Elle-Bells needs goody fwends :D and baddy foes :( and every thing else

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Elle Silvertongue

Active Member
OOC First Name
Okayz so Elle needs some...
Real Friends.......they have to be talkative(if possible) and friendly :lol: because she is shy and cant do much talking.
fake friends.......they can be meanies :linda: and try to make her do stuff that can get her into trouble :cry: but they have to act all nice at first.

Annoyances.......they don't have to be all bad,they can just annoy her at first for sometime without actually trying to hurt her
Love interest........okay i know my status reads 'too young to care' but hey! someone can have feelings :wub: for her and after being encouraged she can have the same feelings for them.She just needs encouragement cuz she is shy :unsure:

HERE IS A LINK to her Character Development where you will find almost all info abt her :

So if anyone is interested please reply to this thread or pm me.Thanks :D
And about the cookies.....i just magically sent them to your cookie jar :D :p :lol:

Thanks again :hug: XOXO
where is Ellie planning on going to school. if it is hogwats then i can offer my first year Tara Sitara. I know she will be a first year but i think they may get on.
if you want to i can rp with my third year Briar Rowan, or sixth year Elvera Le Fey.
Hi Mia,
Elle is planning to join Hogwarts but it depends on the outcome of whether her transfer application is accepted or rejected.Elle can surely be friends with Tara because Elle will be just as new as a first year to the society of Hogwarts students.And she could also rp with Briar because she will need some friends of her age.How is Briar's character like?
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