Character Plots

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Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
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Half Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
Hello, I decided to do this again and put a two of my characters out there!

Third Year

Charlie is one of my favourite characters, as he is a tad bit different from my other characters, unfortunately, I haven't used him as much as I would want to, which is why I have decided to put him on this list. He's a smart lad from England who is still struggling with the death of his mother, especially since his father still hasn't accepted the fact that his wife died four years ago. Charlie absolutely loves to read and play chess but wouldn't mind doing something that is out of his comfort-zone as long as it is perfectly safe, meaning that he wouldn't just go off and sneak out of the Ravenclaw common room in the middle of the night to have some wild adventure, or take a stroll in the forbidden forest. I'm quite certain there's only one person at the moment who could possibly convince him of breaking his own of rules, but apart from that one person, anyone else who will try to convince him of doing ''dangerous'' things will have a hard time doing so. If you want to read more about him, you'll find more information here

What I need for him is best friends, friends, enemies, basically anything really. I just want him to be out there.

Sixth Year
<COLOR color="black">

Another one of my favourite characters who I haven't done much with at all. Adopted by the Snowhill family back when he was still in his diapers, Kasper has recently learned about this from his father and has been trying to get into contact with his biological parents ever since. Kasper is a friendly, enthusiastic and pleasant person to be around. He is not very complex or intelligent, however though, he makes up for that by being quite determined sometimes and even though his concentration is at zero most of the time, Kasper can be a hard worker if he really needs to. He can be a bit stubborn at times when he doesn't get things his way or disagrees with something and is definitely not afraid to point out the mistakes that others made. Outgoing, adventurous and easy-going, Kas loves discovering new things, new adventures and mysteries. Kasper has quite an active imagination and likes to devise plots and plans that will never work out. He began writing his own comic book in his third year and is still busy writing it.

I pretty much need the same for him as I do for Charlie!

It's just these two characters for now but I may add others to the list!​
Heyyy :hug:

Flavio could totally be friends with Charlie if you wanted! He's a year older than Charlie but I could totally see them playing chess together and having a really quiet and nice friendship. Flavio would also love to have a guy friend from his house that he could talk to, to get away from the drama thats happening with his friends that are girls :tut: let me know what you think!
I can offer you Danielle Corelli for Kasper Snowhill.. His stubborness can match with Dani's and they have more in common that I noticed.

First, they are both outgoing,adventurous and easy-going. Dani is an approachable person which is not difficult for her to make new friends. She has even befriended the so-called bad guy of Ravenclaw, Silus Hollister. Kasper writes stories while Dani writes songs. It may not be in the same field but they sure can swap ideas. I haven't finished updating her bio but I have also put in that she had a travel article published in a Muggle magazine and is in the middle of finishing her first novel, which she stopped writing since she seems to have more ideas for songs than stories.

I am suddenly inspired to create a plot for them together. Kasper is in Silus' year which may made him familiar with the Ravenclaw. Danielle and Kasper are in the same house which makes them know each other as well. I have already played out that most Hufflepuff girls discourage Danielle with her friendship with Silus. All Danielle hears are negative comments from the girls and none from a guy's perspective. Maybe Kasper can do that? Since Kasper is friendly and a pleasant person to talk to as well. This could be a way for them to build a friendship too or it could be their common love for their art. Take your pick. :p If only Silus' rper is active these days, I still have more ideas to this.

I also Alexis Sage Kramer which is two years younger than Charlie Abberline. I still have to build her up but she could use some friends from her house. Friends from higher years, one or two years higher, are even welcome since she is the youngest of five siblings so it is easy for her to connect with almost everybody. You can read more of her in her Plot Development since I haven't post her bio yet.

Wow! This is the first time I have written a lengthy post in just offering my character for a plot! :D :D :D

I can offer up two peeps of mines, Ari and Stella.
Ari just transferred in this year and needs to make some new friends.
He comes from a military family with very conservative views.
They're very traditional, and he so badly wants to break away from it.
Thanks to his time at school, he able to escape from it all.

Stella, pretty much a nobody at Hogwarts.
She doesn't really care for magic, but she making an effort
to at least work with it for her finale years at school.
Otherwise, she very much into mundane things.
She loves fashion and clothes and making things
on her own. She thinks magic takes away from the work
when it's used and not traditionally done by hand.
I have Corrine here to possibly be friends with Charlie and possibly best friends if they get on well? They're in the same year so would likely have seen each other in classes even if they've never spoken. Perhaps they get thrown together for an assignment and become friends from there?

Corrine enjoys wizard chess. She's also a Gryffindor so would push him into adventures though not anything dangerous, at least she wouldn't think it dangerous. Mostly, she'd drag him to the kitchens and tell him stories about her encounter with Vex, which she exaggerates more each time she tells it. xD Corrine has a tendency to find herself in messy situations so that would probably be part of the package.
Steven!! I can offer Sofia and Beaubelle for Charlie, they are both third years. Sofia lost her mother too and is dealing with a lot of issues from that still. She could use another good friend! And Beaubelle is in the same house as Charlie and she is very shy but loves to make new friends. Let me know what you think!
Anna :hug:
I would love for Flavio and Charlie to be friends! He would totally dig having a friend from his house with whom he could play chess and have nice conversations with. I think Charlie would be great at helping Flavio to get away from the drama with his friends, as I can imagine him bombarding Flavio with questions about his year and what kind of new stuff Charlie will be learning etc.

