Exhibition Game (closed to non-team members)

Estrella watched as Caysi sped towards the hoop, and caught the quaffle just before it could slip through the hoop. Better luck next time, she thought snidely, throwing the red ball to Lily. Being competitive, she wasn't going to make anything easy for the opposing team.

Team: Opaleye Assault
Position: Keeper
Quidditch Points: 200

Action: Blocked goal (-50)
Points Remaining: 150

((someone please help me clarify with points keeping. sorry, I just wasn't going to let the ball in that easily. :p ))
Team: Opaleye Assault
Position: Chaser
Points: 185

Lily caught the quaffle from Estrella as she threw it to her. "Nice save!" she yelled over her shoulder as she headed up the field twords the other goal. She was on the lookout for anyone that she can pass to or any opportunity she had to make a goal.

Action: Caught quaffle (-10)
Points: 175
Team: Valkyries
Position: Keeper
Points: 150

Sophia had been following the quaffle and was sad to see that Caysi had missed. I must not think of that now, she though. I must stay focused. Sophia was once again hovering in front of the center goal, her eyes locked on Lily.

Action: None
Points: 150
Kendall noticed Estrella's nice save and got ready for her to pass it out, making ehrself open. she noticed she passed to lily who then sped towards the hoops.. she did as well, parrallel to her as she flew, ready for a pass if necessary..
Hilary Grace

Hilary stood on the ground, picking up tips from what Sophia was doing, as well as the hard working chasers flying all over the place. Hilary smiled, she loved Quiditch
(((Sorry, been gone unexpectedly this weekend.))))

Team: Opaleye Assault
Position: Chaser
Points: 175

Lily noticed that Kendall was open and flying near to her. She flew closer to Kendall, hoping to make a pass that would not be intercepted. She came about 3 feet away and as they flew parallel to one another, she passed the quaffle over and flew off hoping noone would mess with them.

Action: pass quaffle (-20)
Points: 155
team: OA
pos: chaser
points: 170

Kendall caught the quaffle with ease, noticing that lily flew off in the other direction.. kendall flew as fast as she could towards the hoops.. she faced them and as soon as she was directly in front of the left hoop, she swerved to the middle, and then flew over to the right.. once she was within a few feet of the hoop, she shot the quaffle as hard as she could directly through the hoop, hoping that no one could reach it in time...

Action: caught quaffle (-10), made shot (-50)
Points: 110

(((if you save it, i will put back the 50 points.)))
(((as far as we know, yes. see the conversation between bruin and myself a page ago or so)))
((( ok ty :p)))

Caysi flew around waiting for someone to pass the quaffle so she could snatch it.

Action: None
(((Sorry that I haven't been on much lately, but it appears that most people have popped in for a play or two and are getting the hang of things. Alicia and I discussed the goal scoring issue and I think what will happen is that a Chaser will post that they have taken a shot and then the Keeper will make a decision whether to save it or not. If they save it, they will deduct 50 points...if they do not, a goal will be awarded by the referee and 50 points will be deducted from the Chaser who took the shot.

We haven't been able to introduce the snitch yet and I understand that the headmistress is securing a referee and someone to play the role of the snitch for the first real game. With exams starting, I suppose we can just leave this up to work out any additional bugs with the scoring system.

Does anyone have any questions or suggestions so far???)))
((I have a sort of question. The Keeper loses 50 points for each saved goal, which the chasers also lose per goal made. However, there are three Chasers, and only one keeper. This means that the keeper can block a total of four goals, while the Chasers can make a total of 12 goals.

Also, the Keeper only gains 10 points for letting a goal through, meaning that must let through five goals before they can block another one, if they are out of points. This is merely my personal opinion, but I find that a bit much.

I must say thought, that the point system is a rather good idea, and I am not criticizing it, merely stating some things that I would like to see clarified, perhaps. I cannot think of the right word.))
((( I hear what you are saying, but recall that we will likely be starting with more than the 200 points we started this game with and that the Chasers will also be using up points to pass and catch the quaffle. The "cost" of making saves may need to be adjusted to make it fairer, although we are going to need to have a fair number of goals scored or the snitch capture will decide every game )))
(((plus, since some teams have back-up players, including keepers, they can just sub in a keeper, so that makes double the points... i would assume that would help, but maybe not??!)))
((I'm sorry I've been gone so much! Feel free to god mod me ok!))
((((Can they do that??? Like if one Keeper is getting low on points could they just switch with the alternate....I don't think that would work. Unless they get hurt on the pitch or something.)))

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