Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room, you can godmod where Irene directed them. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :pYou will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, message me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Louis was feeling pretty nervous about the exam today. He had been pretty confident in the lessons, but now that it was time for the exam he didn't know if he was quite ready for it. He knew he had to pass this exam, he had no other choice. Apparition was an important life skill, after all. He'd be so mad if he couldn't do it. Especially if Giulia managed it before him. He was pretty quiet as he waited for his turn, smiling weakly at some of his classmates as they went in. What they had to do seemed easy enough, though The angry ministry lady had made it clear she would be very strict. When it was Louis'' turn, he headed in silently. He listened as he was told where to apparate. Near the Ravenclaw table. Louis took a deep breath and focused. It happened quite quickly, before he knew it he had apparated. He looked down hurriedly to see if he had lost anything on the way, but he hadn't. He was also in the right spot, somehow. He sighed in relief. When he was dismissed, he quickly left the great hall.
Eugene arrived at the great hall for his apparition exam. He had practice it a lot in every occasion he was allowed to and had read about it too. He felt confident in him being able to do this. Though he knew that it wouldn’t be too big of a deal if he didn’t do that well on it. He knew he would manage as he always had without magic. However, Eugene also knew that this was likely to make things so much easier. It would make seeing his girlfriend over the break so, so much easier. It would make work, so much easier. However, he just needed to pass first.

The hufflepuff was called in and he greeted the teacher with an eager warmth. Knowing that this exam wouldn’t last long and then he’d be free to do it. He nodded at where he was to go, scoping it out from this distance. The room had things in it, which was different than in their lessons, though even in the lessons, things had never been the same twice. Eugene focused, it took him a beat to really get his mind where it needed to be and then when he did so, he had to not stray from it and then eventually he felt the tug. He leaned into it, and like with the previous occasions he was pulled to the new location in a flash. He let out a little breath as he landed and then let out a second longer one upon realising he’d done it.
Valeria knew it was just so important for to pass this exam. It was more important than her OWLs and more important than her NEWTs would be. Though she could re-do this, unlike those other exams, it was just important that she didn’t need to. Valeria was ready, she had read up, she had been unable to practice but she’d managed it in the other lessons and there was no way this would be all that different. But her desire to pass this first time, was making her a little nervous.

However, she didn’t get to be nervous for long before she was called in to do the exam. She stepped into the hall and was trying her best to quickly calm her mind down. Her gaze moved to the teacher who informed her of where she needed to get to within this room. Her mind cast to the spot, thinking about the things in the way, but not being bothered by any of it. The Ravenclaw then focused her mind and focused on where she needed to be, she reminded herself of the three D’s and then after a beat, she was across there with a pop. She felt very pleased with it, knowing she hadn’t left anything behind.
Caleb wasn’t exactly nervous for the apparition exam but he couldn’t seem to stand still as he waited for the instructor to show up. He nearly groaned when she said they’d be called by their last name, which meant he would be waiting forever. He practically glared at Louis when he was one of the first to go in. He paced back and forth in front of the doors to the great hall until finally it was his turn. He listened to Ms.Finch’s instructions and she pointed to a spot about half way down the great hall, practically the center of the room. He frowned and wished he had a chance to flex his skills and go to the end of the hall. But he guessed there was skill in restraint and he pulled out his wand and focused. He thought about the three D’s and all his success in the previous lessons and pushed all thoughts of Lila’s accident out of his mind. With a final mental push he felt his body pulled through the air until he was breathless and standing right in the spot he had been instructed. With a grin on his face he nodded to the instructor before heading out and sending the next student in.
Rhys was a little nervous, but he was confident that he could do this. Practices had gone quite well for him and this was going to be no different. The annoying bit was having to wait in alphabetical order, though thankfully he didn't have to end up waiting that long, striding into the Great Hall for his exam. It was a little surprising to see the tables still all set out, but he wasn't phased about it too much. It was just like in the real world. All he had to do was clear his head, thinking about the three D's as a focus on the spot he wanted to apparate to. And then it was a simple case of letting go as he felt the tug, just as he had done in practice. And, with a crack, he vanished from one end of the hall and appeared right where he had been directed. He didn't even have to check himself over to know he hadn't left anything behind, smiling quite smugly as he thanked the instructor before leaving the Great Hall to let the next person come in and try.
Celia was not feeling great about the Apparition exam. She hadn't done very well during the last lesson. She had also left that lesson much earlier than she should have, limiting her practice opportunities since Hogwarts' anti-apparition wards prevented any practice outside of these lessons. Celia also wasn't looking forward to having to apparate in front of all her classmates. Lately, she'd been doing everything possible to avoid her classmates' attention.

