Closed Differences in Communication

Iris waited while Connor thought about her question, and when he nodded she smiled. "We'll do it together." She said reassuringly. Emma could be a bit much, especially for someone as shy as Connor seemed to be, so Iris wanted to make sure they boy was comfortable. She frowned a bit as he started to remove the daisy crown. "Don't you want to wear it anymore?"
"Oh cool, older sister club," Nicole said with a grin when Emma confirmed she was the oldest of her and Iris. She would have offered Emma a high five, but she didn't trust her ability not to smack someone by trying that when they were both swinging. "How much older? Like a few minutes or like hours?" She was curious how it worked when you were a twin, but she understood the importance of being The Older Sister.

"Okay, deal, I'll become a prefect so you have to listen to me," She said unfazed. Nicole was so used to being the responsible one with her little brother though it might be quite nice to not be in charge for once while she was at school. "What's your older sister like, then? Is she nice?" Nicole wasn't too familiar with the houses, but she vaguely new Gryffindor was probably one of the nice ones.
Connor was relieved that Iris was going to go with him, so he wouldn't have to talk to more new people all by himself, but he faltered a bit at her question, turning the crown over in his hands nervously. "I... well, I don't want them to make fun of me..." Connor said quietly, looking down. Sure, Iris had been nice about his flowers, but Connor just couldn't be sure the others would feel the same. Without Eric around to protect him... well... anything could go wrong.
"Few minutes." Emma said as she dragged her feet through the sand under the swing. She didn't like being reminded that she really wasn't that much older than Iris. She was older. That was what mattered. Emma giggled as Nicole said she would be a prefect so she would listen to her. "I heard its pretty boring. Fleur just has to wear a badge and patrol at night to see if no one is out of bed." She said, happy to inform Nicole more with all the Hogwarts information she knew. "She's very nice! She's the coolest." Emma said with a grin. "She plays Quidditch, on the team! And she has loads of friends. I bet she'll help us find our way and tell us where hidden passageways are." Emma said confidently.

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