Double the Fun

Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
OOC First Name
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
This year I doubled my students so let's see how that goes for me. I'm also going to try and be more organised this IC year and not drop threads willy-nilly. Not that I did it a lot, but y'know, I'm going to actually use a document to remember what I'm meant to be replying to. Why are all my boys introverts and girls extroverts? I don't know, but it's something I'm planning on switching up, I swear.

Demetrius Wagner
6th Year, Hufflepuff

Muggleborn rich kid from vineyard money. Despite being stand-offish and a bit of a loner at heart, he’s been trying lately to branch out at the behest of his muggle brother. He cares deeply, but hates showing it. Demetrius loves video games and rugby and has an affinity for magical creatures.

Looking for: New friends or developing friendships.​
Lucy Montague
2nd Year, Ravenclaw

Lucy loves the outdoors, plays violin, and has a distaste for history of magic class. Lucy’s curiosity for people and things can manifest as nosiness in some instances. She’s likely to be one to bother people who’d rather be left alone.

Looking for: New friends or developing friendships. Open to negative interactions with others too. Feel free to build on past negative interactions!​
Kyousuke Kurosawa
1st Year, Slytherin

Here to be successful. He doesn’t necessarily not want friends, but it’s not a priority for him. He can be social when he wants to be, although he is an introvert at heart. He likes people who are quieter, though I can see him being an unlikely friend to someone more vivacious. His interests include theatre and acting, so he likes anything to do with that (including muggle movies).

Looking for: New friends, a rival​
Aroha Blenheim
1st Year, Gryffindor

Bold and excited for the new school year at Hogwarts. Where Kyousuke is introverted, Aroha is out there and loud. She’s playful, and competitive so threads to do with that could be fun. She loves quidditch, swimming, and making her own soap. Aroha is kind and thoughtful, though she does get carried away with her excitement sometimes. She wants to get along with everyone and considers herself fun to be around.

Looking for: Friends! But also negative interactions too.​

Potential plot ideas to claim, or get your ideas flowing (doesn't have to be on this list, this is just some ideas I've had):
  • Demetrius to come upon someone having a hard day, and he has to comfort them.
  • Lucy attempting to make a friend, and that person being thoroughly uninterested.
  • Lucy getting up to mischief with other classmates. She isn’t one to prank on her own, but she can be talked into doing it pretty easily. (I know there’s a few pranksters in her year).
  • Kyousuke bonding with a fellow budding artist, whether that’s a similar field or not.
  • Kyousuke finding someone else in his year who wants to be a success at academics and Kyousuke projecting a rivalry onto them (could be that the other student doesn’t even realise Kyousuke considers them a rival, could be that they do).
  • Aroha to go on an adventure of some kind with someone, whether that's to the Forbidden Forest or just around the school
relatable, all my girls are horrible messes and my boys are mostly just nice. :r

I shouldn't be offering much and very much don't expect/plan on going through with all ideas because my brain is pretty sluggish buuuuuut:

I could offer my fifth year boy, Michael, to potentially befriend Demetrius? He loves his muggle sports, especially cricket and rugby, and is a bit sad that he can't really play them. He's taken to Quidditch, but not losing his love of the others. I've never really known what to do with him he's my inoffensive boy. They obviously aren't in the same year level but idk could just come across each other.

Aine's also doing an annual 'god I was so embarrassing last year' thing so she could always apologise to Demetrius for being awkward though I still imagine that would be awkward in and of itself

Alternatively, if Kyousuke is going to join the arts club he and Oz could be a slightly odd friendship? Oz likes working with carving/sculpture (as much as he can without access to formal training most of the time and mostly using things like clay) and is fairly reserved but not impolite.

Edit: rereading that I see Kyousuke is into acting and drama so he could strike up a very odd friendship with my 4th year girl, Dahlia? She wants to be an actress and doesn't really have many people to share that interest with so she'd gladly hang out with him at the arts club.

Or Lucy could badmouth History of Magic and Miranda could overhear and be a little torn over whether to join in or whether she needs to defend her terrible mother, if you want a more awkward interaction. Up to you! :lol:
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Hello hello.

