🌹 Rose Giving Dreaded Roses

Juniper Zumwalt

Budding Fashion Designer
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11 in Knotted Silver Lime, Dragon Heartstring Core
24 (1/2038)
Juniper couldn't believe she had been given a rose to hand to Lysander. She'd much rather burn it, but seeing as that would probably bar her from any future rose deliveries, she held back, instead sulking towards the duelling chamber, deciding whether she should enter the SDA room or not. The Ravenclaw, paced back and forth, squeezing the stem of the rose tighter in her hand, feeling a thorn prick her palm. "Damn it," she sighed, dropping the rose on the floor as she placed her mouth on the cut. @Lysander Summers
It was semester two, which meant the duelling tournament was only just around the corner. Lysander had to put in the work if he wanted to take back his title as champion, so he'd opted to spend some of the afternoon polishing up his skills on the dummies. With his six roses from earlier in the day tucked safely in his extended breast pocket, he headed down to the chamber to practice a few newer spells they'd started learning. He had hoped for an empty room, and instead was greeted with the sight of another Zumwalt pacing around. They were plaguing him today. She was the last person he'd wanted to see today, no doubt there to get some much-needed practice of her own, if she were going to have a chance at beating him a second time. That, or she was waiting for him to get there so she could spy on his strategy. He didn't have much time to ponder either scenario before he watched her practically throw a rose to the ground. He held a protective hand up to the buds of his own roses. "Wow. Remind me never to get you a rose." He commented, assuming it must have been one someone sent her. He continued to try and move past her, deciding that if she did want to watch him, she was more than welcome to. He'd still win the tournament this time.​
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Juniper heard an annoying buzzing sound and quickly realized she was unfortunately in the room with her least favorite person. "It's for you, twit." She knew kicking it across the floor wouldn't be appropriate and reluctantly picked up the rose with her non-bleeding hand. "Here," she said, shoving the rose towards him.


Lysander raised his brows incredulously. So this was what she was resorting to now? Tossing his Valentines roses on the floor? He was lucky he'd caught her red-handed. "Gee, thanks. How many others did you throw away?" He scoffed as he took the rose. He looked over the note, before loudly reading it out. "You're the best captain and duellist ever - Emma." Okay, it definitely didn't say the last part, but Juniper didn't need to know that.​
Juniper rolled her eyes as Lysander read his note from Emma out loud. She wouldn't put it past Emma to play up her teammates, but at the same time, Juniper did not trust anything that came out of Lysander's mouth. "I didn't realize you were paying people now to give you some confidence." Juniper "looked" at her nails as she antagonized the Gryffindor and then made eye contact again. "I guess I'll leave you to practice. Not that it'll help," she added, before turning on her heel as she started to walk out of the chamber.
Lysander loudly exhaled, his annoyance more than evident. Juniper was the absolute worst. What did he ever do to her? Her whole blasé attitude as she insulted him really got beneath his skin, and he looked forward to the chance to mop the floor with her in the next tournament. "Yeah, whatever. You probably paid someone to take my rose just so you had another reason to stalk me again. You're completely obsessed." He told her as she turned away. He shouldn't have been surprised that she'd pull a stunt like this after harrassing him in the street, where he lived and worked, of all places. Nevermind that he'd been the one to run into her now, he was sure it'd have only been a matter of time before she was eventually tailing him, looking for an opportunity to ruin his Valentines like some kind of love-grinch.​
Juniper felt her anger start to boil after Lysander's comment. "Like I would waste any money on you," she spat back over her shoulder as she exited the chamber. She pointed her wand at a light angrily, watching as the glass shattered over her head and quickly left the scene. This rivalry was getting too real.

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