DA meeting Three

Zoe wasn't exactly sure what was going on between Sophia, and Hilary, but liked the name that Courtney thought up of. She decided to stay silent, so she wouldn't spark up the drama that had just been stopped.
Estrella had decided to sit back and listen to the argument instead of intervening. When she opened her mouth, usually, no good came of it, and only made situations worse. "I think the SDA is a good idea for a name," she added in after the argument and hostility died. "Practical, and it isn't too long."
Glad that somebody else had spoken about the name idea first, Zoe seconded Estrella's idea. "So do I. Nothing too, wild or crazy." She said, even though she was pretty much all about wild and crazy, defense was a serious matter.
' well i don't. TNT much more nicer too me but i don't see why we have to change it anyway. The DA is fine the way it is.' said ginny starting to get annoyed that she wasn't doing any magic. <_<
"I like SDA to!"Sam annouced happy that someone had said something about before he did.
Naomi stood watching and listening to conversations that were going on around her. "Well since everyone is voicing their opinions" she said a little annoyed. "I like the name SDA...I also agree that we should just put the names to a poll and move on to something else. Can we please move on to something else!"

Naomi was normally not this assertive but this was the second time the meetings have been thrown off track and she really was here to learn about defense. She stood tapping her wand at her side hoping that the meeting could finally move forward.
"Well, a full five minutes after we decided and announced that we would be moving on, and I am quite glad to see that we are.

"I am quite disappointed to see so many of you acting so disrespectfully toward Courtney. This is her meeting which she called and you willingly attended. If you do not like it, then leave. If you have a problem with how things are being run, leave. If you feel the need to voice your opinion, please do so in private, not in the middle of the meeting. Your complaints about getting the meeting to move on are the very thing that are holding up this meeting.

"Now, if you wish to move on to doing spells I suggest you shut your mouths and listen to Courtney."

Sophia turned to Courtney, trying her best not to look quite as agitated as she was with the assembled lot. "I apologize if I am stepping on your toes but I felt something needed to be said. I believe we were going to move on to spells?"
Courtney blushed after Sophia had finished her speech, this was the second time that Sophia had to stick up for her in a DA meeting. "Thank you Sophia, I really do appreciate your actions."

She turned to the rest of the members, and pulled out her wand. "I hear it is magic you want. And yes, like Sophia has stated, we will be moving on to spells. Keep in mind, the spells we are going to practice today, are basic ones.

"Now, I need one volunteer to help demonstrate!"
Seeing as Hilary was still standing right there she lifted her hand in a sort of "I'm in" motion and said "I'll do it Courtney, what was it you had it mind?"
"Excellent, Hilary." Courtney replied. She took a couple steps backwards, to make sure she was a safe distance from all of the other members.

"The first spell we will be practicing is Protego. I'm sure the majority of you know that this is the shielding spell." Courtney pointed her wand in the direction of Hilary and shouted, "Stupefy!"
It had all gone so fast that Hilary barely knew what was going on when she saw the red sparks flying at her. Out of almost total reflex Hilary lifted her wand and cried "Protegro!" A powerful shield came out of her wand and took it's place around her. The jinx bounced off but it died before it hit anybody.
Courtney chuckled a bit before saying, "Good job Hilary, but you're lucky you even formed a shield with your mispronounciation of Protego! I must need to work on my ability to stun!

"Now, for the time being we will only be practicing Protego. Everybody take out your wands and practice your shield spells. Remember, the incantation is Protego, not Protegro. Of course everybody will not master the spell right away, but practicing increases skill!

