Dipping a toe in...

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I'll be waiting to swoop in :r
So, I have something to offer you for Jeremy, I have a character called Haskel, I've not done as much with him as I'd like, and I'm always looking for an opportunity to RP with him. He might suit as a partner for Jeremy.

Haskel also has a child, a son he fathered with some woman in his youth, the child's about seven, and Haskel sees him every other weekend. To begin with Haskel was very reluctant with his child, seeing it more as a burden, a limiting burden that meant he wasn't able to travel as much or so that he couldn't not have a job, but over the years as his son has grown, he's begun to form a much closer bond with him. Since he can spend his weekends teaching him about the wilderness, about camping, about fishing and all of that, so he's quite satisfied with where his life if. To the point where the idea of settling down doesn't scary him as much. He's 33 currently, works for the ministry, doesn't love his job but has come to really appreciate it. He identifies as asexual, and doesn't feel that much sexual attraction for most, but he can settle down in a relationship and feel attracted to that person in a more intimate, loving manner. He's not adverse to sex but it's not what attracts him to people. He's a very outdoorsy person, he loves camping, hill walking, nature, but reserves that for weekends mostly with his son. He also has a cat (I forget it's name, but i have it written down somewhere). He's a friendly enough person, sometimes struggles with interacting with large groups of people. He can be quite quiet, and certain can be very pensive.

I don't if they'd go well together, I think it might work, but we could just test it out? If you were interested.
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