Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Fayt turned to look at Alice when she asked if he wanted her to stay. A pat of him wanted to say yes, yet the other tells him to deny that. arguing with himself, there a miunte of silence had seemed to lapse between them, he didn't know what to say after all. "If I say yes, will you?" He then said after a couple of minutes of thinking, it was the safest answer that he could think of after all.
Alice felt something change inside of her as he asked her the question. She wasn't sure of the meaning behind the words, but decided not to think of that now. Smiling, she nodded, feeling slightly choked at his change in character. She stood there though. "Was that you asking me to though?" She asked, uncertain whether he was just testing her.
"What do you think?" Fayt said, playing with his words. He cannot really get it. Why would he care if he was left alone once again, what care would he have if Alice would leave? It's not like they're friends already, or are they? Closing his eyes, Fayt decided to lie down on the grass once again. "If you want to leave so badly, you can..." He then said, his voice albeit quieter than before. He cannot express what he really thinks, and it was extremely rare for him to feel that way.
Alice laughed lightly and sat down, taking his words for a positive meaning. Smiling, she lay down on the grass, a few metres away from him. He was unpredictable, well that was the word that he had used for her, but it seemed to fit him now. Why did he want her to stay? Why didn't he want her to leave. "I don't really have much to do." She said casually, trying to remember what her previous plans were but now they escaped her.
Fayt was actually surprised when Alice didn't leave, yet deep inside, there was this light feeling. He cannot really put a finger to what it is or why he was feeling that way, but all he knows, he was relieved, and happy, if that is the word that fits it. "Really? and I thought that you are really a busy person.." Fayt said, smirking at the thought.
Alice smiled, feeling that they had started getting on better in the last few minutes. "Not really, i just act so." She said, laughing slightly in a warm way. Her voice had left its sour note behind now and had taken a warm, honey tone - her normal one. Her voice wasn't loud, but it had a sense of control in it. This she didn't understand, because it felt as if no one else cared about her enough to listen. But, her voice could turn deadly, and cold, as it did with her dad and before with Fayt. The reason that Alice was such a bad liar, was because her voice and her eyes gave her away easily. She smiled. "Why did you want me to stay then?" She asked, guessing that she wouldn't get a truthful answer but the words had left her lips and she wasn't one to backtrack upon them.
Fayt turned to look at Alice when she asked why he had wanted her to stay. Truth to be told, he himself haven't really got any clue as to why. He just wanted to. No other reasons beside that, or so he think. "I don't really have a reason you know, I don't... exactly know why..." He said, doubt evident in his voice. It was extremely rare for him to be like that, he after all, had always been determined and straight about his beliefs and answer, yet, when it comes to this girl, everything was just some sort of a mystery to him.
Alice frowned as Fayt stuttered over his words. It seemed weird for such a confident person to not know what to say and Alice felt like she had been cheated of knowing the proper boy underneath the hard and cold and arrogant skin. "Ok, now you are scaring me slightly. What happened to Mr Confident?" She asked, voicing her feelings properly this time, not wanting any more games to be played. She looked at him, wondering why she had always taken him to be mean, he wasn't really, was just different to her and this she found hard to adjust to. But still, there were things that could be done to change an opinion of someone, it would take a while, but it could be done.
Fayt sighed as he tried to compose himself, he cannot possibly let himself to act this way, can he? Acting confused and being doubtful is not really his character, something weird is really happening now, and he's determined to find out what it was. "I'm thinking now Alice, stop talking.." He said, irritation evident in his voice, he needed to sort things out, quick, or else he wouldn't be able to get even a wink of sleep, which is not good for him. "And what are you saying that I'm scaring you? I though you wanted me to be nice for once?" He added, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to steer away his thought from those things that are currently bugging him.
Alice sat back and smiled, happy to see his original self back again. She was quiet for a few minutes, giving him some time to think and trying not to be annoying. "No i like you being nice, it just took me by surprise. If you know what i mean though." She said, biting her lip and trying to offend Fayt again, for she knew that it would end badly this time. She used the silence to think for a minute, had it been something that she had said? What had caused him to change the way he had been acting? And if she knew, then she would do it again and spread the word - Fayt wasn't that bad after all. Wondering why her thoughts had led themselves down there, she smiled at him again, catching his eye this time.
