Dear [Whomever]

Dear, BF

Now that we are on our separate ways, let's do whatever we could to get back to each other because being away from you is a torture (yeah, I'm crying my eyes out here). Let's arrange everything and maybe by the time comes we will be back with each other again.

I love you so much

Sincerely, Joyce
Dear Weather
Quousque tandem abutere, patientia nostra? How long, will you abuse our patience?
Hey jerk,

For real? Are you seriously doing this? I actually want to talk about my problems because we're SUPPOSED to be friends. And then you just choose to ignore my text and send something that doesn't have anything to do with it, and then you ignore my other ones???? Why do I talk to you?

I have to listen to your woes all the freaking time. And they are so pathetic. So, very pathetic. Give me the common courtesy, douche face.

FU and Your stupid Lortab.
Dear him.

Stop asking me questions, because I'm not going to answer them. I made a promise to my friend, and I intend to keep it. So please, just leave me alone while I work this all out?

I love you so so much,
Dear you.

I told you, I told you this would happen, he is a hypocrite and a liar, just walk away it will be better for your health.

Dear You.

Thanks :) for everything :D
Dear you,

Look i know we are friends. I respect that you were thrown out of your house and came to me for help. I really do. Its just that you need to be patient with us. You have to understand that we aren't used to this. And not to mention we have to spend extra money on clothes and things for you. Its just really hard, and we KNOW you didn't steal anything. Its just lost. Seriously we dont blame you. You just have to understand that we are under alittle stress and that we need some time. Please be patient with us.

Your off and on friend.
Dear Life

Do you have the most morbid sense of humour ever?
Here's is my sincere demands to you:
1. Stop making mum so incapable of putting herself in my shoes. Get her to understand that a new trust relationship is fragile, and that I'm sorry for wanting to stay in bed more than necessary, or drinking that tea, which made me five minutes late for class and sick from having to race 3km at top speed. Get her to understand that I'm sorry for slipping up, but I'll try to improve gradually.
2. Understand and release me from my mum's incessant demands of me doing twenty adv. math problems a day, while I don't understand the theory. I'm just growing frustrated then. Furthermore I will not work on homework 24/7. I will burn out, get even more depressed and then do something drastic.
3. Make people understand that I as a person, requires time and space alone.

Dear you.

Don't you dare deny what is on my medical record. Because I don't need to lie. I will accept and respect your own illnesses, but denying mine ain't helping. You're looking as bad as Miss Young who screams at those who try to kill themselves at school, when you do.


You were lying about there being a new girl... and I think it's because you wanted me to be jealous.

Do you deny?
Dear you.

How could you. I used to trust you. I don't know anymore. But I don't want our family to be apart.

♥ your daughter.
Dear you,

How Dare you!
We trusted you, we took you in when you had no where else to go. Atleast thats what we thought. You lied to us and stole from us and then expected to be let back into our home!?
Well screw you, we have turned a blind eye for the last time. You stold $50 from us. We dont want it back. We just want you to piss th **** off, we dont give a poop anymore. So get the **** out of my life. I never want to talk to you again.

Dont ever come near me, my house or my family again. **** you!

Yours sincerely
The girl is is pissed off.
Dear O

I'm so proud of you :)
Don't give up, follow your dreams
and i'll be one step behind you.


<SIZE size="150">Dear McDonalds.

y'know....when I asked for a cheeseburger.
I expect what is supposed to be in your cheeseburger.
you know...Cheese, burger patty, onion, ketchup, mustard, buns.

I when I asked for a cheeseburger, I didn't want a hamburger. I asked for cheese.
thats right cheese...and ketchup.

Severely disappointed, but will still continue getting cheeseburgers because it's cheap.

Dear M

You are possibly the most annoying person ever.

and to be plainly clear: I. Am. Not. Your. Food.

If you want cupcakes, then BAKE YOUR OWN.
Just because I baked you cupcakes ages ago because I was nice
and generous, does not mean I want to bake cupcakes just so you can shove them into
your mouths and ask for more.

A girl who knows her place is not in the kitchen.


Feel free to start being a friend at anytime. Also, it would be nice for you to cease being selfish.

Dearest You,

I don't think I've ever liked anyone as much as I like you. Please try to Keep that in mind as you think about leaving me on my own for awhile.

Hey you,

No one really likes you. Just thought you should know that.

The girl that also doesn't like you. ♥
Dearest Best Friend,

Thanks for always being there. :wub:

Your buddy.
<FONT font="Lucida">Dear Driver's Manual,

Please read yourself because I cannot be bothered to learn what I already know.

Dear Laptop,

First, you freeze on me <_<
and now the internet is acting up :glare:
You better get your act together, or I will be forced to replace you :mad:

Thank you kindly,


Dear you,

You are so much fun and I always enjoy talking to you. Please keep being that way.

Dear, Job and College

Job - Thank you for hiring me
College - I know Nursing is a bit pain in the butt but the parking area is more pain in the butt

Sincerely, Joyce
Dear Decisions to be made,

Would you please make yourself easier to make? I do not know what to do here and I'm starting to stress myself over something that should be easy to decide over.

Dear Hotel Motel Crew ¢¾

OK I love you guys, really I do and you know that I will try and help you as much as I can, I hate to see anyone fail and I don't mind helping you but please can I have a break every so often? :( Hearing Patsy this. Patsy that. All the bloody time, it can get a bit too much for one person when you have about 3 or 4 people all wanting help. Look I'm all in the same situation as you guys, I never studied this before either so what makes you think I have all the answers? Because really, I don't. No matter how much I may be able to help you all and give you answers I don't know everything.

So yeah, please give me a break every once and a while, it would be greatly appreciated because I'm under as much stress as you guys are and you aren't helping me when I have 3 or 4 of you all looking for my help xD :cry:

Much love
- Patsy :p
Dear M

One step behind? You m'dear, deserve to be right up next to me. :)


<COLOR color="#37AAE0">Dear head

Stop spinning.


Dear Snow,

Thanks! :D

A girl that hates snow
Dear Computer

Still kicking me out of the internet! <_<
Because I swear I will replace your sorry circuits! :glare:


Dear You

You are an idiot, first you break you with her, then make her cry, then call me a cow for going off at you because you sent her a letter saying she screwed up you life and you will never love again and YOU BROKE YOU WITH HER i might add, then you date her friend? Wtf? And here I thought you could never love again, guess I was sadly mistaken, hope you die in a hole. Bye :)


Dear You

I know he kissed you than made you cry with a letter after dumping you, but you deserve better then that piece of slim, trust me there are better people out there, like Sally and Butter so dont worry you won’t be too sad.
Btw, I can’t believe you went fishing without me :o you better get me a fishy :r :D


Dear You

Die. :mad:


Dear You

You are an evil duck :glare:


Dear you two

Love you guys, you rock :D :woot:


Dear Christmas

Hurry up :santa:

~Tenile (just wanted an excuse to put up santa :p )

He hits on me too. The only difference is, he actually hangs out with me after work and talks to me for hours and hours at night, every night. Yeah, we start a little before midnight, and end up talking until at least 6 AM.

Think before you speak, biotch.

Underestimated, but definitely not forgotten

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