Bi-Weekly Update

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It's been a while since I've done one of these. Let's see if I still know what to do. :p
Week 3!
So, we're heading into week 3 tomorrow! Isn't that mad? If you're a student, you should catch up on your lessons. If you're a professor, you should be sure to be up to date. If you aren't, you'll be hearing from Donna this week to find out how we can help you get back on track. :r :p Also, professors should be sure that they've posted an area for make-up lessons if they haven't done so already.

The points are pretty close! If you want your house to win, help by doing some lessons!

Quidditch! Quidditch! Quidditch!
If you didn't see, the last game ended with another spectacular save by Avie! :party: Take a look at the game here. It was a fun one!

The next game will start on Monday (for us EST folks anyway), and it'll be Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor. I look forward to watching Gryffindor demolish Ravenclaw. :r :p It should be great fun!

Don't think that not having a quidditch player means you can't participate in the games. That's why we have [member]the Stands[member]. Come join with your fellow students, professors, ghosts, etc.!

The club fair is still open and active so we felt that it was worth mentioning again. I've noticed that some clubs have begun their own meetings. If you lead a club, I encourage you to do the same. Get your club active!! :cool:

Speaking of clubs, if you're part of one, you should consider posting your picture in [member]Accio![member]. Even if you're not part of a club, there is still at least one page for you to post your picture. Let's have this year be the year with the least amount of 'not photographed' names! ^_^

The Daily Prophet
Following the protests led by the Scitorari, an article by The Daily Prophet has been released. Be sure to check out The Ministry Gets Floored. A copy of the article can also be found in the school's library for students to view. ;)

Brightstone Weekend
The holiday areas may be closed to students, but Brightstone is now open! Enjoy!!

This was one of our bigger sortings in a while, so kudos to you all, new and old members alike, who have sorted a student. For those of you who are interested, the numbers were as follows:

Gryffindor= 22

Approved Lists
Just as a reminder, if your character or you are inactive for a period of time, you may find your character being removed from the approved lists. In order to return to the lists, you must PM an admin.

On that note, apps are open for you all to apply to get on these lists. :p
[ul][li]Quidditch Kills
Zara decides to stage a protest against Quidditch during the Ravenclaw tryouts. It gathers some attention and Isaiah goes to talk to the protesters to see if they can find some common ground.</LI>

[li]The Moon Rises
Marisol hates taking her Wolfsbane Potion and tries to convince Monty not to make her take it on the last night of the week. Stubbornness from a twelve year old ensues and makes Monty anxious!

Other RPs in this plot: Welcome to the rest of your life

[li]Not Sharing Is Caring Too
A snack-crazed Ravenclaw defends her snacks from a greedy Gryffindor at all costs.
Additional Information:

[li]Preferred Companionship
Two prefects get into a fight over the burning of a book.

[li]Endings and Beginnings
The truth is spilled at a farewell party, but can an Auror and her boss ever be in a relationship?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Halloween Feast! :party:
[li]Vex's birthday! :elf:
[li]Character Spotlight! :D
<LI>[li]Brightstone shenanigans! :o
[/li][/ul]That's all for now. You'll see me in a few days as I've got the next Character spotlight as well. ;)

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Yay thanks so much for doing and posting this Cyndi ^_^ So many exciting things!
Thanks for the update!
If no one posts to Vex's birthday party, I will be severely disappointed. :r
Thanks so much Cyndi! I agree with Lovi, Vex deserves the best party ever.
But have either of you posted in it? :r Might join in on the fun myself later today :woot:

Week 3 already? The time flies D:
Disappointed in there being no oddly coloured pie charts :r

Regardless, wonderful updates. I keep having to remember that I'm no longer able to break up fights anymore :p
Thanks Cyndi! I don't know why it pleases me so much that three of the Houses have the same amount of new entrants, but it really does. :woot:
Thanks for the update Cyndi!
Thanks for the update! ^_^
Evening all! We just wanted to let you all know that Kaitlyn has rejoined the site staff. We're happy to have her back. ^_^

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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