CAC Meeting Y41/S1- Beach Days

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (23)
-Open after Emzies posts with Eugene-

Casper had put a lot of work into this. The new prefect kid that had joined up, Jordie, was really helpful. With his help, Casper had managed to turn the arts room into a veritable beach. They'd covered the floor in a deep layer of sand, cool to the touch. He was standing at the head of the room, barefoot and in beach shorts and a white polo shirt. When he was sure most of the people had gathered, he stood up and clearing his throat. "Hey everyone!" He smiled.

"As I'm sure you all saw with the flyers, today we're having a beach day! Our Music Maestro, Eugene Nestor," He motioned to the other boy. "He's gunna tell you what options we have for our musicians today. On the art side," Casper grinned, and waved his hand at the sand covering the room. "We have paint! We have sand! I brought buckets and water and anything you could need! Little shovels, little rakes, seashells of all shapes and sizes. Today, we build! Make the best castle ever. Don't like it? Kick it down and start again. Get messy, get wild, have fun. Be creative, do anything you like." He looked over, smiling at Eugene. "The floor is yours," He told the boy, waving his hand and stepping back a bit to let Eugene talk.
Eugene had been helping out with Casper as much as he could, but he only ever had so much time he could spare to the arts club. He had done some researching into beach style music, gotten some specific songs about the sea and the beach for people to have a go at, to help create the vibe they were going for. Eugene walked into the room and greeted Casper warmly. "Looks amazing cuz," he told him with a warmth in his tone. He spent some time making sure the instruments were all ready and then people arrived and Casper introduced it. He waved to the crowd at his introduction, and then when invited to speak said, "Right, music folks, we're zeroing on, the beach style and vibe of music, there are lots of current and old songs about the sea, the beach etc, so feel free to have a go with playing those, explore new instruments, creating songs too!" Eugene said, "The vibe is relax, have fun and don't worry too much about it."
Renata loved the arts club already - it was so fun to have a place to go to just relax and have fun. She didn't have an artistic bone in her body, couldn't draw or design to save her life, but she loved to see what the more creative students could do. She imagined that with magic and with artistic vision they'd create some beautiful sandcastles at this beach themed party and couldn't wait to see. Even the fact that it was a beach party was such a wonderful idea, and she gave an excited thumbs-up to Casper as she headed over to the music section. She'd dressed up for the occasion, putting on a sundress and sandals that were quickly getting sand caught up in them - although she had an old cardigan on hand as it wasn't quite summer yet in New Zealand. She hovered around the marimba, slowly playing the riff from 'Under the Sea', before grinning with embarrassment and heading back over to the drums, using her hands to play out a steady beat on a pair of bongo drums and swapping over as needed. "This is such a great idea," she said, cheerfully, beaming at Eugene and the other musicians.
Rhys was rather confused by this meeting, frowning as he entered the meeting room and was instantly met with sand under his feet. What on earth did the beach have anything to do with art? Other people did seem to be enjoying the idea, however, much to the fourth year's confusion. But he didn't say anything, wrinkling his nose as he looked around for settling in a spot that didn't have too much sand. The last thing he wanted was to head back to the common room with sand in his shoes or anything. Rhys had no intentions of having anything to do with the sand, so, simply pulled out his sketchbook and started looking around for something to draw.
Mischa had been looking to his first meeting and had certainly come dressed for the occasion, sunglasses propped on his nose, shorts and sandals, and the worst Hawaiian-looking shirt he could find in his trunk. And of course, he didn't forget his guitar, the old beauty strapped across his back as he shoved his hands into his pockets as he kicked at the sand under his feet. But he didn't stay upright for long, quickly wandering over to where the other musical lot were sitting, grinning as he plopped himself down in the sand, swinging his acoustic guitar around to the front and folding his arms across the top of it as he grinned. "So, does anyone know how to play any surf rock? Tha' counts, don't it? I'm trying to learn how to play Miserlou, myself."
Lumio arrived at the arts room, he'd come to really enjoy the club, it was a nice break from everything else at school, and being a NEWT student, he welcomed any break that he could get. He also could admit that he loved a beach day, and he loved the opportunity to have fun with it, as it seemed the club was intending to do. Lumio listened to Casper explain what was going on and then he went to some sand and began building a castle, it was simple, almost childish fun but fun nonetheless.
Valeria loved the fact that the arts club were having a beach day, any excuse to dress up and even more so, any excuse to wear a pretty dress to what was absoultely a beach party. Valeria twirled her way into the arts room and loved it immediately. She sat down at some sand and after being told what to do, set about building a sand structure, she needed to of course be careful as sand could crumble, but Valeria knew art and she could do this, and of course the relaxed vibe and the music of the room was very helpful with it too.
Rosie had decided to sign up for more clubs, with Aurora busier now, she knew it made sense to be too. She had been most drawn to the arts club and was really just using this year to try it out, figure out if it was for her. She arrived at the room, feeling a little overwhelmed, she'd never been much for music, and had never been one for art, but those were the options here and she wanted to do well. Even if it was just a club. Rosie settled in front of some sand and started building a very basic sandcastle, it was in her mind just the right place to start.
Niamh made her way to the conglomerated arts club room. She had heard that there was a beach event on and she wondered what it involved. She had seen Renata heading down in a summer dress. Niamh wondered if that was what was what was intended and pictured beached at home. they were beautiful but about as far away from a tropical summer as you could go, the blue arctic sea and cliffs islands and and beaches. but she changed into the sunniest dress she owned with bright orange and yellow fabric.
she reached the room and saw that there were a few people there, Eugene and Casper of course, and Renata. she smiled and waved at her friend. "Hello Renata. you look really pretty in that dress" she said. before she headed over to where Eugene was and listened to what the challenge of the day was. beach music. what was beach music. She remembered there was an old muggle band called the beach boys that her dad used to play on summer beach days. to be honest she had never liked it. it had felt wrong in the context. like it was just out of time and tune with the beach. there were others songs she associated with the beach though. "by sea music do you mean something like this" she said picking her viola out of its case making sure to close it and put it somewhere that wasn't going to get it filled with sand. she didn't want that interfering with the acoustics or scratching it. before she started to play a classic sea shanty. probably not what they had in mind. but one that made her think of Rosie her, for all intents and purposes, grandma. and the nights spent camping out with her and the fun and oval parties where people played music and danced without any cares and the evenings stretched on until you could hardly stay awake.
@Renata Stepanova @Eugene Nestor
Honestly, Sawyer had kind of assumed the arts club would move out to the lake when he'd seen mention of a beach day, picking his way ungracefully across the mounded up sand inside the arts room and over to the side that housed most of the instruments. He knew magic could make short work of cleaning them out, but growing up with someone like Mum he could just hear her distress at seeing this much sand around delicate instruments. Snorting to himself at the mental image, Sawyer shook the thought away, turning his attention to what Eugene and Casper were saying about today's activities and pointedly not looking for Estella.

