Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (24)
Of all his new responsibilities as prefect, there was only one Connor really felt prepared for. Despite the chaos Freya had caused, helping to show first years around the castle was one of his favourite memories with Alice before his cousin had graduated, and he had looked forward to taking on the tradition himself. With a large sign he held high with ease, Connor had set up in a corner of the Entrance Hall. "CASTLE TOURS FOR FIRST YEARS!" He called out, echoing the message of his sign loudly throughout the hall. "NEVER GET LOST ON THE WAY TO CLASS, LEARN THE SECRETS OF THE STAIRCASES! TOURS FOR FIRST YEARS!" He hollered, holding his sign high to summon first years to him.
Ivelisse had heard something about a castle tour from her sister and whilst she knew Ana would happily show her around the castle if she asked her to this seemed a whole lot more interesting. Especially since it would likely mean hanging out with other first years for a while, which could prove to be useful since she hadn't met a whole lot of people aside from the girls in her dorm. It wasn't hard to miss the older student doing the tours when Iva entered the hall. Especially since he was both holding a sign and yelling about the tour. She was sure she'd still hear his calls echoing in her head for the rest of the day. "Hi." She smiled politely at the boy once she reached him, keeping an appropriate distance as to not go deaf whilst she curiously looked around to see what other first years would be joining.
Zachariah had been wondering when he heard something about a tour. He stopped and thought about it for a minute. All he really cared about was the library, the quidditch pitch, and the Ravenclaw house. He supposed getting lost on the way to class wasn't a good option. With a shrug, he just walked up to the boy who was yelling. I girl was already standing there.
Bern one of the 1st year student to have a tour of the castle of Hogwarts we're so many students but we see the Hufflepuff Prefects give as an expedition at Hogwarts to know the secrets of moving staircase and some History that we learn in this Tour, Bern waiting to start this voyage.
Hogwarts was one of the biggest secrets to Parker, moving stairs and paintings that talks. When he heard older boy shouting about tour through the school. He fastly came up to him and his peers, and leaned on the wall while waiting. He didn't feel like talking with someone, but he just needed to know school.
René had immediately backtracked when he heard someone yelling about first year tours, standing off to the side for a moment until a few other kids had gathered and he felt more confident approaching. He recognized Connor as one of his house prefects and was far more reassured he wasn't about to be tricked. Sully had tried to give René a tour his first night at school, but it'd been squeezed between house meetings and a much needed early bed time, so René had barely registered what he was being shown and told before he had to stumble down like four flights of stairs and get to bed. He gave Connor a little wave hello, glancing at the other first years assembled as well with a sheepish smile.
"Hi!" Connor said cheerfully, lowering his sign slightly as a girl approached him, and it wasn't long before he had accumulated a small group of first years ready to be shown around the castle. "Hi everyone! I'm Connor, I'm one of the prefects for Hufflepuff house." He began, still feeling a little strange introducing himself that way. "I'm gonna show you guys around the castle today, so you don't have to worry so much about getting lost on your way to classes. Let's get started!" He said cheerfully, stepping a bit further into the center of the hall. "Those doors there are probably familiar, that's the way off to the Great Hall, where we have meals. Hopefully you've all got that one sorted. The other door over there-" He pointed to another door, "-leads to the dungeons, we'll head down there later in the tour. We're going to start with the stairs though, take a trip all the way up to the top of the castle, then take a different route back down. We'll check out the dungeons, then take a quick look around the courtyard and outside." He explained, leading the group over to the stairs. "The staircases at Hogwarts are famous for being difficult to navigate. They move around sometimes, so you can't always guarantee you'll be able to take the same route to the same place twice. Some of the steps are also tricked to trip you up or trap your ankle, you'll learn which ones to skip with a little bit of practice." Connor explained, before leading the group up to the first balcony. "We'll just wait a moment for the right staircase to find its way here, does anyone have any questions?"

OOCOut of Character:
The tour has started, but latecomers can feel free to jump on board at any time!
René was pleased that he'd remembered Connor's name after last night, nodding along as he introduced himself before explaining the tour. The castle was easily bigger than any school René had ever been in, and it had a million more stairs to boot, so he was keen to learn his way around. Getting lost on his way to class sounded like a nightmare.

Following Connor, René hesitated at the mention of trick steps, trying to remember if Sully had mentioned those at all. "Why are there trick steps? Who tricked them?" René did sort of get that a castle should just have booby traps like that, but he wondered who even put them there. Did the professors do it? It sounded like something his brother might do honestly, but René was unsure.

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