Closed Does This Feel Right?

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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel was conflicted, he had sort of been meaning to break up with Penny for a bit. He just wasn't sure he felt what he was supposed to. He liked Penny, kissing her was nice and being around her was nice, but he liked her as a friend. Though he wouldn't kiss his friend. But with OWL work and classes, there just hadn't been a moment for it, and he had asked to the dance because it would be rude to break up with her just before it. He was planning on doing it soon, and perhaps using the yuleball as a tell, if this was right. He had dressed nice, putting on a good smart suit and was waiting for her, though he had all these conflicts in his mind he was still looking forward to spending time with her. She was after all, still a friend.
Penelope still couldn't quite believe she and Emmanuel were dating. It had been very exciting at the start, and then it just turned normal. It wasn't that different from being his friend, but she liked it anyway. Just knowing her called her his girlfriend made her feel special and wonderful, she was sure the rest of the storybook romance would still come. She headed to the yule ball wearing a green dress she thought was a little daring, as the color stood out. She smiled at her boyfriend and headed over to him, her smile widening as she took him in. "You look handsome." She said softly.
Emmanuel smiled at her, and gave a little wow as he took in her dress. "You look beautiful, Penny," he complimented her after she complimented him. it was the occasional moment like this, when he saw her and was reminded that maybe being boyfriend, girlfriend was pretty good. He held out his hand to her, as he really took in the dress. "It's a beautiful colour on you,"
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