Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Alice was slightly disappointed with the description given, she had wanted a few more nice things. But, it was Fayt that she had asked, so she had brought it upon herself and therefore had to live with the answer. She had opened her eyes and was now looking at him, trying to work out if it was the way that he really did see her. Figuring that it was, she went back to lying down, staring into the sky. There were no words to put how she was feeling, a mixture of disappointment and annoyance, but also happiness and she was content. Lying there, staring into the sky, she closed her eyes again and lay there, enjoying the peace. "Ok. Thanks." She said, showing no emotion in her voice. She didn't want to give away any part of how she was feeling, and treasured them deep within her, knowing that one day they would come back to haunt her with the words that he had just uttered. Realising how dramatic she was being, she suddenly sat up, remembering something.
"You don't sound like you mean it..." Fayt said, with a shrug, casting a small glance at her as she laid down. He decided to just sit there, looking out at the lake in case there would be any movement. He had also reminded himself to look for Danielle or Gabrylle once he had the time, at least, once he see one of them, he'll sure to know where the other is. He didn't know what Alice think about what he had just said, whether she agrees with it or not, whether she was annoyed or pleased, nevertheless, he had just stated what he think, no harm done, is there?

Fayt's train of thought was stopped when Alice sat up abruptly, wondering what had happened, Fayt looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He inquired, his voice a bit surprised yet annoyed at the same time, he was almost getting to the answers of his question, yet, he's thinking process was interrupted by her sudden movement, surely there would be a good reason for that.
Alice ignored Fayt's question and rummaged in her bag. Sighing that she couldn't find the desired item, she got out a pen and paper, her muggle stuff that she found easier to write with, and scribbled 3 small words on the paper. "Nothing." She said absentmindedly, before scribbling another one and putting the paper in her bag. She lay down again relaxed now. She could tell from his voice that he was slightly irritated so just smiled at him, something that she knew would probably annoy him. "Anyway, i do mean it. I am grateful that you told me the truth - i hope. Now i know what people actually think of me, rather than what they just say. Im glad that i can count on you to be plain with me." She said, changing the word truthful to plain, hoping that he wouldn't notice. She didn't see him as a very truthful person, but she didn't know why. In all their meetings, from what she could tell, the only person to have lied or twisted the truth was her. Wondering why this perception of him was as it was, she smiled again looking at the sky.
Fayt frowned as Alice ignored his question and proceeded to do what she wanted to do. He really can't quite get what she was doing. Watching as she scribbled something on a paper, Fayt had the urge to snatch it once again but decided to do the otherwise, she's sure to be angry again once he did so, and well, he'll sure to be asked to leave again, not that he like her company, it's just that, he had no better place to go, he'll be bored once he went back to his common room. "Nothing you say... you're lying again..." He said with a scoff, unconsciously letting himself plod down to the ground next to her, eyes fixed at the sky as well. "Plain eh? I only say what's on my mind though, no need to be grateful or anything, I didn't say that to please you..." He said with an arrogant tone, not bothering to look at her face. He was a bit fascinated by the clear sky now, as well as the cloud formations in it. He would usually watch clouds with his sister years ago, when they are still too innocent of everything that happens around them, but nowadays, they rarely do that. He smiled, seeing a familiar shape there, some sort of a mickey shape cloud, his sister really love that one, constantly pointing at it whenever she sees one.
Alice raised her eyebrows. "Maybe i lie for good reason. Maybe if i tell you, you will laugh at me, so i am protecting myself from getting hurt." She said, telling the truth this time, in its best form. "Or, maybe i just don't think i should tell you. Too many maybes. What do you want to hear?" She said, lightening up from their sour mood. She followed his gaze into the sky, she watched the clouds for a little bit, smiling as they moved. Reaching into her bag again, she produced some sunglasses. Putting the glasses on, large black ones that fitted nicely on her face. The sun came out and shone down brightly on them, making Alice feel pleased that she had put them on in good time. Smiling across at him, she placed them on the top of her head, sitting up as she did so.
