
Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Never in Kalif's wildest dreams would he have come to Ireland to see Anne Rogers about Patricia. Though it happened. After Nicolette kept hinting at Patricia being adopted, which was better for the entire family really - instead of her being half-raised by Kalif anyhow, Kalif finally got tired of hearing it and owled a short letter to Anne saying that he was coming to talk about Patricia and her future. Wearing robes as black as night, accompanied by his wife, Kalif approached the door of the Rogers Residence. He wasn't exactly worried over Anne possibly giving him grief, hopefully.

But what he was concerned about was the muggles living here. Hopefully Anne would be alone, and neither Death Eaters would have to spill any blood today. Kalif knocked on the door twice, not sounding too impatient at all, and he turned to Nicolette before he whispered, "Don't try to mess around with too much muggle devices, and don't use magic at all. I just want this to be done and over with." Kalif really didn't want to deal with Anne Rogers again. He had seen her twice in his life, and well, third time is a charm. Maybe after this, neither would have to hear from each other again. That was what Kalif was hoping for.

What the business was... Nicolette wanted Patricia to be adopted, and Kalif went along with it. He didn't believe in taking a child from its mother, but Nicolette and Patricia were as close as a mother and daughter could get. So, Kalif would have to make exceptions. Visiting would have to be rather limited, because of Asparuh, but as far as Patricia coming here to Ireland was no big deal. Kalif thought it would be the best, having Patricia in a magical environment, over a muggle environment. They were two separate worlds, and Patricia nonetheless did not belong in this world. She needed to be with magic, and to be in the appropriate place so she could learn it. Besides, it was a shorter commute to her school.
Anne couldn't sit, she was far too anxious about today. She had made sure Chris and Gerard were out of the house for she knew Kalif would be arriving any time soon with his wife and knowing the two's feelings towards Muggles she thought it best that only deal with her. Having received Kalif's letter Anne was curious as to what he wanted to discuss exactly and since when did he become so interested in Patricia's future? He may her father but he had only known this fact for a little over a year and when he first found out he wasn't one too keen to be a real father figure to her, a student and Professor relationship were his words if she could remember correctly, and she did.

Anne had tried to ask Patricia if she knew what was happening but the young girl hadn't given anything away. She just insisted that they four of them; Anne, Gerard, Chris and herself; spend as much time together as possible, as a family. This had worried Anne to know end, Patricia was making it sound like they would never see each other again even though Anne had been reassured that it wasn't like that the mother couldn't help but worry.

Glancing at the clock Anne saw that Kalif should be arriving any time now and just as the thought crossed the woman's mind there was two knocks on the door. Taking a deep breath Anne tried to control her nerves. Walking towards the door, Anne placed her hand on the door handle and releasing her breath opened the door. "Kalif. And you much be Nicolette." she said, just now remembering seeing the woman on the day of Joseph's death at Nataliia's bedside. And of course Patricia had talked about her so much that Anne was sure this was the woman. "Come in!" Anne said,moving to the side to let the two people in and the quicker she did so the better, they stuck out like a sore thumb.
Nicolette was a little bit nervous that she was going to have to meet Patricia's mother today, not only was this meeting probably going to be a little saddening but Nicolette had never been all that fond of Muggles. After a large group of them killed off her family and forced her into a life of misery she was convinced they were nothing but trouble to wizards and witches. She watched Kalif knock on the door carefully with her bright golden eyes, then tuned in to listen to what he had to say about not messing around with stuff and no magic which she had no issues with because she'd rather leave the muggles as quickly as she could. "Teehee okay." She giggled softly, before her eyes shifted down to her flat stomach for a moment before they drifted back up to look at the door with slight curiosity. Hopefully the baby would not cause her to suddenly feel sick or tired while she was here, so far this baby had been a lot less of a pain than the twins had been...but it was still early so she figured she shouldn't hold her breath over it yet,.

