Dear [Whomever]

To whom it may concern,

I've made a decision. A firm decision that will finally suit my life for the better. No longer will I back down under the cloud of confrontation, and I shall no longer be the weak and meek little orphan girl that buckles under pressure and allows others to take advantage of me.

It's over. Ben, you text me, because I certainly won't be initiating any more conversations. If you really want to talk to me, then I'll know.

To my grandparents: Back off. I won't show any pity because you all have seriously underestimated me. I won't be the bumper car that accepts the 'walking all over' tactics you used so liberally against me this year. Also, the gravestones that you purchased without allowing me to help pick out shall be moved in your front yard and replaced with ones of my own choosing. Oh, by the way, my Nana will help pick them out with me, because you neglected to remember her feelings.

Aunt Jamie, I tell you things because I know that you are a gossip. I want these things to be spread around so that people will know exactly how I feel about certain things.

Erin, you may be my boss, but that won't stop me from telling you to stfu when you ***** me out about something stupid.

Marissa, back the &^%)% off. He's mine, and you are too immature to even comprehend how complex he really is. Oh, funny thing. He can never remember your name. Ha.

Ian, I may have a thing for you. What can I say? Mysterious guys always get to me.

It's time for little Malynne to grow up, and I won't be taken advantage of any longer. Watch out world, I'm coming for you.

Stronger and ready to show it.
Dear Pain in My Side,

I've had enough of this. I want you out of my life because I'm tired of pretending with you, consider this as me closing up once again because it's obvious that I don't need you or anyone. You used to be someone I thought of as a friend and could always count on, now all you do is make me want to busy my head in sand and scream and how stupid you can be.

No one
To whom it may concern.
Don't like the way I do things?
Don't understand?
Instead of changing the topic whenever I try and talk about things, and posting in this topic and thinking I'm a bad person,
how about you take the easy option; how bout if you don't like what I do, you don't be my friend?
Or wait in the long line of people waiting for me to give a stuff about what they think.
Sincerely, the girl who is proud to be who she is.

Dear exams.
Mhm. Thats right, I'm finished and I kicked your butt, and now I have twelve weeks off.
Sincerely, me.
Dear rabid unamusing Twilight fan

I've seen your other activities on fanpop, but still you insist on asking us Harry Potter fans: "Y doo ppl even liek Harry 'Plopper'?"
Do you think you're amusing? Do you think we're amused? Hell no! Imperially and Royally no!
The follwing part is ranty, logically incoherent and an fallacious appeal to emotions:
How can you ask such a question? How can you be so bloody ignorant?!

How? By the Grace of God how can you not feel a little bit for, yes for and not against, the characters? How can you be so callous when Dobby died to save his friends?! Would your friends die for you?
In my opinion, the love, valour and heorism far far outdoes the lust of Twilight. So here I shall stand.

Dear London organisers of the premiere of DH1

It was outstanding timing of you to place such a movie on Armistice Day.
"Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt."

Dear Work,

THANK YOU for finally slowing down for me :wub: I really do hate you but not having to worry about you so much is great. Please let my two class tests, supervisory night/report go in as quickly as possible and with as less pain as possible

Happy to see the back of you
Dear Sleep,

I'm coming to get you :cool:

Dear University,

You cannot fail me for the ENTIRE university year because I'm SICK.
I am incredibly ticked off!.

I'm SORRY, if the communication was bad and I'm SORRY if the person who was supposed
to come and assess me came and I wasn't there to be assessed!
But I rang YOU and THE PLACEMENT PEOPLE saying that I was UNWELL and therefore can't


I have worked HARD and I deserve to keep my PLACE AT the university.

I don't even LIKE my placement! I have to travel 30km a DAY just to get there!
YOUR ORGANIZATION SUCKS! I clearly specified that I can't travel out that far because I don't
have my own mode of transportation AND the buses that go that way are always late. And funny,
placing me with someone who can give me rides was a joke. She already LIVES out that way.

University, you have really annoyed me.
If I fail the whole year, just because of this - then I'm quitting my degree and doing something else.

An angry first year student
Dear NCEA Level 1,
I officially hate you!
But haha I have the upper hand!
4 exams down, 2 to go!
Then I'll be done with you forever!
Except when I do NCEA Level 2 next year.
Darn it!
From Person who gets distracted easily by HNZ when should be studying. :)
Dear Dust Buster Vacuum,

Please give me my sock back! I kind of wanted to wear it tomorrow. xD

The owner of the sock you ate! ♥
Dear sore throat,

Go :mad:


Dear students,

Thank you for making me :) today!
I love when you guys are responsible.

A :) tutor
Dear work,

Please try and keep the patient census to where it's currently at so that I may get called off tomorrow. After today I'd really enjoy a day off.

That one RN chick
Dear you.