He perched himself on the piano bench as some of the other more musically inclined kids picked out a a few tunes, adjusting the sunglasses he'd thrown on in an attempt to match the theme though he patently refused to take off his shoes or wear jandals. "That's really good, Sky," he said as she pulled out her viola, turning at the piano bench to try and pluck out something to accompany her and the bongo beat that had started up. The resulting tune on the piano came out a bit more rag-time than surf rock, but Sawyer didn't mind it. "Miserlou? That's pretty tough isn't it?" He threw over his shoulder to the the younger kid with a guitar, fumbling a key and quickly trying not to throw off Sky as he kept playing. @Niamh Eriksen @Mischa Falter-Butera
Renata raised her eyebrows at the younger boy with the guitar, genuinely a bit impressed. Between her mother and her grandfather, her knowledge of muggle music was getting better and better. She still didn't feel incredibly confident performing, especially if there was much expectation, but she could at least try to somewhat keep up with everyone else. Maybe the bongos weren't the best choice, she'd have to find something suitable. She just didn't want to be too loud or noticeable, especially if the artists were concentrating on building. Her worries subsided a bit when she saw Sky, giving her a big grin. "Aw, thank you! I love your outfit too!" It was bright and fun and Renata thought it suited the relaxed, sunny atmosphere. Her drumming slowed a little to listen to Sky play, impressed. There were a lot of talented musicians at Hogwarts, it seemed. Renata wasn't one of them, but she wasn't completely hopeless around music. Just perfectly average. "We could come up with some kind of jazz rock beach fusion...thing? Make a brand new genre? What could possibly go wrong?"
Eugene spotted some of the musicians heading over to him and then nodded to the young boy, "I don't know how to play any, we might have some book on it, but it definitely counts," he said with a wide smile, he was quite keen to hear about that kind of music, but he did know about miserlou. "Oh, that's a hard song, we can't plug in the electric guitars but they are enchanted to give the same sound," Eugene had never tried to learn it, his fingers did not move that quickly. He nodded in agreement to what Sawyer said, but was curious to try it. He glanced at Sky and then nodded as she played a sea shanty, "That's beautiful!" @Niamh Eriksen he complimented warmly but noted that she was with Renata, whom he gave a little wave to. Eugene turned back to the boy who'd want to play miserlou, "Do you want to show me what you've got so far?" @Mischa Falter-Butera
Kate wasn't sure what to expect from a beach day. The young girl didn't venture to the beach often, the idea of sand sticking to her, or swimming in salt water was replusive. She had gone a few times, but those times she was up on a horse, or stayed further back on the grassy area, where there were picnic tables or benches she could sit on. But as Kate entered the Arts room, she was appalled to see that not only was the whole floor covered in sand, but there was no grassy areas, and if they weren't there to play music, they were to build a sand castle, and - the worst of it all - encouraged to be messy. Katherine didn't know what to do. She didn't want to leave, because that would be incredibly rude, but she also really didn't want to stay and 'get messy'. Kate noticed an older boy, in an area that wasn't drenched with sand, and he wasn't building a sand castle either. With a deep breath, Kate made her way over to that area, sitting down but far away enough from the boy that he wouldn't think her 'weird'.
(@Rhys Garner )
One thing Estella had been looking forward to since coming back to Hogwarts were the club events. She had already hosted the Hogwarts Monthly event, which really didn't go as well as she had expected, so she was hoping that the Arts Club event would go perfectly, even if Sawyer was there distracting her. The girl entered the room, impressed with the effort that the older Hufflepuff had put into the event. There was a literal beach inside and Estella smiled at it, excited to get started on the activity.