When the Muggle woman known as Anne opened the door Nicolette remembered her as being the woman who's son was once married to Nataliia, she also looked a great deal like Patricia. "Um H-hello!" she smiled softly before she cast Kalif a look that clearly said she was not all that comfortable around muggles yet, and she knew that he was one of the few who knew why though. But even if she was uncomfortable she had no reason to be rude or hostile to the woman yet, so she would try to be as friendly as she could manage, with another soft smile to Kalif she followed the Anne woman and her eyes nearly bugged out when she saw the inside of what a muggle home looked like. "This is what a muggle home looks like?" Never before had she been side one and she was already feeling weird about it, then again it could always be the baby making her feel so weird. This whole meeting was probably going to be awkward, she just hoped muggles weren't very hostile in these situations.
When the door opened, Kalif made sure that his expression was nothing short of emotionless. He did not want this woman to think that he was disgusted with seeing her nor was he happy. Kalif nodded a greeting, and he stepped inside after Nicolette, but he kept his distance from Anne as he did so. He did not bother looking around the place, but Kalif inclined his head to Anne, “I think we better speak…” Kalif glanced over at Nicolette, “…alone. It concerns Patricia.” Kalif’s eyes met with Anne’s once more. He didn’t want to stick around here for long. He had one purpose, and that was taking Patricia home, with him. Kalif was in no mood right now to linger around a muggle’s household, especially when he dressed his normal wizarding attire. This was a muggles’ world, and Kalif hated being in it, every second of it.
Nicolette caught Kalif's glance as he said that he needed to speak to Anne alone, that meant that she wasn't allowed to listen in to whatever they were talking about. Her golden eyes shifted between the two before she sighed loudly and stuck her lower lip out to show how she was a little bummed out about this. "Man thats no fun. Where's Patricia at then?" Nicolette figured they wouldn't let the young girl listen in either so they might as well hang out until the talking was done, or maybe she would just listen in from the other room..she did have very good hearing due to her Animagus abilities, whatever the case was something needed to stop her from complete and utter boredom.
When the two visitors were in the house Anne closed the door, she wondered why they hadn’t used any of those other forms of transportation that Wizards used, it would have been less suspicious for anyone looking at the house at the time, the two were definitely different from what you’d normally see about here. Moving over to the couch, Anne leaned against the back of it so she could see Kalif and Nicolette both clearly – it was her own home after all. Anne couldn’t help but roll her eyes at what the Nicolette woman said about the house, she knew from what Patricia had told her about how Wizards homes were so much more different but Anne had figured that the Wizards at least knew what the inside of a Muggle home looked like.

Not really having much time for the blond haired woman Anne turned her attention to Kalif. He was of course Patricia’s father and the only person Anne felt she needed to talk too when it came to Patricia and her future. Nodding as he confirmed what they were to discuss she looked over at the blond woman again. “In her room.” she answered. “Patricia!” she called her daughter downstrairs.
Patricia sat on her bedroom floor trying not to cry again just after she had gotten rid of her red eyes. She had stayed in her room all day, not wanting her mum to worry about why she was crying…then again staying in her room all day was problem enough to cause her to worry. Observing her room Patricia listened to the radio, every song seemed to bring back some sort of memory that she had in this room or house, with her family. That fact made today a lot harder than it was already going to be. Her eyes landed on a few suitcases in the corner of the room. Patricia had made sure to keep them out of sight in case anyone was to come into her room and see them, the last thing she needed was people asking why she was packing. Having just put away a few last minute things Patricia heard her mother’s voice come from downstairs. They must be here. she thought as she stood up. “Coming!” she called.