Fayt frowned when he heard the girl's statement, a sigh of relief had then escaped from his lips, luckily, he was already back to the usual him, he decided not to think of those things that he cannot really find an answer to, there would be plenty of time ahead of him anyways. "Then I'll stop being nice if that's what you mean.." He said with a glare. Surely, he did know that what the girl meant was that he was not usually kind, and it really is quite a shock if he did decided to try being one, he is, after all, known to be rather rude and cold. It was actually a wonder to him as well, why he acted the way that he did earlier, he himself didn't understand that at all.
Alice's next words escaped her lips before she had time to consider their effect. "No please don't." She said quickly, the words tumbling out and a sad expression crossing her face. She didn't want this new character to leave, not before she had time to get to know him. That would just be unfair, she decided. She smiled weakly, wondering how he would react to her small outburst. All though they had only been small words, the meaning behind them had been more than clear.
Fayt cannot help but to smirk when he heard what Alice had just said, he didn't really expect t hat at all, though, confused as he is, he was actually happy. "What? what do you mean by that Alice?" He asked, curiosity overcoming his will to just remain silent. HE was really curious as to the reason why the girl had utter such a thing.
Alice smiled, knowing this was coming. "I just meant that continue being nice please, because i am fed up with your mood swings. Taking you from nice, to teasing, to mean, to nice, to teasing, to mean, to teasing, to mean, to teasing and now back to nice. So please just stay this way for a little, im not a good sailor and i will get sea sick in a minute and then have to leave." She said, her eyebrows raised with wondering what his response would be.
"Be nice? just this once then, I'm actually in no mood to be mean today..." Fayt said with a yawn, surely, the girl was right, he did change a lot, firstly, he had decided to annoy her, then when she's just about to leave, he had stopped her, for no real reason at all, even he was confused with himself. "What do you want to do?" He asked, trying to act nice and all, he was getting bored really, and what he needed to do was to do something that could probably interests him, and of course, from what he had learned from his sister, being nice means doing nice and fun things with other people.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm wondering, can Fayt ask about George on this topic? :D
Alice smiled. "Thats better." She said, leaning back against her bag again. "I really don't mind. What do you want to do?" She asked, thinking that it might not be sensible to give Fayt a long leash on this subject. "Within reason." She added, staring at him again. There was something about him that she couldn't put her finger on. Something that made her want to frown and smile at the same time. Something that she couldn't name. Sighing inwardly at the frustration of this, she smiled. "Do you want me to tell you what i wrote down then?" She asked, her face cheerful now, now that she conversation was pleasant.

(OOC: Yeh, that would be a good idea :D )
"I have no idea what to do, that's why I'm asking your opinion.." Fayt said with a huff. He really didn't have any idea of what they could do at the moment, he's not one to interact a lot with others after all, he prefers to just watch and observe, but at the moment, he knew that that wouldn't work, he need to at least do something interesting.

Raising his eyebrows as the girl suggested that she show him what she wrote, Fayt just nod. "Do tell.." Was all that he had said as he laid down on the grass once again. "I'm all ears." He added, his eyes locked to the girl's, that is then that he remembered someone who was actually annoying as well as bugging him ever since they had met, "Alice, who's George?" He said casually, as if what he had just said was just a part of a normal conversation.
Alice ignored his huff and started to speak. "Well, you will laugh, but please keep being nice. I remembered a crossword clue from ages ago. I needed to write it down so i can write it down." She said, smiling despite the randomness of this. "Things like that stay in my mind until i can work out what they were." She admitted, chewing her bottom lip as she waited for the comment that she knew was going to come. She frowned when he mentioned George, wondering how he knew about him and why he had mentioned him. "George? Well he's my friend. We're going out." She said, smirking as she waited for his reaction to this latest piece of news. Not many people knew yet, and she wondered how he would react, wondering what he would say....