"Whatever, a lie is still a lie no matter what's the reason for you to do that..." Fayt said nonchalantly, taking out his wand once again and twirling it once again, something to entertain him perhaps, he had nothing to do after all, and well, he didn't want to leave yet. "What do I want to hear? The truth.. that's all I want, but if you don't want to tell me, fine.. I'll discover it anyway..." he added, being a little too focused at observing the clouds. His mood was lightening up a little as he did so, it had been ages since he had done that after all. Just as he was about to say something, the sun suddenly shone brightly unto them, and as it was so sudden, Fayt didn't have time to shield his eyes from it. Rubbing his eyes a little, Fayt scowled as he saw that the timing of Alice in putting her sunglasses was in sync with what had just occurred. "Luck's against me today.." He muttered with slight irritation as he sat up in a cross-legged position, eyesight still a little blurry as it hadn't adjusted that well yet to the sudden exposure to sunlight.
Alice laughed lightly. "I suppose your luck is out because you are with me. Everyone knows that i am the most unlucky person here. And you probably think that because you have ended up spending a lovely afternoon talking to me, whom it seems that you dislike strongly." She said jokingly. It was true though, her luck was short. She didn't really believe in that sort of thing, but it had to be admitted, something bad always happened around Alice. She even managed to break her pinky finger once pulling on some socks. How stupid could you be??? She also ended up breaking someone elses toe in a pe lesson, but it was best not to even discuss PE with Alice, unless you wanted her in a bad mood. Looking up at Fayt, she observed how the sun glinted off his golden hair, making the natural highlights stand out further. Shaking her head slightly, she wondered what had come over her to think of him like that slightly. "Ok, if you promise you won't laugh at me or make a comment, i will tell you what i was doing." She said, wondering if he would agree to the terms, and if he would, whether he would keep them or not.
Fayt smirked at Alice's statement, "Eh? So you finally realized it huh? That's probably true....this is my unluckiest day since I ever stepped foot here...well, except for the sorting, that one's worse.." Fayt said in an annoyingly confident voice. It was true though, the day when he was separated from his twin was probably the worst day of his whole life, ever since that day they haven't seen each other, except for the classes of course. And besides, Fayt does think that he was really unlucky for the day, at the morning, he was awoken by the loud voices of his roommates, talking about stupid things that he deemed to be trivial, then, one of his quills had gone missing, and now, here he was, sitting in front of the lake doing nothing but to talk to this girl who had seemed to be finding him real annoying, and he does feel the same, he does think that the girl was annoying, not the kind which he would hate to talk to, but rather, an annoying girl that he just found amusing to annoy.Looking at Alice as she shook her head, Fayt cannot help but grin, really, the girl was unpredictable, doing things that cannot be really understood that easily. "I can't promise that I won't make any comment, i'd say anything that I want, specially if I really had to.." Fayt said, promising things that he cannot fulfill is not a thing that he would ever do, yes, he was really obnoxious and such, he is emotionless at times, but he does know how to keep a promise.
Alice shrugged. "Well, i know you will laugh at me because it is the sort of thing that people like you would do. So, im happy to keep it as my secret." She said, turning her back on him slightly. She knew it was immature, but at the end of the day, she was only 12 and it mattered to her if people laughed at her. Most people didn't, but there was something about Fayt that made her cautious. She told herself that she didn't care on his opinion, but it mattered to her deep down inside. Not because it was Fayt, but because it was a negative opinion of her. She tended not to hang around with people like that, for they lowered her self-esteem with everything they said, making themselves feel better. She had made good friends at HNZ and it felt as if it was only Fayt who went out of his way to annoy her. That is if you don't count Isobel, whom Alice found she forgot about, the more she was around other annoying people. Wondering how Isobel and Fayt would get on for a day, she found herself staring at the sky, lost in her thoughts.
Fayt frowned as the Alice turned her back on him. Really, first she had offered that she would tell him the reason why she was there in front of the lake if he would just promise not to laugh, then now, she was taking what she had said back? Of course she do have a reason to do that, he didn't promise anything after all. But still, it was annoying, really annoying. "Is it really that important for you to keep it as a secret? Or probably it was just so ridiculous and funny that you are ashamed to say it.." Fayt said with that annoyingly arrogant smirk of his. He knew that he was getting on the girl's nerves, but if he wanted something, he'll get it no matter what, and at the moment, what he wanted was to know the girl's secret. He could just annoy her too much that she'll give up anyway, or, he could do other things.