Walking down the stairs Patricia tried to came herself down. Taking a few deep breaths she checked that her red eyes were completely gone and she entered the living room. It was a strange sight to see. Her mother standing in her usual clothes, her father standing in his black as night robes and Niccy in her dress, it was three people Patricia never thought she’d see standing in the one room together. “Hi guys.” Patricia said as she walked over to the three of them. As she walked by she gave Niccy a hug, she was glad to see her knowing she would help be the only sane one throughout today, she gave a quick glance to her stomach wondering how big she would grow this time, before she went to stand beside her mother.
Anne smiled up at her daughter and she waved her hand a bit so Patricia would know to come stand beside her. She frowned a little when she gave Nicolette a hug, but she knew there was nothing to worry about, right?, the two were just close is all. When Patricia stood beside her she placed her arm around her daughter lightly. Looking down at her she said. “Me and your father are going to discuss a few things. Could you show Nicolette around the house for a wee while?” she asked softly. When Patricia agreed she kissed her softly on the head and said, “Thanks pet. We’ll call you in when we need to talk to you.” she told her. When Patricia and Nicolette were out of the room Anne turned her attention back to Kalif, “Right Kalif! What is it you want to talk about?” Clearly wanting this to be over and done with soon.
When her mum said to take Niccy out of the room Patricia nodded her head. She would rather not to be in the room during the conversation that her parents were about to have. She of course knew what they were going to discuss and she felt bad about not telling her mother what her father wanted to talk about but thought it not necessary to worry her so soon. Turning to Niccy she hooked her arm in Niccy’s and began to walk out of the living room. When they were in the hallway she turned to Niccy and asked, “Where to first?” a small laugh escaping her lips as she referred to her tour of the muggle household.
Nicolette stared at the woman known as Patricia's mother oddly, whether or not she thought Nicolette would notice it or not she easily picked up on the woman's odd behaviour towards her. As a Death Eater and Healer she needed to know how to read people easily if the need called for it and since she was a muggle and Niccy didn't trust them one bit she made sure to keep a careful eye on her just in case she needed to keep on her toes. When Patricia came down and hugged Nicolette she giggled and patted the small girls head, "Hey kiddo!" Nicolette watched Patricia look at her stomach and she smiled softly, perhaps the young girl was also wondering how big she would get this time as well. Thankfully Nicolette was just over a month so she didn't show at all, the morning sickness and other affects made sure to be obvious to her though.

When Nicolette heard that Pat was going to show her around the house she felt a bit excited to see some of the muggle devices that were so much fun to play with. "Show me the kitchen first! Have fun Kalif!" Nicolette stated happily as she hooked arms with Pat, there was always fun objects in there to see. The whole time though she hoped Kalif would be successful so they could take Patricia home with them, Nicolette would really love to take Patricia home as her daughter. "You nervous?" She asked Pat once they were inside the kitchen, that muggle not better give her husband trouble or she'd fine a very large boot aimed right at her face seeing as she wasn't supposed to hex random muggles.
Kalif restrained from rolling his eyes when Anne had to shout to get Patricia. Kalif had servants that would do that for him. Anne called his attention to her and he started, wanting this to be done and over with, "This pertains to Patricia's well being, of course. Over this semester, I have noticed some...developments within Patricia's and Nicolette's relationship. She has been spending more time with us rather than here." Kalif glanced around the place, and in his mind, he saw it unfit for a magical being. "I would like to adopt Patricia into the Styx family, permanently. This is so she will grow up in a magical environment, where it is best for a magical being." Kalif would have to go into details if the muggle did not understand.
Patricia didn't ask why Niccy wanted to see the kitchen first but simply walked towards it! Opening the door she let out a sigh as she turned to face Niccy, leaning against the work-top. When Niccy asked Pat if she was nervous a small frown formed on her face, "Yes." she stated in a low voice, maybe if she stayed quiet she could hear what her parents were saying. "I know dad can be persuasive but mum can be stubborn. When she says no she'll more than likely always stick to that answer. I just hope she sees how this benefits me." she said,hoping not to sound selfish. When Patricia grew up, as the youngest and only girl she was spoilt but she never really asked for anything.

Although this was a big thing to ask of her mother and one that would surely upset her no end, Patricia knew this was something that could only really benefit her and she knew her mother loved her enough to go with the idea when she saw this. "Anyway, we'll leave that up to them. Why did you want to come to the kitchen? Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asked, wondering if that was maybe the reason as to why.
Anne held her nerve as she stared Kalif straight on! Their last meeting had been so long ago Anne forgot how daunting it was at times to look at him but she hadn't been the strongest she could have been during the last meeting and she wasn't going to be like that now. Anne rested against the couch as Kalif talked, voicing his concerns for Patricia's well being, something Anne thought she would never here him say. It wasn't until he had actually said what he had come to say did Anne even know what he was getting at. Anne was well aware of how close Patricia and Nicolette had become but she was her step-mother now so there was to be some sort of bonding happening. The fact Patricia spent sometime with them was also true and not one Anne was happy with a lot of the time but she knew it was only fair for Patricia to get to know her other family, especially when she seemed so eager to do so.

