Breakefast and a Puzzle

"You want to find it today?" Andromeda nearly dropped poor Jinx, she past her gently back to Zuka, "Ok..move in Zuka. Not a word! ok...are you sure it's the right time, we haven't exactly needed it have we, I mean have we even learnt anything really?"
"No I suppose not but then again we really haven't been here for very long. What room are you talking about." Zazuka asked as she took her kitten back. Jinx seemed to be realived to be back in his mistresses arms because he burryed his head in Zazuka's stomach.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Zazuka said lowering her voice. "Can I come with you?" She asked quetly again as she petted her little Jinx. She didn't know if Brian's random fact was entierly accruet about cats.
"Of coure you can Z!" Brian whispered as they huddled up "It'll make it easier to find it, I also think we should start exploring the other floors as well and map it out, making it easier for us to find ways to get from point A to point B without being seen by the Prefects or Teachers" Brian explained. "Anyone else you think we could invite it'll make it easier for us" he asked "oh and it's first years only, we're going to train in the Room so that we can be better at magic so It can't be too many people" he explained to Zazuka
"Well, maybe we should keep it at a nice small number, we basically have two Ravenclaws and a Gryffindor, so I'll ask Blane who's a Hufflepuff. I'm not prejudiced, but I have my reasons and I think we should leave 1st year Slytherins out of this for now!" Andromeda looked at them to see if this was ok, "I do have friends there, but like I said I have my reasons and I can't explain. Sort of promised."
"Sorry, Andromeda it's all or nothing!" Brian said to her "we enter this trusting each other and if you can't trust me and Z than I'm afraid we part ways" Brian said authoratively. He didn't want to give her the ultimative but it would be better if they entered this on equal standings and if she didn't understand then, they would just have to be good classmates.
"Brian, I honestly thought that the long train ride gave you some insight to how loyal I am. And if a friend tells me something in confidence, then I take it to the grave...I don't go blabbing it to my other friends." she looked at him now with a fiery determination, it might have been her red headed temper but no-one questioned her loyalty, no-one! "My friends Brian, know they can trust me, hence why they tell me things they wouldn't tell other people! So, if you have a problem with my loyalty, then it's you who has trust issues! And I would rather part ways now!"
She had stood up from the table as she was talking, she knew other people had begun looking at her, but she was so angry now. She was actually shaking with it, "And this has nothing to do with how much I trust either of you. If you told me something in confidence, would you want me to go and blurt it out to the first person who questions my loyatly? I don't think so!"
With that she turned to walk away, then stopping she turned back again, "Zuka, we're still good, yeah?"
Brian stared at her dumbstruck, Andromeda was talking about keeping a friends secrets, what did that have to do with being all or nothing? He stood up to her and stared her in the eyes with all his courage "I don't care about Blaine's secrets, I'm talking about not letting Slytherin's join our group" he said with a hint of kindness amongst the stern voice. She had just embarassed him in front of everyone by jumping to conclusions.
She leant closer to him and sneered at him for jumping to daft conclusions!
"It wasn't a secret belonging to Blane, if you were listening! It has everything to do with the Slytherin house! And you're the one who said all or nothing. Yet on the train it was just going to be us two and maybe if we trusted a few others ", she fumed at him now, she was inches from his face ...her anger was reaching boiling point, "Well, I'm sorry I ever even trusted you".
Her anger was going white hot now, she could feel it her eyes were starting to prick with angry tears. She knew that at this moment she would say something that she would regret. She looked at him and shook her head, no she wouldn't go there.
"You're not worth my anger Brian Get-a-grip the 19th" she goaded him.
Brian simply left her standing there with Zazuka. He left the two of them inside the great hall, He wasn't sure if he ever wanted to speak to her again, and yet part of him wanted to.
Andromeda sat down fuming. If anything she wanted to be the one to storm off. Well, let him have his little tantrum. She wiped her tears furiously away. And stared maddeningly back at those staring at her from another table. She turned back to Zuka.
