he had been rejected a thousand of times before. A lump had seemed to form in his throat when he heard her say that he was a parselmouth, he didn't like how she had sounded for though he would never admit, he had rather liked her cheery personality and outgoing ways. He had grown accustomed to her boisterous presence. Following her, Fayt had tried to stop her once again by grabbing her hand, this time, he was holding her tighter. "Listen to me.."
Alice felt a tingle hit her hand as his hand gripped hers. The feeling made her wary of something deep inside and she frowned down on the grip. "What?" She asked, her tone scared still as she refused to look in his eyes. She carried on looking down at their hands linked, and something inside her didn't want him to let go. She felt bad for her response, it had taken her by surprise and she felt scared of him now. Wondering what he would say, she removed her gaze from their hands and looked at the ground. "Sorry. I overreacted." She said, her tone still scared as she feared what else there was to him that she didn't know. Realising why he probably didn't tell people about his gift/curse, she smiled faintly into the floor, trying to compose her racing thoughts and stop herself from freaking out.
Though Alice had not resist him this time, Fayt could still see the hint of fear in her voice. She was really scared of him now. But he can't blame her, can he? Parselmouths are know to be dark wizards, and though he's not one, just having this ability was enough for someone to tag him as one. The first time that he had actually discovered it, he had thought of it as a gift, and until now, he still did, but there would be times when he would view it as a curse, and this is one of those rare times, he didn't like how Alice had reacted when she had discovered this little secret of his. "Are you afraid of me?" He questioned her, his grip loosening as he let go of her, he wanted an honest answer, though he knew that this might actually hurt him a lot.
Alice took a deep breath and felt his grip loosen. Taking her wrist back, she rubbed it slightly, seeing a small red mark where his tight grip had been. Looking down at it for a moment, she took another breath. "Im not sure. It just took me by surprise." She answered, her tone still quiet and slightly scared but her answer completely honest. She was completely confused about what had happened, and why her thoughts seemed so different for how she had planned for them to be. But he was still the same boy, still the same guy who could be teasing but nice. Trying to think about how he was feeling rather than her, she looked up into his eyes slowly, her heart beating quickly as she still felt fear with him. She smiled faintly, trying to be kind still and ignore the warning bells that were now singing in her head.
Fayt was relieved when he heard Alice's answer, it was an honest one, yet, he couldn't help but to sense that there was still fear in them. Closing his eyes, Fayt turned his back on her, walking to create a distance between them, he knew he'll just hurt her if he insists that she stay, it seemed to him that she would want to run away now after all. "I understand, you don't have to stay. . " He told her, his voice soft as he tired to make it void of emotion, he should have known better after all, he shouldn't have expected to be accepted by her.
Alice sighed as Fayt walked away. She felt like running, running far away and leaving him there. But that wouldn't be fair. Brave wasn't a word that many people normally associated with Alice, she would normally run away from things, fearing them. But now, a surge of courage ran through her and she walked towards him, closing the gap between them. Pausing for less that a second to realise what she was doing, she put a hand on his arm. Last time she had done this, he had pushed it away. But now, now that things seemed different, she hoped that this small gesture would be appreciated rather than shunned away. That he would realise how much effort it had taken her to get there and close that small gap. "But i will try to view you as i did before." She finished, continuing the sentence from her last speech. She smiled faintly at him and then a thought occurred to her. What if he wanted her to leave, what if he had secretly been asking that of her. What would she do then?
Fayt had thought that once he had turned his back on Alice, she would leave, she would run away from him in fear that he would do something to harm her. But all of those thoughts were proven to be wrong when all of a sudden, he felt her presence beside him, with her hand on his arm. It was a gesture of comfort, and though he hadn't been a fan of any close or physical contact, he didn't pushed her away like he did before, he was just to confuse to react. "You don't have to force yourself Alice, I understand why you had reacted like that." He said, his tone still flat as he tried not to look at her, he didn't want to see fear in her eyes, he didn't want to acknowledge the fact that she was slowly drifting away from him.
Alice lowered her hand from his shoulder and laughed quietly. It seemed slightly cold but really it was more sad than cruel. "I wouldn't force myself. I don't owe you anything. And if you are just going to think that i am doing this out of force, then i might as well go." She said, her voice quiet but harsh. She had had a choice, and she had chosen. She had decided to stay with Fayt, because she had started to view him as a friend and didn't want to fear him. There seemed to be quite a lot of things that Alice was afraid of in real life, heights, snakes, spiders. She also reacted strangely to the dark. But she wouldn't ever want a person to hold her fear, for her own sake. So she would face it, no matter what it took. "Why do you think i reacted like that?" She asked, her tone soft again. The fear was still there, it hadn't gone. And her hand was shaking slightly but she tried to steady it, not wanting to be in fear of him.