(OOC: By the way, the topic in the garden will soon be taking off more. I promise - we needed permission to godmod Nick Feanor as he isn't coming online any more. )
Despite being told that he should continue being nice, Fayt cannot help but to laugh at the randomness of the situation as well as her expression when she had said all those things. "You really are weird you know, not many people would do such thing." He said, smirking as he finally stopped himself from laughing, he needed to stop, not only is it new for him to be laughing so freely but, the girl might also get offended for what he had just done. Fayt's eyebrows furrowed when he noticed how Alice had frowned when he mentioned George, he didn't quite get the reason for that. "You're what?" He said incredulously, not quite believing what she had just said, he could get the finger on it but there was something bothering him when she had said that line.
OOCOut of Character:
yes, sure. :D
Alice ignored his laughing and shrugged. "I may be weird, but everyone is different, so what classes someone as normal?" She asked, her common line coming back into the conversation. It was something that she had challenged her friends with before, and was actually eager to see if Fayt could give her a good answer. "Yes, we're going out." She repeated, wondering why his eyebrows furrowed and why he looked confused.
"How weird a person is, or how normal he is, would actually depend on the person saying it, you might be weird for me, but for some, you might be perfectly normal, that's how life is, there really is no real guide or rule to classify which person is normal or not you know, that's why I think that stereotyping people is useless.." Fayt said, words smoothly rolling out of his mouth, he was only stating what it is that he was thinking after all, but he wasn't quite sure if Alice had understood what he meant. "At your age? Aren't you too young to go out and...date already?" He commented as he raised an eyebrow, surely, he was being surprised at how many first years there was that already have a partner with them, he finds it to be rather intriguing, though at this moment, quite surprising, never did it cross his mind that Alice would go out with another student after all. "He's annoying you know."
Alice laughed at his words. "I suppose that is fair enough then." She admitted, making a note to remember it again for future use. She liked the way everything about him seemed so casual, even when what he said was really smart or funny. She laughed again, taking the words in for a second time. Frowning now when he mentioned age, she raised an eyebrow comically. "Is someone jealous that they don't have a girlfriend?" She asked, her tone mocking as she felt like smirking at him. "Well, from your opinion. He might be annoying to you, but he is very nice and friendly to me." She said, laughing as she quoted his words back to him again.
Fayt frowned when Alice mocked him for not having any girlfriend, that thing was actually far from his mind after all, he can't just quite imagine himself having one. "I"m not jealous, why would I be? I don't need one..." He said casually as he smirked back at her, surely, he wouldn't need a girlfriend now, would he? And from his attitude, he sure knows that it will be really impossible for someone to like him more than friends after all, not that he mind it. "I know, but that won't change my opinion about him." He then added with another frown, as he laid on his back to the grass, "How did you met?"[/font]
Alice laughed. Not coldly, but not in her usual laugh either. "Im sure you want a girlfriend deep down. Everyone wants someone to love them in that way. Everyone wants someone to appreciate them, everyone needs someone." She said quietly, thinking of how lucky she was to have this. She believed that someone was out there for everyone, it was just a case of finding them. She wasn't 100% sure whether George was her 'someone' or not yet, but she could only guess that time would tell. If not though, they were very good friends and she was sure that that wouldn't change. "Im sure he thinks the same about you. I will ask him." She said, laughing at how she thought George would react from how she knew him so far. "Well, we are in the same house. So i would guess that we knew each other from the sorting ceremony, but we got to know each other better once everyone had settled down." She explained, remembering the first time they had properly spoken where he had seemed really nervous around her. Then they had met by the lakefront, had kissed and then he had asked her out. She had agreed, knowing that she liked him a lot, and everything seemed better now.
"I have someone who already appreciates me for who I am, I don't think that I'll need a girlfriend just yet, it's very far from my mind right now." Fayt said truthfully, being reminded by his sister, she, along with an old friend, were the only one who truly appreciates him for who he was, and they're not his girlfriends right? But they are surely ones who are very much important to him. "No need to ask him, I'm pretty sure of what his view about me is..he's one who would always stick his nose to other people's business right, that makes him more troublesome and obnoxious." He then said with a scowl, reminded how the two of them had actually met.

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