Beautiful day

Austin smiled, and nodded, "Well, I was hoping that you couldn't tell before you were confirmed by it. But, well, worrying is what I do." He laughed, when she answered the question that came to his mind. Austin smirked, "You haven't seen protective until you seen me fight over you. Which I will, if come down to it."
Rose laughed "It wasn't that bad, but it was noticable." She said looking back up at him. "Wow, what would you seriously do?" She asked with a little worry in her voice, but she wasn't planning on it sounding that way. "What would make you so protective anyway?" she asked trying to lighten her voice.
Austin beamed, "Well, that's good to hear." Austin thought for a moment, trying to connect with his sister's torturing ideas. "Um, beat them to small pulp?" I'll have to get Aleyha to help with that that. Austin stared at her, "No one needs to hit on my girl. I am not willing to share unless it is just simple, tiny friendship."
"Yes, I gues sit is." She said smiling "Wow...." was all she said to his beating them up. "Scary enough I could see it happening. I'll close my eyes. I'm not good with watching that stuff." She said laughing. "Well then, i can handle that I guess." She said joking then she noticed the my girl part. "Wow. All yours huh?" She asked stairing into is eyes.
"Of course it is." Austin stroked her hair, very softly and careful to not mess it up. "Don't picture it if it alarms you. If Aleyha gave me any ideas, then well, it might not be pretty to watch it. Or to even do such things." Austin smiled broadly, "All mine. No one elses." He gave a sly smirk as well.
Austin grinned, "Well, no need to anyway." He noticed her blush and for once, didn't say anything about it. He instead replied, "Of course. I believe everyone knows that by now. We are rarely apart."
Austin laughed softly, "Anyone I have met I have told. No matter who it is or was."
((Oh my, sorry I didn't see this!!))

Austin nudged her softly, careful not to tickle her, "So about classes, are we to walk in together and sit together, or one get there and save the other a seat?" Austin smiled at her.
((That you replied. XD))

Austin nodded, "I get up pretty early, so I might be there first. Unless I get lost, of course." He laughed softly. "Which will happen."
Austin chuckled under his breath. "You get up right in between huh. Though I could wait. But if it is too long, I would have to leave you behind," he teased. Although he knew that he didn't have to get up too early. Then he would really be the weird guy in the school.
"Yep, Right in the middle." She laughed "Well, I don't take that long getting ready as you can see by looking at me." She said pointing out that fact that she had only brushed her hair and threw on her robes. "But if you must leave I completly understand." She said sticking her tounge out at him.
Austin thought for a moment, "I style my hair, and it takes about twenty minutes just for that." He pointed at his gelled hair, making it a tousselled look. "Maybe not on the first week of school. I wouldn't let you roam alone until we both knew our ways around." He gave her a gentle smile.
Austin shrugged, "Hey, I primp. So what?" He smirked a bit. "Well, missy, I won't let you walk around alone until the first week has past. I wouldn't dare let you get lost. Or miss class." He snickered a bit.
Austin narrowed his eyes and refrained from laughing, even though his eyes sparkled. He jumped up from the ground and outstretched his arms. He boasted, "There is no crime in looking this good, no matter how long it takes." He winked at her. He then remarked, "You better believe that I am about to show my protectiveness over you."
Austin laughed a bit seeing that she jumped up as well. He smirked, "Not when my hair is messed up. Believe me." Austin embraced her in a hug. "Maybe so."
Austin felt her arms around him. He smiled to himself. "You more than likely would," teased Austin. He stated, " I am glad you don't think I am boring, at all."

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