"Sorry, Zuka. I know you like him. But he just doesn't get the whole friendship thing! Would you tell your other friends a secret I told you in confidence? I mean if they started going on about how it was a big trust thing and everything. Would you?" she bit her lip waiting for her answer.
Zauzka looked at her two friends with wide eyes. "You know I wouldn't. I wouldn't tell anyone anything you told me in privet. But I have a bit of a problem with not letting in the Slytherns. What about Izzy she really nice and really not like a Slytherin at all. I think we can trust her as much as we can trust eachother." Zazuka said looking down at her shose. She didn't like fighting and everything here was making her figit slightly.
"I do know what you're saying, I have Enzeru and Kiki as well there. Initially myself and Brian agreed on the train that it would be the two of us, we hadn't met anyone else then. So we also agreed that if we did we would make sure we could trust them first. All I'm saying is to keep the numbers small while we are looking for the room. How would it look if we went marching around the house in great numbers obviously looking for something. When we do find it, hopefully what is happening that I can't tell you about will have blown over and we can bring Izzy and the others!" Andromeda sighed, she hadnt long speeches but she really wanted her friend to understand.
Zazuka flinched. "your right of course. I have a feeling that this is not really about weather or not to bring Slytherins along for the exploration of Hogwarts." Zazuka said then looked around. "Um... if you don't mind me prying we could go somewhere privet and you can talk to me, you really can." She said looking up at her with compassion showing from behind her glasses. "That's only if you want of course if you don't I compleatly understand. It's really none of my bussnes." She said quickly so Andy could dismiss the idea and she wouldn't get mad at her again.
"Zuka there is nothing more that I would love to do, but I haven't even written this into journal. When I think it's ok to talk you'll be the first. I promise." Andromeda hoped her friend wouldn't be angry with her, "I would trust you completely, all I'm asking right now is that you trust me without me relaying someone else secret!"
"Alright Andy, you can count on me. I think we have to get to class now." Zazuka said taking up her bag. Jinx, being a cleaver cat than he looked, sliped into the book bag and out of sight. "I hope we can talk soon." She said to her friend then looked around and have her a hug. She really felt close to Andy for some reson. She let go then walked off to her class.
((Early breakefast everal days later))
Zazuka had her cyrptography book out again and was eating what she though was jelly sandwiches. She had finnally maged to convince JInx to stay in the commonroom but she wasn't sure how that would turn out in the end. Zazuka sighed. She hadn't talked to Brian in days and it hurt her. She would have said something if they where not both her friends. She consentrated on finding the first That of her new puzzle so she didn't have to think about what has been going on.
Brian walked past the table taking no notice of Zazuka, he sat down and ate his breakfast, then headed off to Herbology without a word.
Not even the Dancing Man Code could make her not notice that Brian had walked by with out a word. She was still in not admiting even to herself that she may have stronger feelings for the boy but it still hurt to lose him as a friend. He really was a good friend even if he was loud. She eched a little stick figure onto the paper with one arm up and the right leg sticking out to the side as if to kick and then sighed and packed everyting up. Not even the fight could take away from the joy she got from knowing that today was Herbology class. She loved plants and knew she was going to love being in that class even if it started out slow.

Brian woke up early, he was starving, from going without dinner the day prior, he was also nervous about the flying lessons that would begin today. He began to gobble down the food as fast as he could choking on a peice of toast while doing so, He wondered if Zazuka or Andromeda would be coming soon.
"Nope" Brian said scarfing down another peice of toast, "today is flying, how do you feel?" he asked trying to hide his own nerves
"This is the first time since I got here that I'm actually excited! I can't wait", Andromeda nibbled at her roll, "hence my bird like appetite. So hyper nervous I wouldn't be able stomach anything else!" she laughed now.
She knew that from the moment she got up that morning, indeed since she went to bed last night, all she had visions of were brooms and clouds and the wind in her face.

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