Arriving with Caysi

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Kiera slowly sat up. She caught the frogs that were thrown her way but it was still sore. "Wow still alittle sore..." she said with a frown. She opened the chocolate and began to eat it...

((ask alicia she might can fix it.... Hil...Era? was that a typo or some new nick name? lol
(((Lol I was trying to make them one syllable...))))
Hilary was still feeling stiff but felt that she could atleast carry weight now. She smiled and laid down lower in her very comfy bed.
((( :p)))

Caysi caught the box that was thrown and her and she said " Thank you". She out the frog in her mouth.
"Wow what a good type of medicine" Hilary giggled and threw around another round of chocolate frogs. "Come on guys it really does make you feel better.... that house is like a dementor.....or worse when it comes to happiness sucking."
"Ya my back is feeling stiff, but I'm not in much pain anymore." Hilary smiled, she was in a little more than she was letting on but she had complained too much for now. Now was time for recuperation.
Caysi went to her bed and said " Im going to try to fallasleep now....night guys". she said yawning. She instantly fell asleep.
Hilary tried to sleep but was having problems..... the memory of the house was still bugging her and she was scared she would have another creepy vision. She sat up again and felt a slight twinge in her back, but no where near to the pain she was feeling before. She grabbed some more chocolate frogs out of the basket that just kept refilling itself....
Perse went to Caysi and looked down at her leg. It was twisted alright. she shook her head. Poor girl! She waved her wand over the leg and whispered her spells. Moments later it was right as rain. "There you go. You shouldn't have any pain now but you might be a stiff tonight. Keep eating those frogs and you guys should have a good nights rest."

(uh-oh, i hope you get logged in kale! i'm going on sabbatical until about january. :( pm alicia or bearse (did i spell that right?) to see what they can do. ;-) )
Hilary could feel she wasn't the only uneasy one in the room. She whispered to the bed next to hers. "Kiera, don't worry I'm awake too. Is it the house?" Hilary didn't really have to ask but felt it surge through her. "If you turn around we can eat chocolate and talk about it."
Caysi heard what they said and she replied with what she just saw." That wasn't my mother....I don't know who that was...but one thing I do need to know is if she died in there."
Hilary looked scared. "She had your eyes Casey, I was sure it was your mom, you may to to check that out." She was scared *what had she just seen*
Caysi walked up limping to the window and looked out she could see the mansion and said " Couldn't be possible...she was a..muggle.". she said sighing.
Hilary was sure of what she had seen but decided not to take this any further. She opened up another chocolate frog just to have something to do.
Caysi walked limping across the room something was pulling her to the door mentally not physicaly though..she walked closer and then she thought " What am I doing?....Im going to die if I go". She went back to bed looking at her friends.
Hilary was feeling the spirit's pull on Casey. "Casey you can't go not alone. Stay here, even with your mind."
Perse's head jerked up. Her nostrils flared as she felt a weird energy in the hospital. She walked to the girl's bed and looked down at them all. "Here, I want you all to take this." She'd reached into her apron and pulled out a few small vials. She handed one to each girl. "It's dreamless sleep. You all need your rest,"she said sternly. She was concerned, something wasn't quite right.
Kiera tried to smile and the two girls and started to open her mouth when the nurse came in. Kiera shut her mouth and listened to her. "Are you positive they wont let any dreams in?" she asked with a worried look. As the nurse assured her they wouldnt Kiera popped the pill in her mouth and fell asleep instantly.

All of a sudden Kiera was back in the house. She cautiously looked around. She found Hil and Cays with her. She heard voices calling up the stairs. Slowly Kiera went up the stairs. She could hear someone screaming in pain in the upper room. She made a dash for the room to try and help the person. As she entered the room the door slammed behind her. There was a strange man in there. He laughed at Kiera. "Foolish Girl....Dont you see I brought you here it was all a trap?" he said with a wicked laugh. Crucio! he screamed. Kiera writhed in pain. She was screaming and sweating. Then saw Hil and Cays being eaten by the house. Kiera screamed and cried even louder. "Help! Help! Save them leave them alone!!" she cried repeatedly but to no avail.
"No dreams....okay well I'll try it." Hilary took what was given to her and fell into a deep sleep. She saw the house, it couldn 't be a dream, but it couldn't be real did this proove what she saw was real?? They were being dragged forwards, tortured, eaten, it wasn't happening , it couldn't be. She screamed several times but the sleeping potion was not allowing her to wake up as before they were dying she could feel it.....what was this she tried to fight it and was pulled further in, she would never make it out alive.
Caysi couldn't go to sleep no matter what...she kept thinking what if her mother was still alive but her father was lying to her all this time....Caysi really needed to find out.
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