Chante Ateara

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Full Name: Chante Winona Ateara
Name Meaning: Chante - Heart
Winona - First Born Daughter
Ateara - Unknown

Nick Name: Little Chay - After her shy, part-giant father.
Age: Thirteen
Date of Birth: 15 July, 2033
Cancer, deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close.

Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Member Group: Hufflepuff
Occupation: Student, F&B assistant
13' Applewood core of Meteorite Dust
Eyes: Brown. Warm and glowing.
Hair: Messy, black. Pass shoulder length. Wave to curly.
Weight: 150. Average. A little pudgy on the face.
Height: 5'11. Growing.
Distinguish Marks: Brown spot at the very tippy top of her forehead.
Description: Chante a growing girl standing an average height of five feet and four inches. She weight about one hundred and twenty five pounds. Slightly round in the face. Her skin fair tan than her mother and grandfather. She has jet black hair like her father, but messy and curly that pass shoulder length. And she has one brown spot on her crown which she often just say it's a birthmark. Chante style very simple. She wears matching colors sometimes when she not in Hufflepuff uniform. Or a blending combination of light color. She not fussy about the things she wears. Though, her favorite type of clothing piece would be the jumper. She could never get enough wearing jumpers, especially ones with sewn fake cat ears on them. Anything with animals or magical creatures on them are her favorites.

Face Claim: Shay Mitchell
♡Likes: Cooking and crafting - It's something Chante picked up from her grandmother back in North Dakota. From weaving baskets to making frybread, Chante learn a lot from the woman that bore her giantess of a mother. Unlike her mother, who prefers taking care of creatures and roaming the outdoors.
Hanging with family and friends - Chante very fond of people, especially her family and friends. There have been a few occasions that weren't quite eventful for the young puff. She learning to get over the incidents and make the best of it.
Trying and finding - Trying or finding out new things. She wanting to do a lot more of genuinely exploring what may interest her.
♡Dislikes: Bigotry, Bigotry, BIGOTRY.
♡Strengths: Friendly - Chante gets her friendly nature from her dad, while her mother more of a brooding, leave me alone type.
Dependable - Chante likes to think she someone her friends can depend on. Mostly with secrets, Chante may have a big mouth, that doesn't mean she won't keep someone's secret to herself.
Self-assured - As she gets older, her mother's self assurance is rubbing off her in a good way. There a lot of prejudice when it comes to those with giant blood in their family. Madlyn taught her daughter to believe in herself more and don't let the masses tear you down. For the most part, it's working.
♡Weaknesses: Bigmouth Loud-mouthed. She knew she had a big mouth when she couldn't whisper during her second year, house meeting. Probably, one of many things she have in common with her mother. Each year pass by and she started to resemble the giantess more and more.
Overprotective To protect too much; coddle. Anyone she gets close to and can't seem to help themselves, Chante can't help but feel the need to protect them.
Nosey It comes with her big mouth and natural curiosity of those unlike her family.
♡Boggart: Meeting the same faith of her grandfather. Chante a little wary of some of the creatures her mother looks after. Although, she unsure of the details that ended his life in a gruesome way. Chante knows up to this point it occurred in the forbidden forest and it's quite possible it could've been a creature he was looking after.
♡Patronus: Any fond memories with her parents or her grandmother. Memories with Willow, and spending time with her aunty Briar and uncle Dederick.
♡Mirror of Erised: In the mirror of erised, Chante, would see her family, including her grandfather alive. Potentially riding the milky way with them. She can only dream.

♡Overall Personality: Chante, a friendly and stubborn girl who curious about the world beyond her little caved home in New Zealand. For the most part though, she a lot like her grandmother Iris, who adores taking care and looking after her family. The woman influence shaped her what she is today, but her parents taught her valuable things and life lessons. Madlyn, taught to be more sure of herself and to stand up in what you believe in. While, her father taught her to be kind and stick to whatever makes her happy. In the end, Chante is her own person and makes it known as she grows a little more and takes the world in day by day.

