Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Fayt didn't really understand why he had so much fun whenever he would tease or annoy Alice.It's just like that. His boring day would somehow become exciting whenever he would do something to make her irritated. Not that he was conscious of what he was doing, he himself, was actually shocked by it sometimes. He watched with a triumphant smirk as she closed her eyes and asked him what he wanted. He laughed a little at that, not really expecting to hear it from her. "What do I want?" He said incredulously, looking at her as if she had grown another head. A small genuine smile appeared on his face, but it was quickly gone before anyone could have possibly seen it. That smile was once again, replaced by a very much annoying smirk. "Let me think about it.. what do I want eh?" He said, still playing with his wand. "Just tell me why you're here... no lies.." He said finally after a few minutes of silence. He really had nothing that he needed at the moment, even the homework that he hated wear already done by him, no matter how many times he told himself that he hated doing school works, he somehow always finds himself doing it perfectly as any studious student would.
Alice smiled at him. "Fine then," She said and paused dramatically, clearing her head, she finally found her voice. "Im here to read my books and sit here, i was having a lovely time doing that until some annoying and arrogant Slytherin decided to come and lecture me about not concentrating, was slightly rude to me, and now has taken one of my possessions and refuses to give it back. So right now, what i am doing is trying to get my book back." She said finally, her lies flowing fluently into her voice now with no hint that they were lies. She wouldn't tell him, no matter what he would do. The second half of the story was correct, to the every word, and it felt good to finally tell him what was bothering her.
Fayt frowned as Alice talked, it looks to him that she won't tell him the truth, no matter what how he tries to make her open up. "Annoying and Arrogant eh? not the best description of me, it's an understatement, not ruthless and cold?" He stated, throwing the book back to her. Of course, he do know that she was still lying to him, but he figured that just taking her book won't do him any good, he won't get what he wanted from her. He's not one to give up though, he's not one to accept defeat. If that's how she would like to play it, then he's fine with it. "Take that book then.." He said with a rather bored tone, turning his gaze to the lake once again.
Alice smiled and caught the book. Surprised at her own catching skills, she put it in her bag. "Thank you." She said coldly, following his gaze into the lake. "Well, my description must say something about me then, if i am not so horrible as to go to say what i really think." She said calmly, fiddling with the straps on her bag. "So." She said, trying to think of a conversation starter, but then deciding to just be content with sitting there. If he couldn't be bothered to make conversation, then she wouldn't either.
"What you really think, I don't really mind though..." Fayt said with a shrug, it's true, no matter how horrible the descriptions about him are, he didn't mind it, he never would, he's perfectly fine with the him right now. A few minutes of silence followed. None of them since to want to start a conversation, and for Fayt, it's perfectly fine. He likes silence, it makes him think about his self and his life. After a few more minutes, he decided to lie down, hands behind his head and eyes fixed at the sky. "It's rather interesting though, that book I mean..." He muttered, not even bothering to look at Alice.
Alice smiled as he lay back on the floor. She stayed sitting, even though the position looked quite comfortable, she didn't want to look like she was copying him. "Yeh, its great. Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare." She said, laughing slightly at the thought of him reading a romantic tragedy. Sitting there, she managed to change the length of her bag straps a few times, before wondering what he was doing. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I mean, i know that you are looking for this 'giant squid' but i mean here now. You haven't seen it and probably know that it is just a legend, so what are you doing?" She asked, finally managing to stop herself talking. Those words had come from her heart, she hadn't thought about them before they spilled out, and she wondered what sort of reaction she would get.
Fayt raised an eyebrow as Alice laughed,"Are you laughing because you're thinking that it's very much not like me to be interested in that kind of book? It's not the genre that I like, it's the way of writing.." He said nonchalantly, closing his eyes as he felt the wind blowing on his face, his golden locks dancing along with it. He then opened one of his eyes as Alice continued to talk, asking what he was doing there. "You won't shut your mouth, would you?" He asked with a yawn, going into a sitting position once again, he then messed with his own hair, turning his attention to the girl.

"Are you implying that I should leave?" Fayt said, stretching a little to get rid of sleepiness. "I'm here because I want to, is there any rules that would tell that I'm not allowed here?" He added randomly, his lips curly up into an irritating smirk once again, wondering how the girl would react at him.
Alice smirked now, finding it appropriate. "No, i just can't quite imagine you reading it." She said, laughing at the idea again. "No, i won't shut my mouth. And i thought that that was really rude." She said plainly, wondering why he couldn't be nice for even a few minutes. "Fair enough, i can't stop you, i just wondered." She said, wishing that she had the power to wipe him from existence for the time being. He was really starting to get on her nerves now, what with all his smirking and laughing at her. Sighing, she turned to face the other way, a slight wind blowing that made her long, brown curls flow behind her like a wave.