So can offer a couple of things for Lucy and the
  • Lucy attempting to make a friend, and that person being thoroughly uninterested.
I can offer Enoch, he's a second year slytherin, he's a very closed off guy, has made no friends, is uninterested in making friends, s could work for that.

For Kyousuke I can offer something for maybe this:

  • Kyousuke finding someone else in his year who wants to be a success at academics and Kyousuke projecting a rivalry onto them (could be that the other student doesn’t even realise Kyousuke considers them a rival, could be that they do).

Apolline Fontaine is a newly sorted Gryffindor who wants to be a great student at academics, she doesn't really care how others do, just wants to be good herself. so can offer this to him as a rivalry that is one sided. She'd probably just be happy to have a study buddy.

For Demetrius, I have either Rosie or Aurora Archer who are both Gryffindors in his year. I think maybe Rosie, since she has more of an affinity for animals, so they could bond over that.

If any of that takes your fancy just let me know.
I could offer my fifth year boy, Michael, to potentially befriend Demetrius? He loves his muggle sports, especially cricket and rugby, and is a bit sad that he can't really play them. He's taken to Quidditch, but not losing his love of the others. I've never really known what to do with him he's my inoffensive boy. They obviously aren't in the same year level but idk could just come across each other.

Aine's also doing an annual 'god I was so embarrassing last year' thing so she could always apologise to Demetrius for being awkward though I still imagine that would be awkward in and of itself

Alternatively, if Kyousuke is going to join the arts club he and Oz could be a slightly odd friendship? Oz likes working with carving/sculpture (as much as he can without access to formal training most of the time and mostly using things like clay) and is fairly reserved but not impolite.

Or Lucy could badmouth History of Magic and Miranda could overhear and be a little torn over whether to join in or whether she needs to defend her terrible mother, if you want a more awkward interaction. Up to you! :lol:
Oooh, those are all good options, I enjoyed the mess that was Demetrius and Aine's thread a lot so it'd be interesting to see them try again. I think Demetrius definitely wants to clear the air, because in a way he admires Aine, and in another way he finds her very confusing lol.

I'm tempted to go full awkward, but maybe we shouldn't xD. We could try Kyousuke and Oz, I think that'd be interesting. Kyousuke is going to join the arts club, so they could meet at the room maybe. I think that could work out. Kyousuke is reasonably nice/polite - he gets nicer once he's closer to someone though for sure.

Hello hello.

So can offer a couple of things for Lucy and the
  • Lucy attempting to make a friend, and that person being thoroughly uninterested.
I can offer Enoch, he's a second year slytherin, he's a very closed off guy, has made no friends, is uninterested in making friends, s could work for that.

For Kyousuke I can offer something for maybe this:

  • Kyousuke finding someone else in his year who wants to be a success at academics and Kyousuke projecting a rivalry onto them (could be that the other student doesn’t even realise Kyousuke considers them a rival, could be that they do).

Apolline Fontaine is a newly sorted Gryffindor who wants to be a great student at academics, she doesn't really care how others do, just wants to be good herself. so can offer this to him as a rivalry that is one sided. She'd probably just be happy to have a study buddy.
I love both of these options. Lucy would probably just bother him no matter what Enoch's doing.

Maybe there could be a lesson with Gryffindor and Slytherin where Apolline answers a question where Kyousuke wanted to, and after the class Kyousuke confronts her about it? They could start as rivals and maybe change into study buddies down the line, that could be a possibility.
I love both of these options. Lucy would probably just bother him no matter what Enoch's doing.

Maybe there could be a lesson with Gryffindor and Slytherin where Apolline answers a question where Kyousuke wanted to, and after the class Kyousuke confronts her about it? They could start as rivals and maybe change into study buddies down the line, that could be a possibility.

Yes! to both. I can start something for Lucy and Enoch? And then we can wait until lessons start for Apolline and Kyousuke?
Yes! to both. I can start something for Lucy and Enoch? And then we can wait until lessons start for Apolline and Kyousuke?
Sounds good! I'm going to be quite busy this weekend so I might not reply straightaway, but we'll see.
Hi Sarah!