"And if Sophia or I happen to catch anybody fooling around, hu will be removed from this club," Courtney added in a serious tone.
Hilary stuck out her tongue. "Well I must be a true Canadian witch, because the spell obviously worked. Maybe in the accent my New Zealand wand couldn't tell." she smiled, it had never happened before and so she had no idea what had happened.
Glad they were doing something productive, she took out her wand and walked up to the nearest person and said,"Hey you wanna be my partner?"when that was agreed on she stood back a bit and recalled the spell her dad had taught her to use incase someone annoyed her and shouted,"Petrificus totallus!"pointing her wand at her partner.
Kasey knew it would happen anytime and was ready for it she shouted"Protego"and red sparks came out from her wand.The shield charm protected her .Than she said to her partner ,"U r exellent .Now let me try."She took her wand and pointed it to her and said,"Petrificus totallus" and hoped her partner could do it too.
((Petrificus Totalus? We are supposed to be practicing ONLY Protego at the moment! I did not give instructions to partner up and shoot spells at each other, that was merely a demonstration.))
Ginny watched everyone as they practised. They were very good. She held her wand and thoght of a sheild.The she spoke the words, 'Protego'
A small sheild happened but then dissapeared as fast as it had appeared.
She tried again, 'Protego' slightly louder. The sheild was a bit bigger but it did last qiute long but not long enough.
She tried once more. 'Protego'. The sheild formed right in front of her eyes.it was perfect in her mind. It lasted long enough before she cut it off. she had done it. Wow.:D
((Sorry Courtney! Didn't know! But now that we've started we might as well get on with it! It's much more fun then arguing!!!! :p Perhaps you can role play telling us off if you like!!!))

Crystal yelled"Protego!" as she heard her partners incantation. Her shield held for a second but wasn't strong enough and collapsed as the spell hit it. Her arms snapped to her sides and her legs sprang togather and she keeled over, her face hitting the ground hard. She couldn't move or make a sound, she was totally frozen...
After hearing Courtney tell them to start practicing,Sam took out his wand and began."Protego"He said a shield started to appear but disappeared after about three seconds."Protego."Sam reapeted,the shield appeared again and this time it lasted longer than the other one did.
((Um, it was clear in my instructions that we would ONLY be practicing Protego. I also don't appreciate you giving me suggestions of what I should do with the club that I run. It is very frustrating to run a club when the members don't give a hoot about what the leaders say. Now, if you don't like the way it is run, I suggest you leave and start your own club. You will soon find out it is not an easy task. Also, I am just going to disregard the 'Petrificus totalus' posts.))

Courtney walked around and observed the members of the club make successful attempts of the shielding spell. "Keep it up guys! You're doing awesome."

She held her wand out in front of her and started practicing Protego. There is no such thing as too much practicing, she thought while flicking around her wand.
Zoe got up from her seat, and began to cast 'protego' to see how the shield would come up. Protego, she said, and she watched as a round, somewhat transparent shield formed around her wand.

She practised a couple more times, and noticed that she was getting better. She had duelled a little the previous year, and her shield had improved and got bigger. She got a large grin on her face.
Lily stood where she was and started to practice the spell as directed. She made the motions with her wand and yelled "Protego!", noting the shape and size of her shield.

She was impressed. She was improving, but the best test would be when she was able to practice with a partner. She noticed a few others were partnering up, but she respected Courtney's leadership to wait until directed to do more than this.
Hilary was still giggling to herself that she had somehow managed 'trick' her wand. She decided that she'd try again and this time use the right word. "Protego" she said as she pointed her wand in front of her. The shield came out just as powerful but in blue instead of pink. Atleast it was a better colour.
((I'll repeat I'm sorry! :( You don't have to get so angry. I'll start over...))

Crystal got out her wand and started parcaticing first only wispering the charm. Nothing happened."Protego!"she said a little louder. A tiny flicker of a shield appeared for a couple of seconds. "Hey!Something happened!" Crystal squealed excitedly before repeating the charm once more confidently. This time the shield remained for a few more seconds. Excited that it was working Crystal continued practicing until she could keep the shield up for a full thirty seconds. Tired out she stopped and turned to watch everyone else.
Kailey took out her wand."Protego!" She said a bit on the quiet side a shield flickered for about a second before dissappearing into thin air. "Protego!" She said a bit louder. The shield satayed for about 5 seconds while flickering before vanishing completely. She kept trying eventually getting a shield up for ten seconds. She was frustrated and decided to try one more time."Protego!" She said fierecely A big shield came from her wand and stayed there till she broke the spell. She tried it again and the shield stayed once again. Satisfied with herself she decided to watch others.

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