"The solution's simple for that, quit imagining..." Fayt said nonchalantly, watching Alice laugh at him. Usually, he would get irritated by such gesture, but at the moment, that didn't matter at all, it would take more than that to get him blow up. "Now I'm being rude eh? I'm just being frank... " He said, shrugging as she told him that what he had said was a bit rude. It didn't matter to him though, Fayt is a person who would speak whatever is on his mind. He won't say something just to please someone, unless it was his sister of course. "Sure, what ever..." He said, staring blankly in front of him, wondering where his sister was at the moment, she's a gryffindor though, so, he was sure that Alice didn't know her and haven't met her yet. As Alice turned the other way, and as her hair danced along with the wind, because it was too long, it had somehow irritated him. "Won't you get a haircut?" He stated randomly, eyes still fixed at the lake, not bothering to turn his attention back to her at all.
Alice laughed cooly. "Me? A haircut? No way. Especially not now since you have asked." She said, laughing at the idea of her having hair like his. She had always been proud of her long hair, and found it easy to style. She knew that a lot of other people liked it as well and she enjoyed doing different styles with it. "But, if you are going to go on about it, then i will tie it up." She said, swiftly running her fingers through it before scooping it up into a fashionable bun, with a few strands still loose, framing her delicate face. She normally tied her hair up for lessons, as she found it sometimes got in the way, but she didn't normally do it in her free time. However, if the wind got any stronger, if would get knotty and she found it hard to get a brush through it when it was windswept.
Fayt didn't bother to look at Alice as she said that she wouldn't get any haircut, not like he care. "Do what you want, it's annoying though...", He said, finally deciding to turn his attention back to her. The long hair did look good on her, but that is what irritated him more.

Fayt smirked in satisfaction as the girl tied her hair up, at least, it wouldn't dance with the wind as it did earlier, and well, it wouldn't bother him. "That would be better.." He said with a flat tone. "Do you happen to know where most of those red-clad... I mean, those gryffindors stay?" He then asked after debating with himself whether Alice was the appropriate person to ask that question to.
Alice smiled at his approval. "How kind of you to let me have it this way then." She said sarcastically, laughing now at the whole situation. "Do you mean where their dormitory is and common room?" She asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly. She had heard about roughly where it was, but didn't plan to tell Fayt this, wanting to know his intentions before giving him a straight and helpful answer.
"I just thought that it would be a waste of energy if I would insist that you do get a haircut...you would do it eventually..." Fayt said with another shrug, indifferent with her sarcastic tone. "whatever, laugh all you want.. I'm being nice now.. this would be the first and the last time though.." He added with a bored tone, watching with a raised eyebrow as she laughed. "I did say that, didn't I?" Fayt asked with a sarcastic tone, equal to the one that she had used on him earlier. "Now, if you do know, tell me where it is.."
Alice laughed again. It was uncontrollable, what with him sitting there and acting all 'cool and big'. Laughing as these thoughts went through her mind, she raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Yes, i do know. But that tone won't get it out of me." She said calmly, leaning back against her bag and opening her book again. Smiling at the romance in it, she wondered how she looked from the outside, smiling at a book.
Fayt frowned at the girl's reply. He wouldn't beg for her to answer him, that would be the last thing that he would ever do so long as he's alive. "Fine then, do what you want, I'll look for it myself.." He said apathetically, Danielle, an old friend, was a gryffindor too, and she was already a friend of his twin. He figures that it would be better to ask her instead of Alice if she would keep on insisting not to answer him at all. Looking at Alice as she smiled at the book, Fayt cannot help but chuckle, but he did stopped himself from doing so. "You look funny... the book won't smile back at you you know.." He said with mockery, if she won't tell him the information that he needed then fine, he'll just annoy her then.
Alice sighed. "Fine then. At least you won't bother me then." She said, laughing at his change of heart. "No, i know that." She said irritably, "Its just so romantic you see." She said, looking back at the book and rolling her eyes.

(OOC: Sorry, this has to be the lamest post in the history of HNZ... :p )
"Romantic? You like those things? For real?" Fayt said incredulously, can't quite picture out how a unpredictable and weird girl like Alice would be so romantic. It was real funny for him. "Never mind, the one that's interesting with that book was the way of writing though..." He commented randomly, smirking as she rolled her eyes.
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine, this one's lame too.. :D
Alice stopped laughing now, she felt almost insulted. "Yes, i love this romance. I mean, look at it." She said, pointing her finger to the part just before Romeo kisses Juliet for the first time. "Just read it, the language is beautiful!" She said, wondering how he couldn't get it. "I think that it is the most romantic thing to say to someone before they kiss. I mean, only if both people know the words and it is improvised." She added, talking to herself more than Fayt. She had this image of how it would happen, the only problem was that she didn't have the right guy yet. Looking at his face, she felt insulted, guessing that he was thinking of her trying to be romantic. "Yes, i can be romantic. To NICE people, whom i sincerely like." She said, feeling a jolt of pain as she said the words, thinking about her last relationship. A sad look crossed her face but was quickly replaced by a smile. "I don't expect you to understand. Why, i would be surprised if you even had a heart at all." She said, turning back to her book, hoping that he hadn't seen her sadness.