I have so much I could offer but I'm going to limit it so it's easier and maybe in the future bring you some other ideas :p

First Years - I have Genesee Carter and I could see doing a thread with either of your students. I think Gen will talk-the-talk about wanting to do well at school but in reality, she won't find herself focusing too much on her homework in the future as other things like Quidditch interest her more. She is has a lot of muggle blood in her so if she and Kyousuke were to bond it'd be over that sort of thing. But he might find her talking about wanting to do well and see her as a threat for the teacher's pet :p And of course, she is in the same house as Aroha, they could possibly end up in the Forbidden Forest together (hopefully Gen's father Professor Carter doesn't catch them!)
Why are all my boys introverts and girls extroverts?
Wild but this made me realize I also tend to do this. Interesting xD

Kyousuke bonding with a fellow budding artist, whether that’s a similar field or not.
I may have someone for this plot. Hazel is my first year Slytherin and she's an artist, mostly interested in making clothes/accessories but also just. Weird art. Since they're classmates maybe they could bond?

I also liked Isadora and Demetrius last year, maybe it could be fun to develop their friendship more? I also could see Isadora developing a crush on him down the line.
Hey Sarah!!

I have my Gryffindor firstie Miro who could be friends with Aroha :D Miro is similarly competitive and loves quidditch so I think it could be fun for them to be friends and friendly rivals, I think Miro would love to challenge her :)

Let me know what you think!
Full awkward is fun though. :r But yes that's fair! We can each start one, if you have any preference?
First Years - I have Genesee Carter and I could see doing a thread with either of your students. I think Gen will talk-the-talk about wanting to do well at school but in reality, she won't find herself focusing too much on her homework in the future as other things like Quidditch interest her more. She is has a lot of muggle blood in her so if she and Kyousuke were to bond it'd be over that sort of thing. But he might find her talking about wanting to do well and see her as a threat for the teacher's pet :p And of course, she is in the same house as Aroha, they could possibly end up in the Forbidden Forest together (hopefully Gen's father Professor Carter doesn't catch them!)
Ohh, interesting. I'm kind of intrigued about how Genesee would get on with both of them, but I should probably try not to overwhelm myself with threads. We could see how it goes with Kyousuke? Kyousuke actually grew up mostly in the Muggle world since his mother left and was the one with magical blood, so I can see them relating on that level. We'll see if he ends up thinking of her as a threat or not lol. But that sounds good, is Genesee likely to be one to approach? Just thinking about how to start it.

Wild but this made me realize I also tend to do this. Interesting xD

I may have someone for this plot. Hazel is my first year Slytherin and she's an artist, mostly interested in making clothes/accessories but also just. Weird art. Since they're classmates maybe they could bond?

I also liked Isadora and Demetrius last year, maybe it could be fun to develop their friendship more? I also could see Isadora developing a crush on him down the line.
Yeah, I wonder why that is? Hmm.

Oh that sounds good, Kyousuke could definitely appreciate clothes/accessories (specifically costumes, he loves dressing up), and the weird art sounds intriguing. I'd be keen to give it a go!

Yes, I liked Isadora and Demetrius too! We can totally develop their friendship more. Honestly, I could Demetrius having a crush on Isadora further along too, we'll see how it goes. I've got plans for him to have a brief failure of a relationship this IC year but yeah, no solid plans beyond that. I could start one thread and you could start the other?

Hey Sarah!!

I have my Gryffindor firstie Miro who could be friends with Aroha :D Miro is similarly competitive and loves quidditch so I think it could be fun for them to be friends and friendly rivals, I think Miro would love to challenge her :)

Let me know what you think!
Oh that could be good! I could see them accidentally meeting at the quidditch pitch or something like that, and get talking about quidditch that way. Or just in the common room. Aroha's pretty friendly, so seeing another first year she'd be keen to start a conversation. Do you want to start that one or should I?

Full awkward is fun though. :r But yes that's fair! We can each start one, if you have any preference?
Full awkward is fun xD There's always next time. Umm I don't have a strong preference, I could probably start the one with Kyousuke and Oz just in the arts room. Does that work?
Sure, I'll start the one for Aine and Demetrius shortly! Probably in the common room because easy. :lol:
Hi Sarah!

There is a couple I'd like to offer to you!

