Open Cracking heads

Tilly Drage

Hufflepuff Co-Captain | Beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12" Pear with Mermaid Scales
May 25, 2040
Tilly was bummed not to have flying lessons any longer. However, as a second year, she could finally try out for the Quidditch team. Tilly made her way down to the pitch at the first opportunity. She carried her Sienna Storm and hand-me-down beater’s bat to the supply shed, where she found a box with two restrained bludgers.

The Hufflepuff released one of the bludgers, leaving the other one to whir angrily in its restraints. She hopped onto her broom and chased the sphere around the pitch. The bludger was much faster, meaner, and heavier than she had expected. After swatting the ball a dozen times, Tilly started to get the hang of it. She knew she still had a lot to learn, but she was willing to put in the effort.
Finn had saved enough money to buy the cheapest broom there was. It was decent and definitely good enough to play Quidditch with. Finn happily took his broom and bat to the pitch only spotting a girl from his house already there. The girl wasn't a petite as most of the others girl, she was big. Finn didn't mind he likes girls all sizes. Finn mounted his broom and wiggled the bat in his hands. He rose up to her height and smiled. ''Hey, I am Finn'' Finn paused ''Are you also going to try out?'' Finn asked the girl. It was rare to find a girl that wanted to be a beater.
Bobbi had found out that first years were not allowed to try out for the Qudditch team. Bobbi didn't even know what Quidditch was and she was annoyed by this discriminatory rule that banned her from the team. She had gone down to the Quidditch pitch to brood about it and was watching two older students fly. She overheard one ask the other if they were trying out. "Boo! I wouldn't bother" interrupted Bobbi at the top of her lungs "Quidditch is for losers."
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Tilly grinned at her housemate. A fellow second-year- Finn. She noticed the bat in his hands. “Yup,” she said, but she hadn’t come to the pitch to talk. Now, she had a partner to practice with. Tilly dove for the bludger, smacking it directly at Finn.

Then Tilly heard a voice from below. A Hufflepuff girl, but Tilly had never seen her before. Perhaps she was a first year, or a transfer student? Either way, she was annoying.

“Why don’t you piss off, then?” Tilly shouted, turning her attention back to Finn. Bludgers could put even the best Quidditch players in the Hospital Wing.

@Bobbi Bacuzzi: FYI they were both already in the air so you might want to edit accordingly
Finn noticed that the girl wasn't much for small talk and she seemed to wack a bludger right his way. Finn grabbed his bat firmly and gave it a good wack. Returning the bludger to her. Then he spotted and heard a little girl shouting at them. Something about Quidditch being for losers. Finn flew a bit lower and looked at the little pest that joined them ''If you think that Quidditch is for losers why bother walking all the way to the pitch?'' Finn asked the girl ''Seems like way too much effort for just being a pest, I think you are just jealous'' Finn laughed and looked back at the girl in front of him. Bludgers were dangerous and he wasn't ready to get wacked in the head with one.
Bobbi heard exactly what the other girl had said and was not happy about it. She wished she had a broom of her own so she could fly up there and knock her off hers. "Whatcha say? Why don't you come down here and say it to my face if you think you're so great!" She challenged loudly to the person in the sky, Bobbi wasn't afraid even if she did brandish a bat.

She turned to the boy and shrugged, not at all amused by his comments. Craning her neck upwards to look at him she said, "It's a free country and I would never be jealous of you two losers! What are you doing anyway? Trying to knock the last brain cell out of one another?" She chucked to herself. Good one Bobbi.
Tilly could have rolled her eyes so hard they spun into the back of her head. As the bludger sailed towards her, Tilly whacked it hard, across the pitch and away from herself and Finn. She didn’t acknowledge the unnamed girl directly.