But when Kalif said that he wanted to adopt Patricia into the Styx family...permanently...Anne felt a rage in her that she had never felt before. "How dare you come here asking to take my daughter away from me!" she sneered at the man. Of all the cheek! Anne couldn't believe that Kalif had come to ask to take her daughter away from her. True Patricia was also his daughter but he had only known this for a little over a year, why did he want to get to know her now? "The answer's no!" she stated.
Nicolette wasn't very happy to hear that Patricia was worried, if the young girl was worried about her mother saying no then chances were things were going to get nasty. Her eyes reflected that worry as she turned her head towards the door that led to the room where Kalif and Anne were conversing in, she begged that Kalif would be able to convince her into letting Pat become adopted by them. "I would offer to help but I think your mother and I would butt heads. I can't stand muggles." On top of that Nicolette would be dead set on trying to get Anne to let her adopt Patricia and she would not under any circumstance give in to her without one hell of a fight. It would be really great to have her there, especially during the farther stages of the pregnancy when she might need more help. Moving away from the door as much as she wanted to listen in she decided to wait and see what happened before she decided if it was best for her to say anything at all.

"Like what to drink? Muggles kitchens are so weird." Nicolette headed over to what looked like a small box on the counter, she believed she had heard Cecily mention as this thing being a Microwave but wasn't really all that sure if she were correct or not. Carefully taking out a hand she gently pressed one of the buttons and squeaked loudly when it made a beep the moment she had touched one of the buttons. "Whoa! What was that?" She asked her eyes going wide and wondering if it was a bad thing she had touched one of those button thingy's because it beeped. She also hoped her squeak wasn't loud enough to alarm anyone in the living room as it was somewhat loud.
Patricia sighed as Niccy told her that she wouldn't be much help. Then again Patricia couldn't really expect her to fight a battle that was going to be bad enough with just her parents. Also, Patricia had to remember that Niccy had grown up around magic, muggles were probably completely foreign to her. Patricia knew some witches and wizards were afraid of muggles while others downright despised them. Patricia felt that they really just misunderstood people having grown up with muggles and now living in the magical world she could see it from their point of view, but Patricia was biased, having muggle blood in her it was only expected. "We'll just leave it to them. What happens, happens, but Niccy I really want to go home with you and dad and I'm sure mum'll see that eventually!" she told her step mum. Patricia didn't want to move because she was unhappy here, far from it, but moving in with Niccy and her father would only help further her magic and would benefit her in the long run.

Patricia eyed Niccy curiously as she walked towards the microwave. It was obvious that Niccy hadn't spent much if anytime in a muggle household before. Walking a bit closer to Niccy as she started to press a few buttons on the microwave Patricia couldn't help but double over in laughter. Seeing Niccy's reaction to the noise that came from the microwave was just what Patricia needed to help clear her mind of what was happening in the other room. "Niccy that was hilarious!" she said as she whipped away a few tears that she had from laughing too hard. "This is a microwave. It heats food up so you can eat it." she said, giving her the most basic description of what it could do. "See." she said as she reached into the cupboard and taking out a chocolate pop tart. Opening the door of the microwave she placed the pop tart on a plate. Putting the plate in the microwave she closed the door and timed the microwave for a few seconds. "These buttons set the time that the microwave stays on for." pressing start on the microwave she said, "And when it's done.." just then the microwave beeped. "The timer goes off and there you have one cooked pop tart." she said as she took the plate out of the microwave and placed it on the worktop.
Kalif knew that this would get Anne riled up, but no emotion came to his face. In fact, he looked almost bored. Kalif waited until she had a breath, before he stated, "It would be about the same anyway. She visits the Styx Manor, and stays there longer than she would here. I'm not that harsh of a man to take a child from the mother and not let her see her again." Kalif could do that, but it would be against his own morals. Kalif glanced at the floor, before his cold eyes went with hers. "She doesn't belong in this world, and you know that. She needs to be around other witches and wizards, to grow up and have a role model. Don't you think this should be up to the daughter, and not just yourself? This is about her, not about you or me for that matter." Kalif was almost done talking to this woman, and he just wanted out of here. But Patricia had to be raised somewhat by him, or else she could be killed off due to their family laws. How strict those laws are compared to others is questionable.
Nicolette shifted slightly, she figured it was obvious to Pat that she not only disliked Muggles but feared them strongly as well, they tore an entire family apart and they didn't even use magic against them to do it. She would never forget or forgive them for what they did to her, besides that the muggle world was so foreign and weird to her she expected that she would figure out how it all worked. "Did you tell your mom you wanted to live with us, maybe it would helpif she knew you wanted it just as much. You belong with wizards Pat and she needs to know that." Her golden eyes stared at Patricia carefully, as if tellng her that she wasn't being all playful or kidding around this subject like she would normally do when the subject wasn't all that serious. Nicolette could train he rmuch more easily at the Styx Manor, especially with her now being pregnant which may enable her to not be able to move around and do as much training as she would have liked to get done during the next year.