Thankfully, it seemed that last concern wouldn't be an issue at all. Celia instantly felt much lighter when Ms. Finch announced that they would be taking the exam one at a time, in the privacy of the Great Hall. She was less happy about the fact that they were going in alphabetical order, by last name. It wasn't that she minded being dead last — honestly, she could use the extra time to mentally prepare — but rather she was annoyed that she would be stuck in this antechamber with some of her least favorite classmates for quite some time.

As her classmates disappeared one by one, Celia tried to focus on the three D's and other apparition theory. When at last her name was called, she pushed open the heavy door. To her surprise, all the furniture had been left in its place. That wasn't ideal, but Celia knew the presence of additional objects didn't really matter. It was just a visual distraction. She turned her attention to Ms. Finch, who pointed at a spot by the Hufflepuff table. Despite the woman's strict demeanor, Celia felt oddly at ease. None of her classmates were here, and that made it easier to focus.

Destination. Celia concentrated on the spot next to the Hufflepuff table, visualizing herself landing there with pinpoint accuracy. Determination. If there was one thing Celia had never lacked in her life, it was determination, and right now, she poured all of it into the task ahead. Deliberation. Celia gripped her wand and twisted deliberately on the spot. A brief, crushing weight in her lungs, and then Celia reappeared with a loud crack. She could tell right away that she hadn't lost anything. She was less sure about her location. Celia glanced down and nearly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she was standing on the exact spot Ms. Finch had indicated. Smiling, Celia pocketed her wand and made for the exit, feeling much better than she had in a while.
Ivelisse wasn't particularly nervous for the apparition exam. If anything, she was looking forward to pass it and finally be able to apparate when she needed to. She listened to what the Ministry Official had to say, knowing her turn would come rather quickly since her last name started with a 'B'. The woman sounded more stern than usual but that was understandeable. If they weren't able to apparate in the right way she could hardly let them pass. Especially when there was no way of knowing what would happen when they made mistakes out in the world.

Ive waited for her name to be called, repeating the three D's in her mind as she did. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. And again. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. When Ms. Finch called her name Ivelisse stepped forward, nodding at the woman as she listened to her point out the location she needed to apparate to. Right between one of the house tables and the wall. It wasn't a particularly spacious spot. No matter. She was sure she could do it. Ive focussed herself on the spot between the table and the wall, staring at it for a second before she could start imagining her landing there. She tried her best to imprint the view of where to go in her mind so that there would be no doubt about it when she closed her eyes.

She could do this. She was going to do this. And she was going to do it well. Once her mind was set to nothing else but apparating and landing in the right spot Ive felt a strange yet already sort of familiar tugging feeling. It took her a second to accept it and let go. Once she did there was the even stranger feeling of being transported and the unpleasant sound of a loud crack before she felt her feet touch the ground again. She took a second to try and realize if anything felt off but everything felt.. right. Ive carefully opened her eyes and looked around, grinning when she noticed she was exactly in the right spot. She gave Ms. Finch a small nod before stepping away and leaving the hall.
Zee was thrilled to finally take the apparition exam. She had only tried appariating twice but both times had gone well. She hoped the exam would be the same. Zee would hate to have to waste her time retaking the class and the exam if she failed. But she wasn't going to fail. Zee was too competitive to fail at something like this. She sat outside the Great Hall, joining the other students. She was a little annoyed that they were not allowed in the Great Hall right away. But Zee waited impatiently for the Ministry worker to explain what they were doing. They had to wait for their name to be called. Of course. This was going to take forever. Even Kita would be able to take this exam first.