Alice smirked behind Fayt's back. If he thought that he would get the secret out of her by laughing at her, then he had to be mental. "You know, you aren't going to find out anything by being arrogant." She said softly, thinking that it was nice for a change for someone to be asking her for information on a secret, instead of someone spilling their problems out to Alice without her asking for it and then telling her not to tell anyone. That really annoyed her, especially when she didn't ask in the first place to hear everyone's problems. Some people just assumed that she wanted to hear these things, not just ignore them. She wasn't really interested in rumours or gossip, thinking them childish and immature.
"You don't know what are the things that I am capable of doing.." Fayt said with a smirk, a glint of arrogance visible in his gray cat-like eyes. It's true though, when Fayt wants something, he could go to great lengths to achieve it, it is with this stubborn attitude that he chooses to do things. It is his way, or the high way, he always says. "And so what if I'm arrogant? You can't do anything about it, can you?" He added with a another smirk, it was going to be a trademark of his, he knows that, he just can't help it though, he really had that smug face, one that can easily get him into trouble, not that he mind it though.
Alice sighed. "Oh, and what is this that you are capable of then?" She asked, wondering what he would do to find out a secret. "You are right, i can't do anything about it. And i won't even bother. Its your problem and it will affect you later in life, i was only trying to help you." She said, wondering if some people would ever learn. She knew people who were arrogant and now had no friends. It wasn't a path that she would choose, and she would try and help her friends from becoming like that. But, she didn't know if Fayt was a friend yet and he didn't want her help, for he obviously assumed that he would be fine.
"What am I capable of doing? You don't have to know, do you?" Fayt said with a mischievous tone, he had ways to get information, ways that the others wouldn't know that he was capable of doing, and besides, he can always force a person to tell him what he wanted, but not the girl who was currently sitting with him, he can't use violence with her, can he? "That's my concern then, I wouldn't think about what would happen, I only live in the present, not the past, and much more, the future, I wouldn't worry about what would happen if I were you.." He continued on still with that smug face of his. "I'm already getting on your nerves ne?" He added randomly with that annoying smirk of his.
OOCOut of Character:
oh, by the way, I just want you to know, Fayt had been accepted as a parselmouth, after such a long wait too! :D :D
Alice laughed. "Ok, unlike you, i will take advice given to me and i won't worry about it. I was just wondering if it was an empty threat or not. I suppose i have made up my mind about that then." She said, with a deciding tone, her voice confident with raised eyebrows. "No, i don't let people like you get on my nerves, i just let it wash over me. Those sort of people are time wasters." She lied fluently, opening her bag again. This time however, she brought out a sketch pad and pencils, and started to draw the lake. Occasionally she would look up at Fayt and then back to her drawing, not letting him see it until she was finished.
Fayt frowned at the girl's statement."So you're thinking that it is just an empty treat then?" Fayt said with a flat tone, his eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the confident tone of the girl's voice. "So I'm a time waster? Figures..." He added as Alice commented on how people who seemed to like to get into another person's nerves being a time waster, he didn't like the sound of that. Sure, he's not that sociable, but he's not a time waster is he? With a huff, Fayt decided to just ignore the girl's statement and watched as she took out a sketch pad. He was wondering what the girl was doing and he had this urge to just take a look. Nevertheless, he decided not to do so, instead, he just settled to asking annoying questions. "I didn't know that you can draw, what's that?"
Alice laughed slightly. "Yep." She said bluntly. She ripped out her sketch pad piece of paper and handed it to Fayt. It was a very rough drawing of the lake that she had done a day or two ago and had decided to add some more shading to. The picture was one of Alice's favourites and she enjoyed drawing landscapes rather than portraits. She was happy to let Fayt see the drawing, because she was proud of her work and enjoyed it. If he made any rude comments, she knew that they wouldn't upset her because it was an area of her life that she was confident in.
"It's quite...good..." Fayt said unconsciously, the words being foreign for him. It was the first time that he had complimented someone's work, and knowing him, it was a really hard job to please him. Snapping out of his thoughts, Fayt tried to remain to his usual self. "It's pretty good for an amateur.." He added, his voice back to being arrogant, and his face displaying that smirk of his.

