Apparition 3

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Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in.

Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.

Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please PM if you plan on splinching.
Todd walked into the Great Hall, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination. This was their last practice session before the Apparition exam, and he quickly joined the line, watching as everyone took their turn before him.

As his turn approached, he felt excited. Taking a deep breath, he reminded himself of the three Ds: Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. When his moment arrived, Todd visualised the red X, fixed his mind on it, and with a twist, he felt the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a narrow tube. For a split second, he was nowhere and everywhere until he landed smoothly, right on the red X. He straightened up, pleased with his success. Apparating made sense to him, and he was optimistic about passing his final exam. He practised a couple more times before deciding he’d had enough and left the hall.
Emmanuel walked into the great hall, and looked at the x that was the point that he needed to reach. He moved to line and was relatively close to the front of the line, which he was perfectly content with, hoping that he would be able to practice a few more times. The teen nodded at the instruction and then watched as others went before him, watching as they completed it until it was his turn. He stood where he was supposed to and then focused his attention, focusing on the x and he felt the tug, and was pulled to the X. He was very pleased with himself and re-lined up to be able try again. Emmanuel was able to practice a few times before the lesson was wrapped up and he headed out of the great hall.
Ethan wasn't too nervous this time as he made his way into the great hall for their next apparition lesson. As they were let inside the great hall he noticed the red x right away and it was all soon explained. A bit of apprehension crept up again as Ethan watched his classmates go first. He hadn't had a problem last time but this was a much longer jump. He shook off his nerves before stepping up and he went over the basics in his head as he visualized everything. With his wand in hand he psyched himself up, and it did feel a little like jumping as he felt his stomach lurch before he was transported. He was a little breathless and was scared to look down, but when he finally did he saw the red x under his feet and he relaxed. He was able to practice a few more times and was feeling confident about the exam by the end.
Rory Styx stood in line with the other sixth years, feeling the pressure of the final practice. He had managed to apparate successfully before, but today was crucial for building confidence for the upcoming exam.

Irene Finch's stern reminder of the one-chance policy heightened his focus. As the first student attempted their apparation, Rory took a deep breath, rehearsing the steps in his mind. Watching his classmates' successes and stumbles, he felt both motivated and reminded of the importance of precision.

When his turn came, Rory faced the red X at the end of the Great Hall. He closed his eyes briefly, visualizing the target and focusing on the three Ds. With determination, he twisted on the spot and found himself standing on the red X. He quickly checked for any signs of splinching and, finding none, allowed himself a small smile of relief.

Feeling more confident, Rory stepped aside, ready to support his fellow students. He knew that encouraging each other was vital with the high-stakes exam approaching.
This would be the last practice before the exam. Lennox had managed to appariate twice, once into the hoop and once slightly in the hoop and slightly out. The full attempt was the more desirable though. Lennox was sure she would have to do it just like that again. She entered the Great Hall and joined her students making sure to leave space. But that wasn't what the Ministry worker wanted this time. They were practicing landing on an x.

Lennox got in line. She hated waited. This seemed like a waste of time. The Slytherin girl crossed her arms and waited. She felt like she waited forever until it was her turn. She took her time as she thought about the three D's, Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She focused on the X that was marked. She couldn't miss that, not with everyone watching. Lennox focused and closed her eyes. Pop. She opened her eyes again and was centered on the X. There. She had done it.

Lennox was tempted to go again but she didn't want to wait in line. Lennox decided that was enough practice then. She grabbed her things and left the Great Hall ready for this exam. She had it in the bag, hopefully.
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