Aroha x Fiona - So far, I've LOVED the interactions between these two!! I'd absolutely love to do more between them! Whether it be more adventures between these two or anything, I'd be keen to do more for them!

Lucy x Marley - For Lucy I can offer my 2nd year, Marley! I'm not exactly sure as to what we could do for them, but I'd like to see how they'd get on!
Ohh, interesting. I'm kind of intrigued about how Genesee would get on with both of them, but I should probably try not to overwhelm myself with threads. We could see how it goes with Kyousuke? Kyousuke actually grew up mostly in the Muggle world since his mother left and was the one with magical blood, so I can see them relating on that level. We'll see if he ends up thinking of her as a threat or not lol. But that sounds good, is Genesee likely to be one to approach? Just thinking about how to start it.
Completely understandable about the threads xD Gen wouldn't be afraid of approaching a new friend for sure! She is Gryffindor after all and not too shy!
Hey Sarah,

I can offer either Sadie or Gaby for Demetrius. They both are quite outgoing, yet, Sadie is actually a sweetheart but Gaby is just interested in flirting and nothing more than that. But both of them would love a friend or any other type of interaction
Hi Sarah!

There is a couple I'd like to offer to you!

Aroha x Fiona - So far, I've LOVED the interactions between these two!! I'd absolutely love to do more between them! Whether it be more adventures between these two or anything, I'd be keen to do more for them!

Lucy x Marley - For Lucy I can offer my 2nd year, Marley! I'm not exactly sure as to what we could do for them, but I'd like to see how they'd get on!
Yes, I've loved Fiona and Aroha too! I'd love for them to explore the castle more together, that could be fun.

Oh yes, hmm what could we do. I looked at Marley's bio and saw she likes nail art, maybe they could try do nail art together sometime? Lucy wouldn't be too good at it but she'd be a good sport and try!

Completely understandable about the threads xD Gen wouldn't be afraid of approaching a new friend for sure! She is Gryffindor after all and not too shy!
Okay, cool! I'll start a thread with Kyousuke for her, and I'll message when I do. :)

Hey Sarah,

I can offer either Sadie or Gaby for Demetrius. They both are quite outgoing, yet, Sadie is actually a sweetheart but Gaby is just interested in flirting and nothing more than that. But both of them would love a friend or any other type of interaction
Sadie sounds good! Do you want to start that one or should I? Either way's good with me.
Oh that could be good! I could see them accidentally meeting at the quidditch pitch or something like that, and get talking about quidditch that way. Or just in the common room. Aroha's pretty friendly, so seeing another first year she'd be keen to start a conversation. Do you want to start that one or should I?
Could you start one? It just might be quicker for me to respond to instead of start threads at the moment :r
Yeah, I wonder why that is? Hmm.

Oh that sounds good, Kyousuke could definitely appreciate clothes/accessories (specifically costumes, he loves dressing up), and the weird art sounds intriguing. I'd be keen to give it a go!

Yes, I liked Isadora and Demetrius too! We can totally develop their friendship more. Honestly, I could Demetrius having a crush on Isadora further along too, we'll see how it goes. I've got plans for him to have a brief failure of a relationship this IC year but yeah, no solid plans beyond that. I could start one thread and you could start the other?
Sure thing, do you have a preference?
es, I've loved Fiona and Aroha too! I'd love for them to explore the castle more together, that could be fun.

Oh yes, hmm what could we do. I looked at Marley's bio and saw she likes nail art, maybe they could try do nail art together sometime? Lucy wouldn't be too good at it but she'd be a good sport and try!
Oh yessss! I'd love for them to explore the castle a bit! Who knows, maybe they'd run into something interesting on their wee adventures!

Oooo a nail art sort of thing could be interesting! Marley doesn't mind teaching her a bit either if she'd like to be taught anything!
Sure thing, do you have a preference?
I'll start the Demetrius and Isadora one, if that's cool.

Oh yessss! I'd love for them to explore the castle a bit! Who knows, maybe they'd run into something interesting on their wee adventures!

Oooo a nail art sort of thing could be interesting! Marley doesn't mind teaching her a bit either if she'd like to be taught anything!
Sounds good! I can start the one with Fiona and Aroha, if you want, and you could start the other? Unless you had a preference.

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