"Brian, I honestly thought that the long train ride gave you some insight to how loyal I am. And if a friend tells me something in confidence, then I take it to the grave...I don't go blabbing it to my other friends." she looked at him now with a fiery determination, it might have been her red headed temper but no-one questioned her loyalty, no-one! "My friends Brian, know they can trust me, hence why they tell me things they wouldn't tell other people! So, if you have a problem with my loyalty, then it's you who has trust issues! And I would rather part ways now!"
She had stood up from the table as she was talking, she knew other people had begun looking at her, but she was so angry now. She was actually shaking with it, "And this has nothing to do with how much I trust either of you. If you told me something in confidence, would you want me to go and blurt it out to the first person who questions my loyatly? I don't think so!"
With that she turned to walk away, then stopping she turned back again, "Zuka, we're still good, yeah?"