♡Nationality: New Zealander
♡Ethnic: Sioux - American Indigenous ( Dakota ), American Italian, and African American.
♡Hometown: Dublin, New Zealand

♡History: Growing up in Dublin, New Zealand you could say that Chante, in contrast to her mother, were a lot different than one expected them to be. They were total opposites. Madlyn, who was much more an adventurous spirit, sometimes danger seeker, often getting into trouble plenty of time during her Hogwarts days. Madlyn would explore the forbidden forest and roam outside the castle's wall at nights. It's a mystery to some how the giant girl ended up as prefect in school, along with aunty Briar who was very much complicit in some of trouble the pair were led into. And when you stood out like a sore thumb the way they did, well giving into the stereotype was easy, fighting against others perception of them was the hardest. Shutting out those who couldn't get pass their unique appearances, while befriending those accepted them, and who they were, wasn't difficult to weed them out. Regardless, Madlyn loved the outdoors, being stuck indoors would have to been mandatory, or else from up the towers at Hogwarts, one would always catch a tall figure roaming the grounds and it's almost, always Madlyn edging her way towards the forest. Meanwhile, Chante preferred spending her days in the garden harvesting her family's crops and later experiencing with what she grew in their exceptionally large kitchen. With the assistant of her dad, in his way to keep an eye out on Chante and preventing from burning the kitchen down, the pair would fix up meals together occasionally. Madlyn didn't mind it, they gave her break from the indoors and more time to care after the creatures that took dwelling in a barn house near their home. Many creatures that were being trafficked and abounded from their owners found their way in the safety net of Madlyn's care. Whenever Madlyn was busy nursing creatures back to health, whatever they'd prepared, Chayton and Chante grace her with their presents and a warm, delicious home cooked meal. When she wasn't in the garden or in the kitchen messing around, Chante spent a fair deal of her time with her cousin, Willow. It wasn't all the time that Willow came over, but when she did, it was always a fun time. Aunty Briar and Madlyn brought the old quaffle out, Willow her guitar, and Chante a book filled with all types flowers and ingredients she'd collect around their home. Uncle Dederick came around when he felt like it and Chayton would make an appearance when he wasn't busy tinkering with metal. It was a pretty tamed living after Hogwarts. Especially for someone like Madlyn and aunty Briar. Madlyn kept Chante away from the public eyes, citing safety and some concerns. Really, what they fear was other's opinions and how it could have a negative affect on Chante.

When you're a miracle child born of parents that were like Madlyn and Chayton, criticism came in many forms. Their grand heights and tough skin,the existences of their nature wasn't something easy anyone could hide. Not that Madlyn cared much what the world thought of her. It was caring for the normal size, human child that worried the outsiders and her parents. Imagine giving birth to someone as tiny as Chante, then to care and look after her? Madlyn had to change her ways, distractedly. With the help of her mother, sisters guidance, and Chayton's support, Madlyn was able to learn to care for Chante properly. Their semi cave home, deep in the forest was crafted by her late father just before he had passed away. Jackson had built Madlyn a home, and she made changes here and there to suit Chante reasonably. Their heights didn't stop them from parenting and caring after the small bean. It made had change them to some degree, but Madlyn wouldn't have wanted any other way. They were blessed with a child they not intended to have in the first place. Madlyn welcomed the change.
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Name: Chayton Ateara
Relationship: Father
Occupation: Mechanic
Status: Engaged

Name: Madlyn Ateara
Relationship: Mother
Occupation: Professor
Status: Engaged

Name: Jackson Margera
Relationship: Grandfather
Occupation: Deceased
Status: None

Name: Iris Margera
Relationship: Grandmother
Occupation: Homemaker
Status: Widow





Name: Briar Rowan-Cullen
Relationship: Aunty
Occupation: Ministry Official
Status: Taken

Name: Dederick Cullen
Relationship: Uncle
Occupation: Fisherman
Status: Taken

Name: Willow Cullen
Relationship: Cousin
Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Status: Single

Name: Linden Cullen
Relationship: Cousin
Occupation: Hogwarts Hopeful
Status: Too young to care





Name: Jackie Margera
Relationship: Auntie
Occupation: Wandmaker
Status: Single

Name: Mandela Boot
Relationship: Auntie
Occupation: Homemaker
Status: Married

Name: Nathan Boot
Relationship: Cousin
Occupation: Ilvermorny Student
Status: Single

Name: Nadie Boot
Relationship: Cousin
Occupation: Ilvermorny Student
Status: Single
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