I don't know if Kasper knows about Silus' reputation, or even knows the guy really since he doesn't pay much attention to others whilst in class, so I'm not really sure how I feel about that plot. But I do like that their friendship could be build because of their love for art. I think Kasper would really appreciate her friendship, especially if they can swap ideas. He hasn't really worked on his comic book for some time now, mostly because of how busy he got in his fifth year, and because he has little muse for it so maybe she could help him find the muse to start writing and drawing again and in turn, he could help her with a song? Reading what she's like, I don't think Kasper would have a hard time being her friend at all!
As I mentioned before, Charlie would love to have friends from his house! Do you have an idea as to how they would end up talking to one another?

Kasper would love to be Ari's friend for sure, especially since they are in the same year. I don't know how they would meet each other so maybe you have an idea on that?
I'm guessing since Stella and Kasper are in the same year they might know one another? I don't know how you feel about this but I was thinking that maybe one of them would sit next to the other one and start a conversation with them?

I think that would be a great way for their friendship to start :D If she would mention she enjoys playing wizard chess he would no doubt ask Corrine to play against him some time, he's just that enthusiastic about it, it would also earn her friendship points :r He has never met Vex so would absolutely love to hear about Corrine's encounter with the poltergeist! I think it'd be fun to see what kind of messy situation she would get in with him, and how he would respond to that since he usually tries to avoid getting in them. Also since you said that she probably wouldn't think it'd be dangerous, he'd be more willing to go with her, though she would still need to convince him at least a little bit.

I was thinking that perhaps these two could bond over the fact that both are still dealing with the loss of their mothers?
He'd definitely want to be friends with Beaubelle and since both are in the same house and year, my guess is that they would know each other from classes? I can't quite remember what we talked about but I thought it was something like, having them talk to one another and see how it goes from there?
Asaiah Murphy said:
I don't know if Kasper knows about Silus' reputation, or even knows the guy really since he doesn't pay much attention to others whilst in class, so I'm not really sure how I feel about that plot. But I do like that their friendship could be build because of their love for art. I think Kasper would really appreciate her friendship, especially if they can swap ideas. He hasn't really worked on his comic book for some time now, mostly because of how busy he got in his fifth year, and because he has little muse for it so maybe she could help him find the muse to start writing and drawing again and in turn, he could help her with a song? Reading what she's like, I don't think Kasper would have a hard time being her friend at all!
As I mentioned before, Charlie would love to have friends from his house! Do you have an idea as to how they would end up talking to one another?
Danielle & Kasper No worries about that! Although I remember mentioning something in Danielle & Amy's thread that some Hufflepuff girls criticized Danielle in the common room.At least I got a Plan B. I, myself, love the idea of the swapping ideas more. :lol: I think the common room would be the place to start this thread. That is where they are likely to meet or accidentally run into each other while doing their thing. I can start this if you like.

Alexis & Charlie What does Charlie like? His hobbies or interests? Alexis is a multilingual. She knows a couple of languages. She can also play instruments like piano and guitar as well as sing. Again, common room is the best place to start this.
Asaiah Murphy said:
I think that would be a great way for their friendship to start :D If she would mention she enjoys playing wizard chess he would no doubt ask Corrine to play against him some time, he's just that enthusiastic about it, it would also earn her friendship points :r He has never met Vex so would absolutely love to hear about Corrine's encounter with the poltergeist! I think it'd be fun to see what kind of messy situation she would get in with him, and how he would respond to that since he usually tries to avoid getting in them. Also since you said that she probably wouldn't think it'd be dangerous, he'd be more willing to go with her, though she would still need to convince him at least a little bit.
Fair enough! I think she'd be up for that challenge, especially if she sees he's the kind of person who likes to play it safe. :p I have an idea of how to start an RP for them if you don't mind me starting and don't mind waiting a little?
I'm glad you like the idea of Charlie and Flavio being friends! Would you like me to start a thread for them in the common room sometime? :D
I think so too, the common room would be a great place for this thread. You can start it if you want :)
He mostly enjoys reading and wizard's chess, but would be super interested in her being multilingual as he himself only speaks English. I can start this one if you want me to!

Of course, go head! I don't mind waiting :)

I have an open RP in the Hogwarts Grounds you could join with Flavio? unless you prefer the thread to be in the common room, your choice :D
Asaiah Murphy said:
I think so too, the common room would be a great place for this thread. You can start it if you want :)
He mostly enjoys reading and wizard's chess, but would be super interested in her being multilingual as he himself only speaks English. I can start this one if you want me to!
Danielle & Kasper I will update this post with a link once I got it set up.
Alexis & Charlie That would be great if you can start it up. Thanks!
Asaiah Murphy said:
Kasper would love to be Ari's friend for sure, especially since they are in the same year. I don't know how they would meet each other so maybe you have an idea on that?
I'm guessing since Stella and Kasper are in the same year they might know one another? I don't know how you feel about this but I was thinking that maybe one of them would sit next to the other one and start a conversation with them?
Ari x Kasper - Does he like quidditch? Ari doesn't play the sport, he not a broom stick kinda guy. But maybe if you can get him interested, or anything would be great.

Stella x Kasper -
Sure! I can start something for Ari and you can start something at the table for Stella and Kasper? Thanks!
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