Fayt had frowned when he heard Alice laugh, honestly, there wasn't anything that is particularly funny in the situation they were in, so he couldn't quite understand the reason why she had suddenly laughed. "You can go if you want to, it's your choice." He said with a sigh, sitting down on the ground once more, trying to accept the fact that because of what it was that he had said, Alice might leave him for real. Looking at her when she had asked her question, Fayt wondered what it was that he should say, "You are afraid that I might hurt you, what I did was not something that someone would be proud of after all." He said with a bit of irritation in his voice, thinking how he had been so reckless to have let himself slip out his secret, but now that he had actually thought about it, it was alright, for at least, he had managed to get the snake away from them.
Alice sighed. Fayt just wouldn't get it. She wouldn't leave him while she was still scared of him, it wasn't in her new nature. Feeling slightly annoyed with him, she followed his lead and also sat down near him but a few metres away. "Isn't wasn't wrong. Im really scared of snakes, you sent it away right?" She asked, admitting a secret that she felt she needed to. It didn't quite match his one, but it was big for her and she hoped that he would appreciate this. Wondering what happened to her, she suddenly felt her courage go and the look of fear that had slowly been going, now returned to her eyes. Looking down, she hoped he wouldn't notice. Trying to think of an excuse to leave, she panicked silently, thinking to herself.
Fayt didn't really know what it was that he should do, honestly, seems like his enthusiasm, or more so, his energy to keep the day going was slowly slipping out of him, he'll give everything just to get back to his common room now, just be by himself, or if possible, be by his sister's side. But he knew that he can't do that, he can't find his sister, and most likely, he wouldn't find solace in his common room. Thinking about that, now he wouldn't even doubt why he was put into slytherin, it makes sense, he's a parselmouth, the ability that the slytherin's founder was known for. "I sent it away, but because of that, i let myself be discovered., how careless..." He muttered under his breath, now, there were one more people who had known this secret of his, and how he wished that Alice won't say it to anyone else.

Turning to look at her, Fayt had once again noticed a glint of fear in Alice's eyes, it makes him want to just run away from her, not because he was scared, but rather, because he didn't want to see her in pain, and it was all because of him. "You don't need to pretend to be brave and talk to me Alice, it would actually be better if you would just state the truth.." He said casually, his face blank as he averted his eyes from her.
Alice smiled weakly. "Would you like me to keep it a secret? Who else knows?" She asked, wondering whether it would be best to keep the secret said a secret. That would be best for everyone. Especially if it was what Fayt wanted. She was trying to think as he was, trying to make sure that she didn't panic and end up doing something stupid. She just needed to keep calm and keep her thoughts sensible. She smiled weakly again, putting all her effort into keeping calm and not stressing anyone by doing something irrational or stupid. She noticed he looked away from her and sighed, now knowing that the fear was obviously evident in her eyes. Alice generally had found that if anyone wanted to know the truth about her, they just needed to look into her eyes and they would tell the truth, no matter how skilled she could attempt to be at lying. Her eyes always gave her away. The chocolate brown spheres seemed to hate lies and instead told the plain and blatant truth. She sighed at what he said, wondering what she would need to do to not only keep herself calm, but not leave Fayt alone with this problem facing him. "Well..." She started, but then stopped, unsure of how to carry on with the conversation.
"Just my sister, a slytherin girl...and now, you." Fayt said, his voice now flat. He can't help it it seems, soon, everyone would know that's he's a parselmouth. He didn't how do others would react, but seeing how Alice had responded when she discovered that ability, he can already guess what would happen. Not that he cared actually, but he's worried about how the others would treat his twin then, he knew that Gabrylle would be worried for him as well. "You'll keep it a secret, won't you?" He then added, now looking at her, he wanted to hear her word, her promise that she won't tell anyone. He wanted to trust her now, after all, he can't do anything else.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, this is kind of lame, my muse is failing me at the moment. :r
Alice listened and wondered who the Slytherin girl was. She hoped it wasn't Isobel, for Fayt's sake. But if Isobel already knew, she would have let out already that she knew something, but probably wouldn't have said what. Alice knew that if Isobel found out, she would pay a sudden interest in Fayt, beginning to like him because of the 'power' that he had. She knew that with darker wizards it was seen as a gift, but with muggleborns such as Alice, it could also be seen as a curse.
Trying to keep her mind open before she came to decide judgements with it all, she sighed. Knowing that it would just be another secret to Alice, she also knew that if she couldn't share it, it would end up annoying her. Every time she saw Fayt now, she guessed that her reaction would be the same. And if it happened in front of other people, well she would have to come up with an excuse. Another lie. Another one. "Ill keep it a secret." She said, shrugging slightly as these mad thoughts went around her mind. "I promise." She added, her voice still quite quiet with fear. If someone couldn't see into her thoughts, from the outside, it would look as if she was scared of Fayt and this was the reason as to why she was consenting to keep it a secret. It had happened too many times with Isobel in the past, and now Alice knew what it would look like. She attempted a weak smile now, but it didn't work and her face didn't seem to want to move into a smile.

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