Dear [Whomever]

Dear Reece,
You had to get ANOTHER tattoo? Really?
It makes you look even more like a 21
year old. You're 15 godamnit! I know
that if I was not too much of a wuss
to get a tattoo, I would regret it. It
makes me wonder wether or not you
regret the tattoos you have. If you do,
I pitty you. You were stupid enough
to make that decision. Either way, you
are still my favourite cousin and I love
you like I love my brothers.
Anna ♥
Dear Allergies,

--Go away. Forever.

Sir Kaitlyn
Dear _______,

Please offer me a job! Thanks. :D

Dear Nemo and Dory

Be a good fishy, okay? :D

Sincerely, Diana
Dear weather,

Thanks for being so great today :)

-A happy girl
Dear Uni work,

Urgh just disappear already

- Eager to relax
Dear you!

Urgh this is the second time that you've made me feel sick to my stomach with nerves for something that is just not my fault, alright?! :glare: I'm sooo glad I only have to stick you for about a month and a half, because I'm sick of how I'm being treated. If my life turns out the way I hope it, I hope I'll be a better manager than you'll ever be because how you got a job in the hospitality industry is a mystery to me if this is the way you treat your guests :correct:

- Disgruntled customer!
Dear ______,

Thanks for offering me the job!!! :woot:

Dear School.

It is twenty-five minutes past midnight. Why am I still awake doing assignments?

Sincerely, stressing.
Dear Father.

Now you break up with her? Now, after we've been through so much thanks to your selfish little midlife crisis? I don't trust you.

Sincerely, your angry daughter.
Dear Self.

Sorry, but it looks like another 4 hour night. I hope you don't mind- oright. I'm talking to myself again.

Sincerely, very overtired.

Dear Hotel Motel Crew,

Love you all sooo much! Can't believe it's been two years. Going to miss you all sooo much but lets make the most of the exam days and party afterwards, it's going to be a long year without seeing each other (well most of us anyway :p )

- Hotel Motel Member
Dear Fado,

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thank you soooo so much!

- New Employee! :D
Dear Fishy Nemo

Why did you die? :( Did I feed you that much and overdose on the food? and my dad suggested to flush you on the toilet instead of putting your dead fishy body on the trash
Dear School Instructor

OMG, a party? really? I'm so glad we're finish on writing a bunch of promps and I just have to do research which is still on my paper and not yet transfer on the computer but I promise I will transfer it
Dear Mother

You lose!!! Dad said no one will get out of the house unless we're ready, so, have a happy life with a bunch of teenagers in the house for a little bit of years :) Don't worry, I will apply for Disney or Nickelodeon cruise

All sincerely, Diana ♥
Dear HNZ.

Thanks for being so amazing ♥.

Love a Sparkles original xx

Dear sleep.

I have missed you. Let's bond tonight!

Deprived but making money xD

Dear Break,
Why must tomorrow be the last day? I will never be able to get back into the swing of school xD I really dislike it so much, I don't want to go back to Music school either, really it's a complete waste of my saturday and I don't know why I decided to go through with it when it's never going to help me in the future. Argh, it was a stupid idea..

Dear copiers,
The one petpeeve I really have is of those who copy and cheat. There are things I personally work really hard on, like projects or homework assignments and you feel the need to sit there do nothing but copy me! Ugh it makes me really angry and if it wasn't still lent I would be like my little Jamie Valentine and punch you in the jaw. Though I'm sure I'd be doing more damage to myself then to you, poor hand. But it would make me feel better as I do like to be unique I should be getting myself a punching bag for my room.
-Frustrated Girl

Dear lovely sister of mine,

Eff you very much.

Your awful, b-word of a sister. ;D
Dear Evolution,

Please make me a Puppy-Sized Elephant. They are made of awesome and would have the evolutionary advantage of being adorable!

Dear Clumsiness,

You always pick the worst times to kick in. Now my old Desktop is complete destroyed because of you and goodness knows how much it will cost to fix it. Just one day could you maybe take a break and let me move around in peace?

Probably one of the clumsiest people in the world. ♥
Dear HNZ Character Maker,

...hi....look, I'm sorry but I'm making way too many characters! I'm forcing myself to decline pressing that 'Join Our Community' button...ITS SO TEMPTING!!!! :(

But this is for my own good....I'm sorry it had to end like this...I love you, but your so bad for me...I hope we can meet again in the future.

Again, its not's your very tempting button and me........ :(

My heart misses you already


P.S GREAT! Just got a charrie idea....DAMN YOU REALITY!

Dear my boyfriend

It's keep checking out other girls..but I love you....I've told you this...but you won't stop you horrid piece of ****** *****!

It's not me, it's you

Domino ;)

Dear Microsoft Word,

I know my document is in there somewhere. Don't tell me it can't be opened! :mad:
There are several hours worth of work in there, so open. please :(


The girl who is hoping she doesn't have to do all of that work over again
Dear Sis,

Okay. You finally got married. It took you two 11 years to get around to it, but you did it. Congratulations.

Now, what I'd really like for my birthday are some little nieces and nephews. Please? You know you owe us for waiting patiently for all that time.

♥ Your WLS ;)
Frances Spade said:
Dear Break,
Why must tomorrow be the last day? I will never be able to get back into the swing of school xD I really dislike it so much, I don't want to go back to Music school either, really it's a complete waste of my saturday and I don't know why I decided to go through with it when it's never going to help me in the future. Argh, it was a stupid idea..
Dear Mike,
I don't think I can face Eastman on saturday, knowing that you'll never go for another trumpet lesson and we'll never leave band talking it and comparing music related things. Actually I don't think I can face band tomorrow, your chair will be empty for the rest of the year but I'm hoping that we can keep there for you.

Without even knowing I wrote my last Dear[whomever] not even half an hour after you left the earth. And I am trying to stay strong for everyone else, but sitting here in my room the tears fall freely. You would have whacked me so hard today if you saw me in first period, with your music folder too. I skipped Gym for you, Reptar, Amazar and I did, same with Momma Bear. And your locker is covered in memories of you. And alot of the hallway is too. So many people love you and pray for you and your family and I know I am. You such a stupid boy, but you had to be the hero and I'm proud to say you were, no are my friend. I have to go to church now, see you later.

♥ Steph
Dear Sleeping Pattern,

It's not summer yet, I can't stay up all night and sleep all day. We still have a little less than a month to go before my days are clear. Please fix yourself a decent schedule until then.

Jessye! ♥
Hey Bed;

Think you can make me instantly fall asleep when I hit the pillow? No? I should have known.

- insomniac at 1am-ish
Dear tomorrow, or today I guess, considering it's twenty to one, and the days after that;

Please be nice to me, and let me have time to do my homework, and don't let my family annoy me too much.. is that possible?

- procrastinator with too much homework for this to even be called the holidays.

Dear Future Kate and William Windsor,

I hope you are both very happy together but I'll have you know that I do not care at all about your wedding or your marriage and I wish that the advertisements about your wedding had not been played at all.

Best wishes,
Dearest Little Sister,

Grow up and knock the attitude off. I'm tired of trying to be nice and friendly to you only to have you act like like the nastiest, most ungrateful little brat I've ever met. I don't have to be nice to you, but I do because unlike you I'm not weighed down by negatives thoughts. Learn to appreciate what I do for you because I try hard to get along with you.

Your Fed up older sister</COLOR>
Dear May,

Please don't hesitate to go by quickly. June is what I'n really waiting for.

The girl who wants Summer

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