Eat, Drink, or Bin

Not a marshmallow person.

Apple cider
bin (i dont drink)
this is a glass with icecream in and then with a soft drink of your choice poured over (the eest is cream soda or lemonade) it is a drink
eat im not real sure what it is but i will probably eat it but i may pick out the red onion
chamomile tea

How about the cooliest thing in the world: Resse's Peanut Butter! :o
Eat. But at the moment, I'm eating a Snickers ice cream bar thingy.

Coffee cake
Drink. Er, more like slurp. But that's the closest of the options.

Chocolate chip cookie!
Eat :)
Almond Joy
Bin Allergic to almonds

Australian Beef Pie xD Yes they are different to any other pie you may have had. If youve never been to Aus, Youve never had a pie :wub: ;)
Drink! I love that stuff.

Apple pie fudge? I had some yesterday and I swear it was a tiny piece of heaven.
Are you kidding? bin EAT!!

Catfish? <_<
Eat! Darn it, you're making me start to get up to get one.

Chocolate pudding
Drink probably.

Apple pie
Bin because I don't like Turkey.
Mince with Macaroni Cheese? (YUM!)
Would you believe that that is one of my favourite foods? :lol:

Green apple frappe' :wub:

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