“I don’t wanna listen to this little twit,” she hollered to Finn, straining her voice. Then she flew off after the bludger.
Finn was pretty done with the girl and he wasn't going to let himself dragged down to her level. She even chuckled on her own jokes, that was crazy. He was close to wacking the bludger in her face only to be realizing that he already made an illegal potion last year and he was pretty sure that and harming others would mean expulsion. Finn nodded ''Me neither, she isn't worth the hassle'' Finn chased after Tilly.
Elliot had been hoping to get in some early practice before classes and other club stuff cropped up and inevitably ran him ragged. He was quietly disappointed when he already heard voices out on the pitch, though that switched to concern as the voices seemed to get louder and more antagonizing. Slipping out onto the pitch with his broom, Elliot squinted at the students there, noting the younger girl on the ground seemed to be heckling the students up in the air. "Everything alright?" He called out, voiced raised so at least the girl on the ground could hear him, unsure if he wanted to yell loud enough for the flyers as well just yet.
Crossing her arms over her chest indignantly, Bobbi watched the two students fly away from her. "That's it, fly off!" They had literally chosen flight over fight, what losers! Bobbi turned and, bubbling with frustration, kicked the heavy trunk containing the unused Quidditch balls as hard as she could, releasing a bludger that had been restrained. Bobbi watched it shoot into the sky, looking away only when hearing another voice ask if everything was alright.

Bobbi answered him, "Yeah everything's rosey, thanks!" Bobbi, being a muggleborn had no idea what a bludger was, she expected it to land back on the ground any moment now. She turned back to see where the rogue bludger was but had lost sight of it.
Tilly looked down towards the pest and noticed an older student had joined them on the pitch- no, a prefect from their house. And if Tilly remembered right, he was on the Quidditch team. Best to stay out of the way so they wouldn’t get in trouble or ruin their chances for joining the ranks. Besides, they hadn’t done anything wrong except tell the girl off and remove themselves from the situation.

Tilly dove towards the bludger, smashing it back at Finn. “Heads up!” Her muscles strained with the effort, but it felt great. She didn’t notice the second bludger that the first year had released on the ground.
Finn spotted someone else walking onto the pitch. He was pretty sure it was someone who was actually part of the Hufflepuff team, but he didn't exactly know his name. He did see he was talking to the twit of a girl, but he couldn't be bothered with it anymore. Finn was on the look out for the bludger he had just send towards Tilly when he saw that the little idiot managed to release the second bludger. He couldn't go for two bludgers at once and he also spotted the first bludger comes his way. He gave the first bludger a nice wack and saw it going way off. He wasn't interested in sending it towards the other beater there were other things to focus on now. ''LOOK OUT FOR THE OTHER BLUDGER"' Finn screamed towards the big girl on the broom. He was sure he couldn't make it there in time, bludgers were fast and this one was pretty rogue.
"Hey, careful," Elliot said as he moved closer to the girl, flinching back as she kicked the chest at her feet, releasing the second bludger. The Quidditch pitch was easily one of the places Elliot felt most at ease around the school, which he knew he'd need to rely on with him being one of the team co-captains this year, but he was still pretty jumpy around bludgers, warily watching it as it took off towards to two flyers. They both had beater's bats though, so Elliot hoped they'd be alright. "Maybe you should move off the pitch, it's not safe if you're not on a broom," He said, trying to vaguely herd the girl off the pitch. He had a feeling there was something more going on between the group of students than was being let on, but hopefully just removing the girl on the ground would help diffuse the situation. He glanced up uneasily when he heard one of the flyers shout out about the bludger, drawing his wand even though he doubted he'd actually be able to do anything from down on the ground. The flying pair had beaters bats at least, and Elliot just hoped they knew how to use them.
Tilly turned her head as Finn shouted something. She’d been watching the other bludger and anticipating its return. “What?” she hollered back, as one of the iron balls grazed past her ear- the second one she’d purposely left in the chest. She hadn’t planned to practice with two bludgers.

Losing balance with the close call, Tilly dropped her bat. She swore and leaned into a steep nosedive. Except gravity was faster than the second year. Tilly pulled up at the last moment, not wanting to flatten herself on the pitch before the season had even begun. Tilly circled back, hovering, and picked up her bat. She pointed it at the first year. “If you want to harass Quidditch players, do it like a normal person- from the stands.”

Tilly looked back at the prefect, embarrassed at herself, and then flew back into the air with her bat securely in hand. Lesson learned. Now she and Finn had another bludger to try and rustle back into its box.
Lillith hoped the quidditch pitch was available for practice that day. Her broom had finally arrived from her home, and she was excited to practice on it on an actual quidditch pitch. She would have brought it herself, but she didn’t want to have too much luggage on the train.

She arrived with broom in hand, just in time to see Tilly almost get squashed into the ground. “Hey Tilly! Are you practicing?” She shouted loudly, ignorant of what had been going on between her, the first year and the house prefect. She didn’t know that Tilly wanted to be in the team, but this would be fun for sure. Hopefully they could both get picked on in the team. Lillith hopped onto her broom and lifted off.

