- Messages
- 670
- OOC First Name
- Daphne
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Straight (Dominik)
- Wand
- Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
- Age
- 2/2027 (35)
((See this post for more information on this!))
Last year, a young Gryffindor had organized an unsanctioned first year Quidditch Practice that hadn't gone very well. Thankfully, the consequences hadn't been too bad. Grace had thought the idea was pretty good, though, and so had the Slytherin prefect who had assisted her during the situation. So together they had organized a more official practice, not just for first years, but for anyone who was not already on a Quidditch team. Grace knew that a lot of students were hoping to make it onto various teams at tryouts, and had put up flyers around the school to advertise this event.
She smiled at Sapphire after the two had finished setting up. They had put up a few targets for the would-be beaters, which they could hit enchanted floating tennis balls at with beater bats. It seemed a safer than using actual bludgers. Grace had a snitch prepared, as well as the quaffle. She hoped she could assist whoever needed help. Sapphire would guide the beaters and seekers, and Grace the chasers and keepers. Though she planned to stay alert for anyone else who needed help. There were plenty of brooms and other supplies laid out, for anyone to grab whatever they needed. "Welcome," Grace started as she thought most of the students had arrived. "This is a very open practice, you are free to try different things. I'll be trying to guide the chasers and keepers as much as possible, and Sapphire will be taking the beaters and seekers under her wing. But feel free to switch to a different position if you want to try it out. Keepers, if there are more than two trying to play keeper, please take turns." She started, putting on her teacher voice. "Grab a broom, a bat if you need it, and anything else you might need. Let's get as much practice in as possible." She said, then she turned to Sapphire to give her a turn to talk.
OOC: Please wait with posting until after Sapphire posts, then we go straight into the practice!
Last year, a young Gryffindor had organized an unsanctioned first year Quidditch Practice that hadn't gone very well. Thankfully, the consequences hadn't been too bad. Grace had thought the idea was pretty good, though, and so had the Slytherin prefect who had assisted her during the situation. So together they had organized a more official practice, not just for first years, but for anyone who was not already on a Quidditch team. Grace knew that a lot of students were hoping to make it onto various teams at tryouts, and had put up flyers around the school to advertise this event.
She smiled at Sapphire after the two had finished setting up. They had put up a few targets for the would-be beaters, which they could hit enchanted floating tennis balls at with beater bats. It seemed a safer than using actual bludgers. Grace had a snitch prepared, as well as the quaffle. She hoped she could assist whoever needed help. Sapphire would guide the beaters and seekers, and Grace the chasers and keepers. Though she planned to stay alert for anyone else who needed help. There were plenty of brooms and other supplies laid out, for anyone to grab whatever they needed. "Welcome," Grace started as she thought most of the students had arrived. "This is a very open practice, you are free to try different things. I'll be trying to guide the chasers and keepers as much as possible, and Sapphire will be taking the beaters and seekers under her wing. But feel free to switch to a different position if you want to try it out. Keepers, if there are more than two trying to play keeper, please take turns." She started, putting on her teacher voice. "Grab a broom, a bat if you need it, and anything else you might need. Let's get as much practice in as possible." She said, then she turned to Sapphire to give her a turn to talk.
OOC: Please wait with posting until after Sapphire posts, then we go straight into the practice!
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