Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Fayt knew that he was requesting Alice to do something that might be difficult for her to do. The girl was someone that is quite easy to read after all, and so, he knew that asking her to keep his being a parselmouth a secret is definitely something that she'll find to be hard to do. Yet, here she is now, promising that she won't tell a soul about it. Deep inside, he was grateful, but there's still something that's bothering him, Alice was afraid, it's as if she's doing that, agreeing to him, because she was afraid of what he can do, and it hurts, to be think of that way. Though he had always thought that he was invulnerable to those emotional surges, now he had proved the otherwise, he's still a child, someone who hates to be rejected and betrayed then. "Forget it Alice, I'm not going to force you... you'll just hurt yourself.." He muttered, lying on the grass now. "What's wrong with being a parselmouth anyway?" He then added randomly, for at times, he had really like that ability of his, yet, nowadays, it was beginning to dawn on him that being a parselmouth is not really a gift.
Alice sighed quietly to herself. She frowned at his statement. He thought her to be weak and easily hurt. She wanted to show him how different she really was, but that moment wasn't the right one. So far, from all her actions in front of him, she knew why he had come to this verdict of her. She would have too. Looking at the sky, she noticed it was starting to draw the afternoon to a close. Unsure of whether to stay or not, she panicked, feeling ill about it all. Here she was, no one else was in sight around. There were many snakes in the grass obviously and she was alone with a boy who liked to tease her. Having only just discovered about his gift/curse she felt like she wasn't prepared for answers or anything to give. Standing up now, she felt it was time to leave and her panic was beginning to rise with every passing sentence. As she picked up her bag behind her, she kicked her brain into action, trying to think of how to explain it to Fayt. "Um, well until a few weeks ago, i didn't know magic existed. I know you probably don't understand, but well. This sort of thing doesn't happen to me. I don't know people like you, people with the same powers as that. Im just an average girl from Oxford. Until a few weeks ago, i had nothing special about me." She said, her voice fading slightly as she remembered the general things that her dad had drilled into her a few hundred times. You are no one until you do something special. An average person leads an average life. She remembered. But now, now she had met a boy with powers and gifts that she hadn't even dreamed to exist. It was all just too much for her now. She was confused and felt small again, as if her magic meant nothing to the people around her. Shaking her head a few times, she turned on her heel and started to walk away, not bothering to listen if a response was made.
Fayt knew what was coming when he heard those words that came out from Alice, surely, she still fears him. Who wouldn't? After all, it's not everyday that once would get to see someone who had the same ability as him. Even at this school full of wizards, he was yet to meet someone who possessed the same gift as him, honestly, it's really frustrating. The sky was beginning to darken, signifying that the day was soon to end, and by that, Fayt knew that Alice's fear for him must had intensifies, after all, they were out of school, surely, serpents and snakes were all around them, lurking, and he knew what it was that Alice was thinking, she was thinking that he would use his ability against her. But he wouldn't, no, he wouldn't do that at all. Fayt wouldn't bother to use this gift/curse of his for such a simple and trivial thing, of course, he did like teasing Alice, she was like his personal entertainment, but he wouldn't dare to hurt her, he wouldn't, would he? Why can't she get that? He didn't bother to stand up when she started to leave, she had made her choice, it was to avoid him, and he had no real choice but to actually respect that. He was in confusion, there was a turmoil of emotions in him, he can't think straight. "Great... you had left as well..." He muttered, his voice void of any emotion in them, it was like that after all, it was only his sister that was able to understand him.
Alice had decided to still listen for a moment in case another comment was made. She sighed at the one that was made, deciding that it would have been better to remain ignorant. She didn't want to leave him but now he was making her feel bad. He was making her feel that it was her fault that she hadn't come across someone like him before. It probably was her fault. It felt that everyone else in the world would blame her, so why wasn't it her fault then? With this thought in mind, she carried on walking, slowing her pace when she finally decided that she was far away enough not to hear any more comments made or any actions said. Fayt had to understand, he had to. But he wouldn't and Alice wasn't a fool to try and believe that he would. Sighing again at this fate, she entered the castle, and went her own way.
Everything had turned out the way Fayt didn't like it to turn out. Alice walked away from him, he can't call for her anymore. No, that's something that he wouldn't do, for even though he didn't like her to go away, which he didn't understand why, he still has this pride of his, he won't say that he needed help, or that he needed someone to talk to. Surely, that pride of his would get him into trouble one day. But at the moment, he was all alone again, no one to bother him, no one to talk to. Usually, he would enjoy this silence, this chance to be by his own, yet, at the moment, this silence was frustrating him, and he didn't like it at all. Closing his eyes, Fayt tried to think back to everything that had happened, things weren't supposed to turn out this way, it wasn't supposed to be. With an irritated groan, he had decided to block out everything around him, this calls for a time for him to talk to his sister, but no, she's not around too, and even the snakes that he would usually talk to when he's alone, he didn't like to talk to them, he was being really annoyed right now, that everything seems to be wrong for him.

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