Eat, Drink, or Bin

Fully eat!
Thats like the only way to eat those fries! (maybe without the ketchup lol).

Now what do ya about...

Chilled monkey brains? (from indiana jones!! ;D )
YUMMY! :oy: Trash.

(French fries with Ice cream sounds gross. @_@ )

Hey, french fries with ice cream is wonderful, you gotta live a Estrella;D

in what form?
Raw - trash (can you even eat these raw?)
Fried (In garlic butter) - eat
Boiled - eat
Are there any other ways? most likely eat

now then...

wasabi snooters...wait can u eat these or are they for snorting like on jack ass?

I'm not doing too well with these posts...errm

tortilla stuffed with cheese and tosted pork skins.

((Otherwise called a Pupusa))
Not a big fan of pork, but if it was chicken i would scoff it and go back for second.

Mashed banana sandwich???
Mashed banana sandwiches are lovely, they are just banana sandwiches, but mashed :p

EWWWW Trash :-&

ewwwwwwww. trash.

How about raspberry frozen yoghurt, with potato chips?
Separate. Both are good...just not together.

Sardines with strawberry frosting...and sprinkles!
:-& :-& :-& Trash dem doritos.

A lamb and beef gyro.

banana cake =)

Raspberry flavoured fairy floss? I had it for the first time last night. (17 years and never once eaten fairy floss, how depressing)
So long as I'm correct in that Fiary Floss is Candy Floss/Cotton Candy then... eat :p

Hmmm :-?

How about a delicacy I found myself enjoying today...
Burger King Double Cheeseburger, scorching hot, an over abundance of ketchup and the liquid fat literally dripping out of the back of the bun
Yes, it is cotton candy. We call it fairy floss here, no idea why.

I work at Burger King! Sooo, eat. (No, seriously, I would eat that.)

I don't know if I've said this already, but: dark chocolate coated coffee beans?

choc chip muffin =D

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