Astronomy 2:2


"Welcome back, I'm glad to see you all again," Professor Zumwalt said as her second years began to pile into the room. Today they were going to be looking at one massive neighbor they had in space. "The Sun is a star," she said opening up her lecture for the day. "For millions of years, the Sun has been worshiped as a god, the giver of life and light. Without it, we wouldn't be here to talk about it! It allows plants to grow and along with some other basic elements keeps our planet on track." Adorah said as the students began to take notes already. "Now, I am going to give you some basic information about the sun so keep some notes, and don't fall asleep." She smiled and then picked up a piece of chalk and began to write on the chalkboard.

The Sun said:
  • Largest Object in our Solar System
  • Ranks in the top 10% of stars in the Universe
  • Made up mostly of Hydrogen
  • 1.4 Million Kilometers across - more than 100 times the Earth's diameter
  • Over a million Earths could fit inside comfortably
  • The gravitational pull keeps everything circling around it

"Now, the sun has been studied with a great deal by wizard astronomers and a witch named Elizabeth Willowvale first noticed that solar flares are not what muggles think they are, as they believe they are storms on the sun, and we won't go into that, but the flares are actually magical energy projecting out from the Sun towards us, towards the Solar System, and if we didn't have these solar flares there would be no magic, it's what is keeping magic running, and the amount of energy that goes into this is phenomenal." Professor Zumwalt glanced at the clock on her desk and smiled up at the students.

"Sadly, that is all the time we have for today, you may go once you've finished copying down the board." she smiled. "Oh and don't forget the homework while you're at it," she added. Adorah waited for the last student to head out before going out herself and locking up the rooms behind her. She was feeling tired and was ready for a full night's rest.

For full credit, RP the lesson.
For extra credit write a short essay (up to 6 sentences; you'll receive a point for each sentence up to 6) about the Sun with information not provided in class. (Please make sure to have your source listed once again and by this, I mean the website you(OOC) are using for your character!)
As Eoghan took his seat in Astronomy, he was making notes on the sun. In the same way he saw himself as the moon tarot card, he saw his twin sister as the sun, so he already knew a great deal about its meanings and interpretations. It seemed however that Professor Zumwalt was teaching them more about the physicality of the sun as star as opposed to it's symbolism, so most of the content from the class was still new to the Ravenclaw. It was interesting however to hear that magic was so directly tied into stars that without it, there may not have been any magic at all. Although Eoghan liked to consider himself to be someone that relied on logic to make a decision, he couldn't deny that there were other powers beyond those he could explain, otherwise how had he ended up here at all? At the end of the lesson he packed up his things, and after bidding Lilith goodnight, headed back to his bed.
Lumos wasn’t a big fan of this class mostly because it was so far away from everything else. He didn’t like having to do it at night and he didn’t like having to walk up all those stairs. He took his seat with Demi, yawning a little as he leaned back against the wall. He took a couple of notes in his notebook but mostly he wasn’t paying too much attention, since it wasn’t really a class he was interested in and he didn’t really understand why some people were. He liked Professor Zumwalt well enough, but she was about the only good thing in the class. He sighed as he imagined the flares shooting out from the sun. He had to admit learning about the sun was kind of cool, but he wasn’t going to admit that it was cool. The lesson soon wrapped up, and Lumos hurried to finish his notes, showing them to Demi to make sure he had them correctly, one of them had to be listening after all. He probably wouldn’t do the homework, he didn’t really care about it, but he might look up whoever Elizabeth Willowvale was.​
Eli stared at his notebook as Professor Zumwalt started the lesson. He tolerated her, she was better than Professor Waldgrave or Grayveson and that was important because he didn’t like them very much at all. He appreciated the reminder to take notes, not that he needed to be reminded and he made sure to list everything down in segments. He paid attention to the facts, not wanting to miss anything, and underlined the bit about solar flares and fueling magic. That seemed a little far fetched to him, but if it was what was being taught then… so be it. He would like to research that later. The moment class was over and he was free, he started thinking about more information. If solar flares fuelled magic, would that make animagus transformations easier on a flare day?​
Sayuri entered the classroom and took out her parchment and quill to take notes. She didn't really favour Astronomy, didn't like the professor either, but she was going to get good grades in this class for as long as she was taking it. As the professor spoke about the sun, she jotted down notes. She didn't really know who Elizabeth Willowvale was but her findings were most certainly interesting. She finished copying everything written on the board and sighed at the assignment. Gathering her things, she exited the room and decided she would do the homework tomorrow as she would rather just sleep once she got back to her room.
Lilith loved Astronomy, that was no secret, however at times she wouldn't lie and say she would prefer just being curled up in bed with her cat instead. However as the lesson started and the subject was the Sun Professor Zumwalt had Lilith's full attention. It was after all that the sun was heavily connected to the moon which was undeniably, especially given the piece of wood she carried in her pocket everywhere even now, something that had a deep meaning to the second year. It didn't exactly surprise Lilith that magic was heavily connected to the stars, her grandmother had even said as much before not in such great detail but still. As the lesson drew to an end the Ravenclaw was both happy and disappointed, in one hand she could finally go and curl up in bed with Kuu, after this lesson it felt extremely poetic given Kuu was the word for Moon in Finnish, but in the other hand it meant she'd have to wait another week for Astronomy.
Winnie walked into the astronomy classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started on what they would be doing, nodding along easily with what was being said about the sun. She knew what the sun was - a star - and a little about it but still eagerly began writing down everything that the professor was saying about it. Making sure that she didn’t miss anything, not the stuff on the board and not the things the professor was telling them. The lesson itself wasn’t overly long, so then winnie was able to pack up her things and then head out of the room, with a note of the homework.

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