Zee hated to wait. She tapped her foot over and over again as the students around her dwindled. Finally her name was called. Zee entered the Great Hall. The professor certainly had a surprise for them. All the tables were still there. It looked much more crowded than they had ever seen in a practice. Zee rolled her eyes. Of course there was a trick to this. But she wasn't worried.

The Ministry worker told her to appariate on the other side of the hall near the Professor's table. Zee looked at the destination. That was one of the D's. She could do this. Let everything else melt away. Zee closed her eyes and thought about the area. She had this. Within moments, she felt that sensation. Her stomach felt wishy washy for a moment. But she knew she had done it. She opened her eyes and there she was, just where the ministry worker had told her to be. She had done it. Zee waited a few moments before she was dismissed. She left the Great Hall, having a good feeling about how the exam went.
Kita knew this exam would be one of the most important that she would take this year. It was a pass or fail exam, no in-between. She was either successful or a failure, and Kita was never a failure. She knew she was always the one to come out ahead, even if the others around her were blind to see this. Kita just took this appariation exam as another way to prove herself. Maybe the Ministry worker would appreciate her greatness, although with the personality of the woman didn't seem to fit giving out praise. Kita would do well anyway though.

The Slytherin girl sat outside the hall, away from her sister. They waited for little bit before the Ministry worker came out to address the students. She informed them that they would be doing this individually. Of course, she would be calling names which meant that Kita was going to be one of the last ones to go. That frustrated her to no end. Why should she have to wait? It was ridiculous the rules at this school. Kita crossed her arms and waited impatiently for her name to be called. It seemed to take forever. She finally was called, before her sister thankfully. At least she was ahead of someone.

Kita entered the Great Hall. The tables were still there, which didn't give them the open space that they had practiced with. Kita didn't see this as a big deal though. She knew that the spaces she appariated to would not always be clear. She wasn't worried. Kita listened to the spot in which the professor told her to appariate. It was right next to the end of the Hufflepuff table. Kita looked at the spot intently. She imagined the table, the floor, creating almost an X in her mind of where she had to be.

Kita thought about the three D's. She had the destination now. The image was in her mind. She now needed the determination and deliberation. Neither would be a problem. Kita closed her eyes and felt her stomach drop slightly. She felt like she was being squeezed. She opened her eyes when those sensations stopped. She was right on the imaginary X that she had pictured in her mind. She had appariated to the spot the Ministry worker had indicated.

Kita gave a smirk as she was dismissed. Of course, she had done it. She left the Great Hall, thinking about all the ways that being to appariate would help her with her goal in life.
Rene wiped his hands nervously on his shirt, waiting awkwardly for his name to be called up. He felt like he'd only just gotten a handle on the whole apparition thing and now they had to do it for real. It was a weird sort of magic, the kind he could do entirely just by sheer force of will, not that other types weren't, but something about apparition really made it feel like actual magic somehow. Maybe it was just the weirdness of teleporting.

Still, Rene tried to shake his head to clear his thoughts as the instructor called him up finally, clearing his throat and bouncing on the spot for a moment before she outlined a spot near the door as his target. It was fine, he could do this, he'd been more nervous before his championship match this year, this was nothing.

Taking a deep breath, Rene tried not to close his eyes, focusing on the spot he was aiming for and willing himself there. He could feel himself tensing up all his muscles, trying to remember what the third D was as he stared the spot down, feeling a sort of tunnel vision take over as there was a feeling of being squeezed before Rene popped into existence, letting out a dizzily relieved breath to see he was right on target. The holidays this year were going to be his best yet now, Rene was sure.
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