For a moment Nicolette glared at Patricia when the young Hufflepuff laughed at her reaction to the thing she called a Mircowave, it wasn't like she knew what the hell any of the muggle things around here did. "Shut up. And haven't you people ever heard of a stove?" Muggles just had to make everything more complicated then it should be didn't they, no wonder the Wizards and Witches preferred to stay away from these people unless they had a reason to be around them and those who married them must be completely out of their freaking minds. Watching carefully, Nicolette had to admit she was fascinated as Patricia began to cook something called a pop tart in that microwave thing until the thing had dinged and cause her to jump again in slight surprise. 'Whatever that thing is..it smells weird.' Patricia pulled out the plate that had the food on it and set it on the counter, Nicolette's nose scrunched up as she stared at with mild confusion on what in the world that thing was. Her eyes shifted to Patricia before she let out a half smirk. "So...then can you explain what in the world a tele..phone is?" Nicolette had heard Cecily talk about using them before and she had also seen them on movies but she was beyond curious to see how one really worked otherwise.
With her blood now near boiling point she took a heavy sigh, trying to calm herself. Anne could tell Kalif was serious about this and from the way Patricia had been reacting since she returned home for the holidays, she knew about it too. Why Patricia didn't tell Anne all this time was beyond her, Patricia was bound to know that Anne would have liked some sort of heads up on a situation like this. Then again if Patricia knew, did it mean she had agreed to this? Anne refused to believe that Patricia wanted to move in with the man that, true, was her father but she couldn't stand; or so Anne thought.

Placing those thoughts aside she listened to Kalif's words, she hated to admit it but Anne knew he was right. Anne could notice how Patricia had changed since she had started Hogwarts, and it was for the better. Her daughter had grown up so much since she first left for Hogwarts, as much as it saddened the mother to see her wee girl grow up she was proud of her. The way she heard Patricia talk so fondly of Hogwarts she knew how much the girl loved it, she also knew how much more Patricia had to stay ahead of the other students because she hadn't grown up around a magical family.

"I know!" she said finally, with a sigh, answering pretty much all of Kalif's questions. "I know she stays there longer at yours. I know it's not the last I'll see of her. I know she needs to be around other witches and wizards." she said for confirmation. Staring into Kalif's cold eyes, fresh tears glazing her own. "I know all this Kalif. But it doesn't hide from the fact that I'm not happy with it." he anger subsiding. As quietness enveloped the room Anne could here the laughs of her daughter coming from the kitchen. She moved over to the small parting from the living room that looked into the kitchen. In there she saw her daughter and the older woman, having fun. Anne now knew what Kalif meant by her and Niccy's relationship having developed recently. From what Patricia said of the blonde haired woman Anne knew that Patricia was very fond of the woman. "They do seem close." Anne said, feeling her heart breaking slightly. This was the woman that Patricia wanted to replace her with as her mother. No longer able to hold the tears in a few fresh dropped fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
Patricia could feel nerves starting to build in her stomach. There was a small parting from the living room, where her parents were currently at, and the kitchen, which hadn't been fully closed. Patricia could hear snippets of the conversation going on in the other room but most the shouting. Clearly Kalif had told Anne of their plans and even more clearly, Patricia's mum wasn't too keen on the idea. Turning her attention back to Niccy, Patricia gave a light sigh. "No, I didn't mention anything. I knew she would take it worse if it came from me." she told Niccy. To be honest Patricia had a feeling that things would work out in her favour and because of it she wouldn't have as much time at home during the holidays that she was used too so she made sure she spent as much time with her family doing things she they would normally do that she wouldn't have time to do. "But if it comes to it, I'll tell her where I stand on the whole situation." she said firmly.

