Dipping a toe in...

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi y'all!

So for the past few weeks, even though I've been logging in and doing some admin stuff, work has really been kicking my ass. I've got 2/3 of the huge tasks that needed doing done :party: , and the 3rd isn't due until the new year and doesn't all fall on me...so I have some time for RPing!

If I have an active roleplay with you or said I'd start a roleplay for us closer to Christmas, please poke me on Skype or via PM to remind me. :correct: I don't keep track of RPs and, though I have tried to keep up as best I could, I know I've let some fall by the wayside. I'm very sorry to those folks. I'll be prioritizing these.

And I thought I'd throw my hat in for a few additional RPs for just a few characters. I don't want to overwhelm myself so I may suggest delaying the start of some but it doesn't hurt to plot a bit, amirite? I don't turn down RPs and generally get to them (though I sometimes need a poke. See above. :p )


Jacob Kingsley- 11. Mixed blood. Son of Cyndi & Cam Kingsley. Gryffindor! :emzies:
needs: friends, enemies, potential future crushes (people who crush on him, he may not return the sentiment), and maybe a mentor or someone who leads him awry? It could be fun to eventually have Kingsley yell at him for getting in with the wrong crowd.

Preston Paine- 25. Muggleborn. Former Slytherin. Current owner of Eeylops. Works at a Magical Creature Sanctuary.
needs: a girlfriend, friends, a rival? He doesn't readily admit to being muggleborn and prefers to try to date and befriend up, meaning he actively tries to befriend mixed and purebloods.

Jeremy Thorne. 32. Mixed Blood. Former Ravenclaw &Head Boy. Current Healer. New father.
needs: I do like to see if characters like each other before discussing finals, but I think it's time for Jeremy to have that. It would need to be a guy, around his age or older, ok with children or could get used to the idea.
Any pregnant characters maybe wanting to give their children up for adoption or anyone wanting their witch to be a surrogate in the future? Jeremy's your guy. Keep him in mind. ;)

Thanks in advance for offering characters!
Analei x Jacob (As Kait already offered mahahaha)

And also Elliot would totally be a surrogate! That would be hecken fun.
Hello Cyndi!

For Jacob I have my own first year, Alkander, who's also in need of similar associations.

"It could be fun to eventually have Kingsley yell at him for getting in with the wrong crowd."

Wrong crowd = Alkander

There you have it. Alkander could be a partner in crime or just lead him astray.

I could start a topic if you want me to.

@Donna: Analei could join the equation of 'Wrong crowd'.
Hey Liam, welcome back! Yes, please ^_^ xD
xD Yes, you told me she did. Yes, join Donna!
Sorry, disregard this post! I had an idea buuutt I'm thinking it through more and I'm not that sure about it any more xD

I'll try to think of something else so this post isn't redundant

Ooh, so I had a thought - my first year Gryffindor, Dittany Belrose, could easily develop a crush on Jacob at some point, but I feel she'd be more likely to show it by being a bit of an ass to him because she wouldn't want to admit her feelings xD (and she'd want to make it perfectly clear she wasn't interested). I'm not sure how that would play out, but it could be fun? :D She's a fan of dares, so if he'd be game, I can picture her daring him to do something knowing it'll end badly for him, or something =))
Hey Cyndi! I have three first years this year so far

Asphodel is very blase and detached, often just going along with the flow and super low maintenence. An easy friend for a boy in my opinion.

I also have a Puff named Pippa whom is very sweet. She's kind of the mom friend - and responsible, but in the way that she'll come along on adventures adn make sure everyone stays hydrated OuO

both might be good friends for Jacob if you're interested.

I also have another idea I may be PMing you about shortly!
for Preston I have JazzyMae(Jazmine now). Umm I may have other girls for him but PM me. xD Jazmine is part-veela and very flirtatious and fun. She’s a former Hufflepuff, and I still think she acts like one through and through because she can make anyone feel comfortable.
Hey Cindi!

For Preston, I have Oswin, who's only a few years younger than him and would (I believe) fit as his girlfriend or even just friend. I have her as "Unknown" blood status, but that means that it is possible for her to be mixed blood, and not a muggle-born. That might make for an interesting relationship, let alone an interesting RP. ^_^
Alkander Avaskadiras said:
@Donna: Analei could join the equation of 'Wrong crowd'.
Desislav Zhefarovich said:
Yes, join Donna!
This might actually be fantastic for her and her introvert/anger issues :r :D
Hey Cyndi! :)

We should totally RP Jacob and Lavinia again :r she's also a troublemaker/risk-taker when with friends and therefore she wouldn't really mind doing stuff that could get her into trouble.

I have Arielle as well - she's a fellow Gryff :)
Hey Cyndi! I see a lot of people have replied, so i'll keep this brief...

I love RPing with you, so I was thinking my character Teila Owens-Lee would be a good surrogate mother for Jeremy if that was to be a thing. Also, I have my first years Gwen Owens-Lee and Anastasie Vernier for Jacob if he needs some friends. Although, Anastasie would more likely be an enemy than a friend, Gwen and him could go on adventures together!

Let me know what you think!
-Kaye :wub:
Claire & Other RPers who posted here with first years: Maybe we can kick off a game of truth or dare after the first flying lesson? It could be fun and a good way to establish many relationships to have a roleplay with students from the different houses. Some can play, others can watch, some can heckle them, etc.

