Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)

Hello and welcome to HNZ's first BWU of spring (IC and OOC), and hasn't spring sprung on the site? We have a lot going on for your enjoyment.

House Meetings
Each of the houses have their house meetings up and running. Come and join your house for the meetings and semesterly updates. You can find the Slytherin meeting, Ravenclaw Meeting, Gryffindor meeting, and Hufflepuff Picnic by following the links.

Three Legged Race
The headmaster and heads of houses have also been busy organising a three-legged race watch as students get tied together and make their way through a selection of obstacles starting with a chocolate pudding mud pit. Watch the race or cheer from the sidelines

Week Three
It seems this week things come in threes. We are moving into week three already. How did that happen? Keep posting classes to give your house the best chance of winning, and with Halloween coming at the end of the week time to start planning costumes for even more points (especially Ravenclaws who are lagging behind on the scoreboard)

Slytherin beat Hufflepuff in one of the shortest matches I have ever seen. It seems like the snitch hasn't got the note to at least let all the players get into the air before being found. Congratulations to Ivelisse Burleigh who made the quick catch. Watch the match or react from the stands. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw is just starting here good luck to all teams (especially Gryffindor :r ) and let's hope the match will last a little longer than a blink.

Club Fair.
The club fair is in full swing. Come and check out the stalls sign up for clubs and maybe come away with a pen that turns into cherry tomatoes when planted, a gingerbread, or a friendship bracelet. For those interested in history see the unofficial history stand at the fringe club fair. Keep an eye out for club events being posted throughout the semester.

This September, spotlights are all on the new minister. Head over to the announcement to wish Emzies congratulations and read about the inspiration for such an iconic character.

Sorting has closed we have 49 first years join the school fairly evenly split between the four houses and we are ready for all their adventures and misadventures.

Shopkeeper applications have closed. The new owners for the Apothecary, The Medley and Scrivenshafts Quill Shop will be announced soon.
All other applications are open for your plotting convenience

The Winter Summer Raffle has been drawn. Congratulations to Sam (River Hopkins- Vance) who will be seen in a lovely sunshine yellow and sporting a
icon and Steven (Max Goose) who will be displaying the

  • Where I'm From, It All Goes Wrong
    • Celia might finally have the chance she was waiting for...only now, at the wrong time.
  • Under your skin
    • An upset Casper visits Linden one night as he is closing up the Menagerie. After a conversation about where their relationship is going Linden is nervous as he asks for a favour.

  • Club events
  • A longer Quidditch match

See I said we had a lot going on. I hope that you are feeling suitably updated. Look after yourself, drink some water, drive safe, and get plenty of sleep
Mia :mia:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for posting, Mia!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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