Patricia was still giddy from Niccy reaction to the microwave and when she told her to shut up it made the whole situation even more funny and Patricia continued to giggle. "Yes we have. We used to have one in our old house before we moved here about 6/7 years ago." she said, sticking her tongue out playfully. Patricia actually missed the stove at times. It was during the winter months when the warmed up the whole house so much quicker than the oil heating. She missed it even more so when her mum would cook the soup on the stove and the aromas sifted throughout the house, it was so good. Patricia tried not to think of those memories now, not on the verge of leaving the family to go live with another that she had only known for a little over a year.

Watching as Niccy eyed the pop tart strangely almost cautiously Patricia shook her head and cut it in half. "Here try a bit." she said, taking a bit out of her half she smiled as she chewed at it. "It's delicious." she said trying to encourage Niccy. Patricia noticed Niccy's small smirk and wondered what going on in that head of hers. Although when Patricia found out what Niccy wanted to know she felt like 'face palming.' Maybe it wasn't going to be such a good thing living with Niccy if I have to explain every muggle device under the sun. She thought in jest to herself. Patricia was finding it hard to compare the telephone was any sort of wizarding device so she decided to go solo on this one. "OK well a telephone allows you to put in a certain combination of numbers which is unique to another telephone. That then causes the other phone to ring and when the person at the other end picks it up the two people can talk to each other." she said, choosing her words carefully and saying them slowly enough for Niccy to hopefully understand them. "Help any?" she asked.
"I am unhappy with it as well, because of the other children, but I suppose it is for the best, and so Nicolette won't bug me about it anymore," spoke Kalif in a soft, yet stern tone. Patricia needed to be with her mother, yes, but she also needed to be around her own magical beings. This was one of the reasons why Kalif thought that the magical world and muggle world should never mix. If only had he not gotten drunk, then none of this would have happened. Kalif followed Anne and he murmured, "I suppose they are. Before I take up anymore of your time, I suppose we should be on our way." Kalif hoped that this would be the last time he would ever see Anne. Kalif walked into the same general area as Nicolette and Patricia and he stated, "Fun is over. Patricia, get your things. We need to go home." Many things would need to be changed, including Patricia's last name as the adoption would be finalized soon. At least Anne would not be much of a hassle. Kalif was in a hurry. It was rather obvious that he was highly uncomfortable with the fact that he was even remotely close to a muggle, and in a muggle's territory.
Nicolette kept quiet the whole time Patricia spoke, it seemed like the young girl had nearly everything figured out so she assumed she wouldn't need to say anything to her anyways. On top of that she was beginning to feel a little dizzy and sick to her stomach, which she figured was either because of the baby or because the smell of that pop tart was so not agreeing with her stomach right now. Just as she heard people arriving that she figured was most likely Anne and Kalif she held up her hands and shook her head softly at the young girls offer. "Ick no thanks. The baby would probably have a fit if I go anywhere near that thing." So far this one seemed a little more keen on letting her have sweets, but only certain kinds so she didn't want to push her limit anytime she was near something that made her feel even the slightest bit sick to her stomach. The sickness and tiredness was murder so she figured it would be just best to just take this pregnancy much easier than she did the last one, so far things were going well. Hearing Kalif's voice sound finally made Nicolette lift her head in curiosity, Anne also seemed either standing there as well looking not all that thrilled...Pat must be coming to the Styx Manor then if she didn't look that happy.