When they were told to begin, Essie couldn't help but stare over at Sawyer for a little as he headed over with the other music kids. He was definitely avoiding her too, she could feel it. Either that or he didn't feel like building a sand castle with her because he was more interested in the music activity. Trying to forget about it, Essie just found her own little corner of the beach and began sculpting some sand into a castle.
Weston did a double take when he stepped into the Conglomerated Arts Room and saw that it was filled with sand and water. His gaze immediately went to the instruments, worried that they might be damaged by the sand or humidity. It took him a second to remember that these were magical instruments and that there were likely enchantments protecting them. Still, Weston couldn't help but check on a few of them as he waited for the meeting to begin. Only once he was satisfied that they were safe did he pay attention to Casper as he explained the day's activity.

Making sandcastles sounded like a lot of fun, and even though Weston definitely considered himself a musician first and foremost, he decided to join the artists today. After all, he could always play music on his own (or with Jordie) later. Spotting Valeria sitting by herself in the sand, Weston made his way over. "Hey!" He smiled brightly at her and took a seat nearby. "Think we could recreate Hogwarts? Or at least the Ravenclaw tower?" he asked as he started to fill a bucket with sand. Weston couldn't recall ever making a sandcastle before in his life, but that didn't mean he didn't have grand plans for this sandcastle.

@Valeria Iglesias
Valeria glanced as someone sat with her and smiled back at who it was. "Hey," she greeted, "Of course!" she thought it would be a bit difficult, but it was just a fun event they could give it a go at it without it being that bad. "Let's go with hogwarts, it's grander, but probably easier to do without getting too wrong," the bigger it was, the less detail they would have to put in, which was her reasoning.
@Weston Stirling
Weston nodded approvingly. "Smart. Let's do Hogwarts then." It was pretty obvious why Valeria was in Ravenclaw. "We can also do the grounds while we're at it." He drew an oval in the sand. "Look, it's the Quidditch pitch," he said with a little grin. It was a shame Hogwarts didn't have a moat since that would have been fun to build. A lake simply wasn't the same. Weston turned his attention back to his bucket, packing in wet sand before flipping it over. He assumed this was how one built a sandcastle. At the very least, it was what people in movies seemed to do. "Have you done this before?" he asked. "Built a sandcastle?"

@Valeria Iglesias
Valeria gave a little giggle as he did the quidditch pitch, "That's very accurate!" she told him, even though it was just an oval, Weston was a friend and she wasn't going to be mean to a friend, that wasn't a nice thing to do. She gave a little noise, "Yeah, though never one so elaborate," it had been a while since she'd done so, since getting sand in her nails and everywhere else was not something she cared too much about nowadays. "Have you?" she knew Weston spent a lot of by the lake so perhaps he did.
@Weston Stirling

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