I'm really, really sorry if I have trust issues. And yeah, you're just going to say here 'oh, no disorder is an excuse for how you act.'
But perhaps I don't care so much about what people say about me.
Go on, do your worst, sweetie. I do care about you, and I only post here because perhaps I need to vent. That's the purpose of this topic, anyway.
Perhaps I made assumptions, reacted wrong. I assumed because you got angry when I needed a shoulder to cry on, you didn't want to be my friend.
And that's just the way my brain works sometimes.
And please, don't make me laugh. I haven't caught one glimpse of you trying to talk about things, in fact when Melissa asked you if you'd like to come and talk with her and the counsellor there, you flat out refused.
So how, can I not hear you trying to talk to me, at all?
My mum told me that if you've been causing me all this stress, I shouldn't try and fix this. So I give up.

Lots of ♥ and goodluck in your life,
Dear life,

You suck. I don't know why everything must be so hard on me? Have I been picked out of the hat? The hat labeled "Bad things will happen to whomever's name gets picked out."

If so, how long will this bad luck streak last? Will it be the typical seven years? I just don't see myself surviving if it is going to be stretched out that long.

Sigh. I really do despise you, especially right now. You must take a fair and okay day and turn it into a hellish pit of disappointment and anger. Why??

Dear people at uni.

Who do you think you are?? You are not better than anyone else, or more holy! What the heck!
Stop trying to make yourself seem so amazing, you are in the wrong too!
It sickens me the way you act.

Dear uni.

Why did you fail me? I WORKED SO HARD.
SO over it.


Dear stairs,

Why did you curse me tonight? Why did you make me fail and become crippled on a lovely day? Lonely without my bestie though. :( But now I have loads to tell her! ♥
Why did you make my foot look weird with the colors and that weird ass bump?

Girl whom needs to watch out for icy stairs
Dear Padre,

You're always telling me to honor my commitments. Keep my promises and such. But that only applies when it's convenient for/doesn't affect you right? I understand you had good intentions when you told me of a surprise trip out of town tomorrow. It was a very nice gesture but that doesnt change then fact that I had plans with FOUR different people already. I tell you this, your response? "Well change them." Like it's that damn easy. Now imagine if I said that to you next time I wanted to go to Lexington. Wouldn't fly would it?

- Sincerely,
Irritated daughter
Dear Food,
I need you!
Why did you run away?
Please come back.
I love you no matter what shape and size!
So please come back :(
You food deprived Comrade
Dear Snow

You know I ♥ you right? I swear everytime I look out and see you falling I squeel like a little school girl and outside playing in you last night was soo0o0o0o0o0o0o much fun. Buuut, can you lay off for a few hours so Chris' friend can get over? Please, it would be awful if he didn't get over and I know you would be disappointing a few of your biggest fans. So just for a few hours, please and thank you :wub:

- Your biggest fan :hug:
Dearest "Foundations of Academic Writing Part I",

If you were unsure that your existence is pointless before this time, allow me to confirm for you that it is, indeed, pointless.
That's not true. I'm sorry. I suppose your existence does have a purpose, but you might not like what it is.
Turns out you exist only to infuriate arts majors, and to cause their knowledge of the workings of the English language to decrease.
That's right. After three pointless months of your redundant quizzes and transparent attempts to try to drill the most basic principles of English grammar in to me, an English/Drama double major - you only made me worse off. My pre-course diagnostic had me placed at 89% percent-ish. Post-course is just below 81. The only change? That I had to bare you with gritted teeth.

I do hope you are more than satisfied.

Hoping you'll bugger off in the future,

Dear Bank,

You suck! :glare: Give me the money I clearly have...NAO!!!!!

- Unsatisfied and cold customer because I couldn't get money for my bus journey and had to walk home!!!! <_<
Dear Week,

Slow the eff down. :glare: Why is it when I want you to go quickly you take forever to go by but when I want you to slow down you go right on ahead and speed up. Pain in my butt.

Someone who doesn't agree with aging
Dear ass hats,

Even if I give you a bright, happy smile, let me tell you my thoughts aren't so nice. You're awful people, sure it's my job but you don't have to make it so much harder for me by being rude and arrogant. I don't care if you've had a bad day or if you want something that isn't in the store, that isn't my job! So I would thank you if you would get some goddamn sense in your thick heads that my job is already stressful enough without you being there!

PO'd cashier!
Dear You and Only You,

Jealousy is such an ugly trait.
The more you hate the more famous I get so it's not like anything you do bothers me at all. ♥

The ever so awesome me.
Dear Dog Breeders,

Are you on drugs? $1500 for a puppy? What do you think I am, a fool? No way Jose am I paying 1500 for a dog, even if it came from champion parents.

Amused non-customer.

Even though he's going out with you.... he's still crazy about me.

Dear anonymous,

Use what I gave you or give it back. It was an extension of myself and you don't care about it one iota.


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