Forgetting about the whole telephone speech, Nicolette grinned as if she had just been told that she won the lottery or something amazing awesome that most people enjoyed. "Heeey you get to come home with us, thats so awesome!" She bounced up and down in excitement but stopped after a few seconds because her stomach did not seem to agree with that sort of movement, instead she threw Kalif a soft smile as if thanking him for speaking to Patricia's mother about this. "Hurry and get your things, my body is so calling for a good nap." she answered almost tempted to run upstairs with Pat and help her carry her things down, if the young girl needed help all she had to do was ask and Nicolette would be willing to help her out after all adopted or not thats what mothers do.
In a way Anne envied Kalif. Despite this being an important conversation, one that whatever the outcome would effect a number of people; the main one being their daughter. Throughout all of this Kalif seemed to remain as calm and as emotionless as he was everyday of the week. Oh how Anne wished she could handle this situation without her emotions taking control of her, then again she was only human. When Kalif said that they better be on their way Anne was almost surprised, following him into the kitchen she watched as he told Patricia that she was going home with them. Anne hadn't agreed to it, even though she had agreed with Kalif that it would be the best thing to do she hadn't said yes. Then again she knew she wouldn't have been able to actually say the words that would result in Patricia leaving the house today, for good. She looked at the scene in the kitchen. Patricia looked so happy with Nicolette and she didn't look sad either when Kalif told her to go get her things. Unable to look at the scene Anne walked back into the living room, this was too hard for her.
The time Patricia and Niccy had spent talking in the kitchen seemed to have flown in and Patricia was brought back to Earth when she saw the kitchen door open and watched her father enter the room. Patricia held her breath as she waited for his words to come. Catching a glimpse of her mother she could guess what they were going to be. We need to go home. Words she never thought she'd hear her father say let alone words she thought she'd be so happy to hear coming from her fathers mouth. Grinning up at Niccy as she confirmed what had just been said. Giving her mother a tight squeeze she laughed as she said she needed a nap. Patricia was glad that she had already pack most of her things in advance of the decision working in her favour. As Patricia let go off Niccy she looked back at the door of the kitchen and watched as her mother walked away in tears. Frowning, Patricia told Niccy she'd be right back, she couldn't leave things like this.

Patricia figured she would grab her bags first before talking to her mum, she told herself that it was just to save time and a number of other excuses but she knew that she just wanted to put it off. As Patricia went up to her room and gathered the last of her things she couldn't help but be excited but at the same time, extremely sad. She had spent some of the best years of her life here, with this family and now she was leaving it all behind her. She knew she would be able to come back when she wanted but life as she knew it from now on was going to be so much different.

As she went down the stairs with her bags and other belongings she left them in the hallway and walked into the living room to talk to her mother. "Mum." she said softly. "Mum I'm sorry about this...but it's for the best...really." she said, hoping that her mum would understand better if the words came Patricia herself. "I love you all so much and I'm going to miss you all but I'll still visit, I promise. No matter what happens you are my family, you raised me and I couldn't thank you enough for that." she said as she embraced her mother, tears started to flow down her cheeks.
Anne could hear Patricia go upstairs and start moving things about in her room. She didn't want to believe that her little girl was moving out to go live with her other family. What is Gerard going to say? She thought, worried for when her husband got home from work. He didn't like Kalif at all and the fact he came and took their daughter away wasn't going to make Gerard like him any. Anne sat on the chair crying softly into her hands, occasionally looking up at a few of the family photographs in the room. All the happy faces seemed to be mocking Anne. How could she ever be happy again? She had lost one of her sons a little over a year ago and now she was loosing Patricia. How was a mother meant to cope with that?

Hearing the door open Patricia looked up to see Patricia enter. Anne felt no hatred towards her daughter, how could she? This was clearly something the girl wanted and Anne wouldn't be a very good mother if she was to stand in the way of her daughter's happiness, especially if it was to help her in the future. Anne listened to her daughters words. For her age she was so mature and smart, Anne was so proud of her daughter and knew she would do well in the world, be it the muggle one or the wizarding. Embracing her daughter tightly she spoke softly. "I know. Just..be careful." Was all she could say. Anne wasn't going to be there to hold Patricia's hand any more. True ever since she had moved to school in New Zealand Anne had done very little of that but she still worried. "I love you too." she said as she kissed the top of her daughters head before moving back into the kitchen where Kalif and Nicolette were.
"I will!" Patricia told her mother. Most 15 year olds would probably hate their parents telling them to be careful, thinking they were old enough to look after themselves and didn't need to be told by their parents. Even though Patricia knew she could look after herself she still appreciated her mother telling her this, it showed Patricia that she still cared for her and despite what was about to happen she wasn't angry and would always be there for her. Walking back into the kitchen Patricia grabbed her bags from the hallway and stood beside her mum as she looked at Kalif and Niccy. "I'm ready." she said with a shaking smile, looking up at her mother once more.

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