Fayt looked at the passage that Alice had just pointed at and had a quick read of it, if he was just a normal boy, he would really see what she meant, but he's not, he couldn't quite get what's romantic about kissing someone. "If you think that way.. then so be it.." He said with a flat tone, looking at her. She looks like she was lost in her own world of imagining these things happening to her, and that quite irks him. "You sincerely like? I'm happy that i'm not one of them then.." Fayt said, voice void with emotion, he can't quite get what had gotten into him. Not that he cares if she did dislike him, did he? "How would I be alive if I don't have a heart? I have a pulse see?" He said with a smirk, seeing the flash of sadness cross her face, but he didn't have the guts to comfort or ask her about it. He had no right after all, he wasn't even sure how the girl views him, "Probably an annoyance.." He muttered inaudibly, messing with his own hair once again.
Alice raised her eyebrows. "No, not the kissing part, the speech before it. Oh forget it." She said, folding the page corner over and closing the book. "Really? You do have a heart? Well, i thought you were some sort of horrible new creation that can live with out emotions and a heart." She said, improvising as she went along. Sighing, she replaced the book back in her bag and looked at him. She lay back quietly on the grass, looking at the sky and humming to herself.
Fayt was really irritated, scratch that, he was insulted, and believe it or not, he was hurt. Not because of the words that she had just uttered, but because she was the one who had said it. "A horrible creation huh... is that how you really view me? If that is, then suit yourself.." Fayt said with a cold tone, his eyes quickly as cold as it. He did have emotions, though he wasn't that good at expressing them, the only one who had said that he was actually nice was his twin and his friend Danielle, they're the only one who had seemed to see the good in him. He cannot blame Alice though, it was his fault if he really come off as someone who's ruthless and cold.
Alice felt a jolt go through her as he seemed insulted. She had thought that it wouldn't affect him and he would laugh at her, but it seemed that she really had hit a nerve. "No, i didn't mean it like that. I just meant that it would be a horrible creation if something didn't have a heart of emotions. I know that you do. There are sometimes sparks of it." She said, stopping so she didn't dig the hole any deeper. "Sorry." She said quietly, wondering if he would hate her any more. "I should understand that we are all different and that you probably have a reason." She said, thinking of Isobel and how only she knew Isobel's issue. This was probably why Isobel hated her so much. She rested her hand gently on his, an automatic reaction to hurting someone. Realising what she had done, she pulled it away slowly.
Fayt listened as Alice tried to explain herself, not that he needed it though. He understood her, if she did see him that way, what with how he had treated every time that they see each other, he really was not nice to her, actually, he's specially arrogant and harsh. He didn't say anything, no words can be said after all. He would have walk off by now if it was another person that was with him, but it's not. Fayt was a bit taken back when the girl apologized, not that he didn't expected it, but her tone suggests that she really was sorry. "Don't apologize.." He muttered flatly. He didn't want to hear any apology from her, what she had stated was the truth anyway, well, some part of it. " A reason... I wonder what it was for me...." He continued on, he was about to say something else when he abruptly stopped after feeling Alice's hand on top of his, "Don't touch me..." He muttered quietly, not really meaning to sound rude or anything. He's not just used with it, with another person comforting him or touching him unnecessarily. Taking a deep breath, Fayt smirked, already deciding to forget what had happened. "Being like that didn't suit you at all... I can't picture you being quiet and sorry..." He said, his voice back to its normal tone.
Alice raised her eyebrows as he pushed her apology away. She felt rejected, almost as if it wasn't good enough for him. Her comforting gesture seemed lost in his retort and she leaned back, closing her eyes so not to come out with something more arrogant that would upset him even more. She would have to guard her tongue now so she didn't say anything mean. With her eyes still closes, she turned her head to the sky, breathing in slowly. It would have been a pretty picture if it wasn't for the tension between them. "So, if you don't see me as quiet and sorry, what do you see me as?" She asked, unsure what his opinion of her was. He knew the basics of her opinion on him, but she had no clue about what sort of person he thought she was. She was truly intrigued by this latest comment, because many people that she knew described her as sweet and gentle, not telling her that she wasn't. She realised that she was truly herself around him, not masked by worries of what others thought of her, but herself, plain as she was.
An awkward silence followed as Alice asked Fayt how he sees her. He cannot really think of a retort for that, yes, he did say that he cannot quite picture her out as someone who is quiet, but even so, he really cannot express what he thinks of her. He actually had a vague impression of her. "How do I see you?" He repeated, looking at her with seriousness. "You are weird, unpredictable, feisty... impulsive..." He said, counting everything that he had said. That's pretty much how he sees her after all, one moment she's kind, another, she'll be real annoying and irritating. He cannot quite get her actually, her eyes are not that honest as well, not like his sister whose emotion was very easy to read.

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