Soon she was around Tilly’s height level, and had only noticed a boy from her house then. “Hi!” She didn’t really know him, but new friends were always worth trying to make.
Finn was pretty done with the first year and was glad when she was escorted of the pitch by their prefect. Finn was pretty sure that Tilly and he could handle the two bludgers, but it wasn't planned. ''Lets play with the two bludgers and when we will tackle the problem of getting them back in the box after?'' Finn asked Tilly. Then another second year joined them, he had seen her in the lessons, but he wasn't sure what er name exactly was. ''Hello'' Finn said while smiling. He looked around to spot the bludgers that were around. Making sure not was going to be harmed.
With the second year ahead of her, Hayzel was set on trying for the team. Armed with her new broom, she hurried down to the grounds and when she was could see the pitch from afar, hopped on it and flew the rest of the way. She was delighted when Finn was already there along with some others although she could see they were in his house too. She hovered to the side, her new bat on hand, waiting to be noticed as she did not want them distracted unceremoniously. She heard a whizzing sound and turned around just in time to see the bludger speeding. With a whack, she sent it away from her, a whoop came out of her mouth. "That felt awesome!"
Lillith smiled brighter at the greeting, she loved to meet people. She wasn’t sure what she could do to practice with them but anything would do. Maybe she could dodge the bludgers while they whacked them around. As the thought came into her head, she heard a distant voice, exclaiming something. Lillith turned to see a girl, she had hit a bludger towards her direction. “Ah!” She reacted as she dodged the bludger. “You ought to be more careful with that!” She shouted at the girl, while repositioning herself on the broom.
While Tilly had planned to practice solo on the pitch today, those plans were out the window. She and Finn were joined by Lillith and a Gryffindor she recognized from classes, but didn’t know. Tilly waved at Lillith and grinned. With all the bludgers about, Tilly was concerned for her roommate, but at the end of the day, it was her job to protect others, right?

Tilly eyed the bludger sent her way by @Hayzel West and swung her bat to meet it. Upon impact, the bludger sailed away, but then corrected itself and moved in a different direction. Even up in the air, Tilly had to remind herself that bludgers, unlike Quaffles, didn’t follow the laws of gravity.

Tilly flew close to @Lillith Montgomery so they could hear one another. She'd noticed Lillith dodging the bludger just before. “Do you want the Quaffle, the Snitch, or a bat? I’ll grab you one,” she shouted, and wondered which Lillith would pick.
As Lillith re-positioned herself, she noticed @Tilly Drage approaching her. "The Quaffle, please. Thanks!" She said to the girl who asked. Lillith still wasn't sure if she wanted to be a keeper or a chaser, but at the moment she was leaning towards chaser. They were more active after all. Tilly dived down towards the supply shed, bringing back a ball that had large grooves in them. With the pitch void of distracting dawdlers, they were free to practice.

Once Tilly reached her, She handed Lillith the quaffle. The other three had beater bats, and wasn't sure how she would be able to practice with them, but still she flagged down the other students, motioning to come closer to Tilly and her."Shall we all practice together?" She asked.
The older boys brief warnings were just enough to placate Bobbi for a moment. She turned her gaze from him and set it instead upon the students in the air. They could cope just fine with the second bludger, if anything, Bobbi had made their game more interesting as others joined. She thought she deserved a thank you for all she'd done for them! Deciding that there was no point her being here anymore, she nodded to @Elliot Briar , "Fine by me, it's boring here anyway." she said as she walked off the pitch.
Elliot felt his stomach twist when the second year took a dive after her bludger bat, but at least she hadn't been hit or fallen. More students were piling onto the pitch and with the bludgers flying, Elliot wasn't sure he was going to get in any peaceful practice time at this rate. Grateful the young girl on the ground actually listened to his warning, Elliot trailed after her off the pitch, wondering if maybe he could get the full story about whatever just happened from her, and maybe squeeze in a few healthy safety tips while they were at it. Elliot could swear he was going to have nightmares about first years getting clocked by bludgers now. "Make sure you guys clean everything up when you're done," He called over his shoulders to the fliers on the pitch, though he was pretty sure it would fall on deaf ears. It was nice to see more Hufflepuffs keen to play at least.

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