Alice laughed softly. It seemed almost hard for Fayt to compliment her work. She found this funny, how a human being couldn't except that they weren't always the best. Her dad had drilled that into her long ago, and had left it to her mother to pick up the pieces and tell her that it didn't matter that she wasn't good at everything, if was what she was good at that counted. She wasn't really sure that either opinions were correct, but she had gracefully accepted both of them and made an effort to please both her parents - a big mistake. Her mother wanted her to enjoy her life and live it to the full, whereas her father just wanted good grades and a good job. She knew that her mother wanted the best for her, well both her parents did. But, if they knew their eldest daughter better, they would realise that they were both far off the mark. Alice was mature in that sense, she understood the world for what it was and didn't see it as a fairytale. She snapped out of her thoughts in time to hear Fayt's next rude comment. "Well, i would like to see you do better." She said, raising her eyebrows at the challenge. She had believed that his comments wouldn't effect her, but they seemed to have done the opposite. She felt as if he had found a way around her barriers and had now managed to hit her in a weak spot, criticism. She sighed and turned away from him, feeling hurt. Putting the pad back into the bag, she closed it with only half the energy that she would normally use. The day didn't seem so sunny and bright anymore, and it felt as if everything that Fayt had ever said to her came washing at her like a big wave. One that wouldn't stop. So she was probably over reacting, but to be fair, he hadn't really said many nice things to her. To think harder, he hadn't said any nice things to her in the short space of time that they had known each other.
Fayt knew that he had offended Alice by just looking at her eyes, yet, he was not really that good in apologizing. He's not one who would immediately provide comfort and sympathy to others, that's the type of person he is. Yet, deep down inside, he felt that he at least needed to say something, anything at all, yet, words had betrayed him. Seeing that Alice had returned her pad back into her bag, Fayt cannot help but frown, truth to be told, he wanted to see more of the girl's drawings. "Why did you stop?" He inquired, voice tinted with a hint of curiosity and irritation. H had always thought that the girl wouldn't have been affected by anything that he had said, yet, it had been the exact opposite. "I'm disappointed..." He muttered unconsciously, saying his thoughts out loud. It was true though, Fayt was a bit disappointed with the fact that Alice had been affected by the things that he had said.
Alice sighed and looked away, tears starting to come. It was ridiculous really, that she was insulted by him, but it was the truth. He should know if he upset someone, she would at least give him that if nothing else. She turned back to him and smiled faintly. "I stopped because obviously it isn't good enough for you." She said, all tone of argument leaving her voice, until it was just a quiet whisper. "And i don't care if you are disappointed." She said, a single tear falling now. It wasn't actually him that had made her cry, it was the words he had said. Her father had said them too many times to her and now the hurt, stung and made her feel bad whenever they were uttered, by anyone.
Fayt was a bit taken back when he saw tears starting to fall from Alice's eyes. He was frozen in his place. He actually didn't mean to make her cry or anything, he just wanted to annoy her that's all. Feeling a pang of guilt, Fayt wasn't able to speak at the moment, seeing that he really had nothing to say. Of course, he do need to apologize, yet the word seemed to be very foreign for him. Casting his glance down, so his hair was covering his face, Fayt decided to do something that he'll be doing for the first time. "Sorry..." He muttered, not really sure whether he was heard. Truth to be told, it would be better if she didn't hear him at all.
Alice only just heard the end of the apology. "S'ok." She muttered wiping the tear away. She breathed in deeply and turned back, smiling faintly even though the effort seemed a lot to her. She sat there, fiddling with her bag and then stood up. "I had better be going now." She said, her voice quiet and unsure. To be truthful, she was actually enjoying her time with Fayt in a strange way, the intellectual conversations that they had. But, she was fed up with being teased and felt like she needed to get away. She swung her bag onto her shoulder but stayed there, hovering hesitantly.
Fayt looked at Alice as she said that she should better leave already. Strangely enough, he didn't really her to leave, but is she did want to, then he couldn't really stop her, could he? And besides, he himself couldn't even understand why he wanted to have her company. It's weird, and really really stranger. "You'll leave now?" He muttered inaudibly, eyes fixed in front of him, being back t his usual impassive self. If Alice would be leaving soon, then he'll surely get bored once again.
Alice wasn't sure what it was, but something about the way he spoke made her think that he didn't want her to leave. She put it down to the fact that once she was gone he would have noone to tease, but something told her that it was more than that. Pushing the thoughts away, she smiled at him and shrugged. "Would you like me to stay?" She asked, her voice teasing now. She would like him to answer positively, but she guessed that she would be disappointed. Still, people could be surprising. She told herself as she waited for his answer.

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