Donna and Kaye: Awesome to know there are characters who are willing. If I end up finding a final for Jeremy, I'll reach out to you both and we can see who might work better at that point.

Lovi: Ooh Jazzymae sounds like she could be a good fit. He recently dated a part veela. Should we start a roleplay to see how they get on?

Margo: Yes, I agree with it being an interesting idea to explore and play around with. Should we start a roleplay to see how they get on?

Clara: Yes to Jacob/Lavinia!
What year were you hoping that Jeremy would have a surrogate? Once Zara is 19+ years I'd like her to be a surrogate mother for a gay couple but she wouldn't use her own egg so keep that in mind. :)
Oohh, truth or dare's a brilliant idea! :D I'd definitely be up for that, and would be willing to start if you want (though I might need poking if I forget as I have some other topics coming up and undoubtedly will xD)
Awesome! Do you want to start Lavinia and Jacob or should I? :) if it's easier it can be an open topic orrr she could join the other big one you're thinking of doing after the first flying lesson. Anything is cool with me.

I've got some suggestions:

Athena x Jacob: Athena makes easily friends, very musically and friendly. I think she and Jacob would fit together pretty well. And because of that Athena is the cousin of Evelyn perhaps they can bond over that a bit at first? I think Athena could develop a crush later on Jacob. It would be really funny if Athena would follow Evelyn in her footsteps by falling in love with a Kingsley haha.

Evelyn x Jacob: Also I think it will be fun if Jacob and Evelyn meet up in Hogwarts. Evelyn will try to look out for Jacob in some kinda way I'm guessing. I think it is fun to see how this works out. We can do something with this perhaps and maybe with Kait too? Evelyn will stop dating Noah ofcourse this year, but they will stay good friends. We can see how that works out? With Professor Kingsley too ofc :shifty:
Amelie x Jacob: Amelie is very curious and a bit too much perhaps. She can be someone that perhaps take Jacob on a adventure. Amelie just want to find answers on much questions and if she doesn't get them she will and go find it herself. She is very nosy but means well, she is very interested by people and their actions.

I'm so down for that truth or dare idea, I'll definitely throw Diana in :r I want her and Jacob to meet at school again xD
@Cyndi sure! :D Would you like to start it?
You replied to mine, so why not?

Jacob Kingsley: I think it would be fun to have Brayden meet with Jacob, since Brayden and Jemma are going to be friends and all. I am also volunteering Kait in for a group RP.
Preston Paine: Him and Sergei need to RP. I think since they are both Scits and stuff, and Preston is into the blood magic, it would creep Sergei out because of his blood type.

That's all I have right now!
Alexis: I don’t have any year in mind, though preferably before his daughter is very old. She’s 7, so there’s still time. It is very dependent on me finding a final for Jeremy, however. I can’t see him having a baby without a stable partner, so I’ll poke you and the others if that happens. I could see Jeremy and his partner having sit downs with all 3 to see who they like the most and then going with that person.

Claire: I thought you suggested it, but now I see you only mentioned the dare bit xD But yay! I’m glad you like it, and I should definitely be available to start it. :)

Clara: Maybe we can do both? We can start off with the truth or dare RP and then have another RP for just Lavinia and Jacob once that other one gets going a bit? Would that work for you?

Jamie: Athena x Jacob - It wouldn’t quite work out the same way things have for Evelyn, but yes, I’d be up for that. xD They are in the same house and year, so I’d like to start with this one if that’s alright. I want to build up Jacob’s relationships with other first years.

Amelie x Jacob – Jacob was taught to be suspicious when people ask him too many prying questions, so I could see him perhaps being weary of Amelie at first, wondering why she is asking so much. That could be fun to explore.

Evelyn x Jacob – Ooh, yes. I wonder if Noah would be mad at Jacob for talking to Evelyn after they break up? That could be fun!

Daphne: Yes, please do join!! Omg, that is going to be hilarious. xD

Margo: Sure, I’ll have it up tomorrow at some point and will PM you the link!

Kaitlyn: Brayden x Jacob: I think Kait and I may have had an idea about this RP but I’m not sure if I’m remembering the right character. I’m going to ask her and get back to you.

Sergei x Preston: Yes, let’s do it. It’s been too long, and yes, I’d like to do more with him related to his Scit group. We can have Sergei visit Preston’s new place.
I'm up for the truth or dare! It could be interesting.

And alright, the offer is there for the surrogate mother whenever/if you need it! Just give me a buzz :D
Sure! We can definitely do that, it works for me :)
Truth or dare for all my student accounts.

I can offer Noelle as a friend for Jacob.Maybe, Jacob could balance out Noelle's quiet personality. Talitha is mean so I am not sure how to plot her up with Jacob. (will edit this if an idea comes to mind) Alexis is a second year but maybe, just maybe, Jacob would have a crush on her at some point. Just for a semester, a short crush. Puppy love as we call it. This is the first time I suggested this.

For Preston, I can offer Irene. She may be three years older than him but relationships know no age right?
Arle: Noelle x Jacob: Maybe they end up next to each other in a class and get to talking that way? Let's see what they have together. We can start a roleplay after the first week of classes if that's ok?

Talitha- if I think of anything I'll let you know. :p

Alexis- Unfortunately, she isn't Jacob's type but thanks for the offer! :)

Irene x Preston- Let me see how the other ones who relied before you work out, and I'll get back to you. I dont see him settling down any time soon, so its more about spreading out his relationships than anything!
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