Old School Week Arm Candy Material

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Gwen Goodwin

🌸Two-Faced | Calculating | Model 🌸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Straight (René))
Sexual Orientation
Straight (René)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2043 (18)
Open after Kris posts with René

Gwen was excited about tonight. Getting René to ask her out had been easy. The only thing that could ruin anything was if Jenna spotted them and decided to make a scene, but she doubted that would happen. Gwen adjusted her gloves, having gone all out in her outfit. She watched the passing crowd, trying to spot René among them.
René couldn't believe Gwen had wanted to go out with him again, he'd been pretty convinced their last dance date had been a one time thing but maybe things were different now. He was older, and a Quidditch captain and all, so maybe Gwen wouldn't immediately ghost him after tonight.

"Hey, wow," he said, joining Gwen and trying not to swallow his tongue, offering her his arm, stomach a knot of excitement and nerves at the sight of her.
Gwen smiled at the sight of René, he cleaned up nicely. "Hi!" She said brightly giving him a smile as she took his arm. "You look nice, thank you for asking me." She said, smiling up at him.
Rene had to clear his throat, nodding quickly when Gwen thanked him for inviting her. "Yeah thanks for coming." He wanted to ask her why she'd said yes after ignoring him so many years ago, or maybe if she wanted to go ice skating, but both options seemed dumb. "We should get drinks maybe?"
Gwen nodded at René's suggestion, holding onto his arm as she steered him a bit towards one of the snack tables. "Sure! But maybe we can dance when we finished our drinks?" She asked hopefully. She didn't wear this dress to just stand on the sidelines all night.
Rene quickly hid a grimace when Gwen mentioned dancing; he had no idea what kind of dancing Gwen would want to do. Could he do proper ballroom dancing stuff without stepping on her feet? "Uh, yeah, totally," he said, quickly downing his drink for something to do.
René had already finished his drink when Gwen had barely taken a sip. She wondered if he was nervous. It was kind of cute. "Do you usually enjoy these events?" Gwen asked. She knew they had gone to one before, but that felt so long ago.
Rene fiddled with his cup, relieved when Gwen was able to get a conversation started before they lapsed into awkward silence. "Oh yeah sure, what's not to like? They're way cooler than the muggle parties and stuff I'm used to back home," he said, waving at the enchanted forest around them. "What about you?"
Gwen's eyebrow quirked up slightly. "You go to a lot of muggle parties over break then?" She asked him, finding him even more interesting with this revelation. Gwen had never been to a party outside of Hogwarts. "I also like it, I enjoy getting to dress up." She said, smoothing down her skirt.
Rene didn't miss the look of interest in Gwen's eyes, straightening up some at her question. "Sure, all the time. I still have friends and stuff back home and we hang out whenever we can, you could totally come to one sometime," he said, pointedly not mentioning that most the supposed parties were with his family. "That makes sense, you uh, you're good at that. Dressing up, I mean. Like, you look nice."
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