
Dylan Ward

Active Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Hi guys. I'm Dylan by the way. :cool:
Well. obviously I'm new here.. I'm really looking forward to gain more friends...

I'm very willing to rp with you guys.. :D
Hi Dylan :)

I'm Pheebz and welcome to HNZ.
If you visit the site documentation you can learn about the essentials :p
If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. There will be loads of people around to help you out :)
You'll be roleplaying in no time :)
see you round :hug:
Welcome Dylan :hug:

This is one of my many characters on HNZ (I have 20 :D )

I hope you have as much fun as we do while you are here.

I'm Teigz btw if you need any help... The global mods (Patricia Styx, Hadan Johnson) or the Admins (Nicolas King) would be delighted to help you :r
Oh noes! Dylan! :o
Somehow I missed your topic. :(

I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to PM me! :D

Welcome to HNZ! :D
Hello and welcome to the site Dylan,

hope you have a wonderful time here with us.
We're a crazy bunch but lovable and the members and staff are extremely helpful so never be afraid to ask us anything.


Hi Dylan! Welcome to HNZ!

Feel free to call me Amanda ^_^
Hey Dylan :cool:
I was skulking around and found your topic and thought I should put in my two cents :D
So Welcome to HNZ! :woot:
Dont worry you will be RPing in no time, and its loads of fun ;) just make sure you dont catch a horrible character making disease while you having so much fun :r
Im Tenile, and this is one of my characters :)
Hope to see you around in the near future :p

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