Open Comfort Food

Lauren Carter

Damaged | Conflicted | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

Lauren was on her way to get some food. She had been eating a lot in the train and now back at Hogwarts the only thing next to trying out for Quidditch that gave her a good feeling was food. She just liked it a lot. Her mother would be screaming at her that she was too fat, with all that she eat. But she was not here now. And Lauren actually felt like breathing now, she constantly felt scared when someone tried to touch her shoulder or touch her at all. She hated it! They just had to leave her alone. Lauren was not in the mood for talking with others really. But she didn't want to be mean too, it was just hard. To pretend to be someone you were not. But this year she just could not bring the energy to pretend and smile all the time. And she was hurt, her back hurted she had some blue bruises and she had more trouble with hiding them. Her father had been more angry than ever at her. And Lauren just decided she should deal with it. And making the Quidditch Team would help with her lies. And she would tell lies no matter what, she became kind of good at it. Lauren walked to the Great Hall and smelled the food already. She wanted it right now!
Adorah was excited to once again embrace the full tables of food that Hogwarts offered at every meal. She was fortunately one of those people that could eat and eat and eat and not gain a pound. She had hoped that she would at least have grown a few inches over the summer, but maybe it was good that she had remained her same 4'9" since adding anymore height would probably make her look a little sickly. She whipped around the corner of the door into the Great Hall, taking in the aroma of fresh bread and what she pegged to be turkey when she accidentally ran straight into another student's back. She pulled herself back and instantly started apologizing. "Goodness, I'm so sorry! I should really pay attention to where I'm going!" She rubbed the buzzing out of her nose from running into the girl and hoped she wasn't too mad.
Lauren didn't knew what it was lately. People just could not see where they were going to or something. Last time someone bumped into her too. And if there was one thing she didn't liked it was to be touched with others. She hated it! And it made her mad. But this time it didn't seemed on purpose again and that only scared her more. Lauren turned around to see what happend it was all behind her, she had no control of it. And than she saw a girl that she didn't knew or saw before. The girl was saying sorry directly. And she knew it was stupid, so she didn't had to tell it again. Lauren looked irritated at the girl. '' You should indeed.'' She said shortly and than looked at the great hall and back.
'' Were you in a hurry or something!?'' The blonde than asked still irritated. She was hungry and wanted to have food soon. She didn't even knew why she was talking to the girl though now.
Adorah was taken aback by how mad the girl seemed to be. She looked familiar, but she wasn't sure if they had actually met before. "I... I just wanted to get something to eat. I took the corner too tight." She didn't think the girl was much older than she was, but being a small second year of short stature didn't make her confident in any kind of arguement. "I really am sorry. Would you like to get some lunch?" She didn't know if the girl would want to eat with her, but maybe she was trying to find a seat and needed a friend to sit with.
Lauren was hungry for sure and she wanted food. She liked food, no she loved food. And she could eat what she wanted, her parents would not mess with it. And here she got food at least. Over the break she had barely been eating something. Being locked up in your room with no food was an hell. The blonde girl listend as the girl explained herself. Suddenly Lauren saw a shadow on the ground from herself with her arms in her side and she couldn't help but think of her father. He stood in front of her that way and spoke in such a tone to her too. She didn't wanted to be like that. But she wasn't gonna show too much to this girl of herself. Lauren put her arms across her body and her face stood a bit more kind to the girl. '' I do too.'' She than responded at the girl. And than looked at the food on the tables. She hadn't seen the girl before and saw she as in Ravenclaw looking at her uniform. The girl asked her if she wanted to eat something together. And Lauren was gonna eat anyway, so if the girl wanted to sit with someone that would not hurt perhaps. And she was kind of scared of herself acting like her father and looking down on people. '' Uh.. Sure. I'm hungry.'' The blonde than said. She didn't cared if it was against the rules to sit at another table. She saw some others from different houses sitting together too. Lauren figured it would be ok.
Adorah smiled when the girl agreed to eating. She started walking towards the Ravenclaw table and hoped the girl would follow her. She had never sat with someone from a different house before, but she had others doing it. She figured that it wouldn't be such a big deal for interhouse friendships to develop - there were plenty of other ways the houses were pitted against each other other than just being forced to sit at separate dining tables. She took a seat near the end of the hall where there were less students and pulled her bag off her shoulder. She grabbed some chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, and broccoli while she waited for the girl to say anything. It was then that she realized she didn't even know her name. "I'm Adorah, by the way," she said, after eating a mouthful of mashed potatoes. She stuck her hand out as she swallowed the delicious food.
Lauren would usually feel fine with people talking to her and she liked meeting people. But she was more closed than ever, she lost a bit of trust in especially adults. But she felt like she was more closed to people from her own age or around it too. But perhaps she had to open her shelf for a moment but she kind of regreted it directly. But the girl didn't seemed to have bad intentions. She walked along with the girl and took a seat across the girl. The girl was puttng a lot of food and Lauren looked at it. Lauren followed her and she liked food really much so didn't hold back. And eating was the only thing that gave her a bit of happiness right now. She put the chicken into her mouth directly. Figured if she should eat a lot she didn't had to speak as much too. The girl than introduced herself as Adorah. The blonde than looked at the girl with her chicken in her mouth. '' WLauhren.'' She than said with her mouth full, didn't cared about it. And took another bite from her food.
Adorah smiled as the girl spewed out her name but was a little embarrassed that she had to take her hand back. She played it off by grabbing two rolls. She dipped them in the mashed potatoes, taking a bite as the sound around the Great Hall continued to echo. Any eating times were stressful, as the noise could get relatively loud. Sometimes, Adorah wished she could just summon food to her room rather than deal with people, but she supposed this was all apart of the educational experience. "So, Lauren, is it?" she said, after swallowing her carbs. "I'm guessing you're older than me because I don't remember you from any doubles. What year are you?" She took another bite of the potatoes and began to dig into the chicken. Every meal at Hogwarts was delicious - she couldn't doubt that. She was very thankful that she was not a person who put on a ton of weight. Otherwise, that would make her have a sad change in her dietary habits.

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