Apparition 3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in.

Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.

Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please PM if you plan on splinching.
Indi was curious to see what they would be going over for their last apparition lesson. They had actually done it during their previous lesson and she wasn't sure there was much more they could learn but she was eager to get some practice in regardless. She stood up straight as Ms. Finch seemed to eye them over. She didn't appreciate being appraised like this but moved quickly to get in line as instructed. Indi raised an eyebrow when they were told to apparate to the other side of the hall. It was quite far. She wasn't nervous exactly, but it did seem like a challenge. One she was willing to face head on. She repeated the three D's under her breath over and over as she took her position and stared at the red X intently. She raised her wand and gripped it tightly. With a final deep breath she felt her body squeeze as she was teleported to the other side of the room. Her stomach threatened to revolt as she regained her senses but she took a deep steadying breath and the worst of it seemed to pass. Indi glanced down and was pleased she had landed right on center and she grinned. She was able to practice a few more times but once she felt comfortable with her ability she excused herself for the day.
Branson was always surprised by how quickly the semester passed. There was still a bit to go, but not much and soon he’d be in his final year of school. He’d be a seventh year and soon then graduated. The ravenclaw had known this would come and it would feel important and a little nerve wracking being out and fending for himself in the real world. It was still a bit away but it was getting close and really Bran felt no older than a first year. He was getting his things together for the day ahead, making sure that he had all of his notes and books for the classes he had that day. He made sure to put on his uniform and have his prefect badge on his chest. The ravenclaw then headed out of the room and to class.

Branson walked into the great hall with the rest of the class. He was eager to practice again, he’d managed it just the once in the last lesson. So he was rather eager to try again. He had been hoping that the hall would be in the same way as it had been for the last apparition class but it wasn’t. Instead it was just the hall empty with an x. He lined up against the wall with the rest of the students and listened to the professor talk about it. Tell them what exactly they were to do in this lesson. Apparate in front of everyone else to the X mark. He didn’t think that would be too bad, but he wasn’t feeling that confident about it either. He watched as others went before him and then eventually it was for him. He stood up at the spot his mind eager to be immediately finished. He focused on the x, focused on going to it, and he felt that tug and leaned in. Letting himself be pulled across the room to the X. he was able to do it a couple of times more after others had gone and would’ve done more had the lesson not been wrapped up.
River was ecstatic that she had been able to appariate once in the last lesson. It had not been as easy as she had thought, but she had done it. She had even made it into the hoop completely which was necessary. She would have to have such accuracy during the exam, which was soon coming up. She entered the Great Hall for the lesson appariation lesson before the exam which would determine everything. She planned to use her time wisely and practice as much as the professor would let her. Luckily, the professor seemed to have the same idea as the lesson started.

The students were lined up in a single file line. This of course would take longer, but maybe it was all they could do since they were working on a longer distance. Each student was supposed to appariate onto an x mark on the other side of the Great Hall. Longer travel, but River was confident. She got into the line and waited her turn, watching the others before her attempt, most of them seemed to be succeeding. Soon enough, it was River's turn. She had been visualizing the x her all time in the line. Thinking about the three D's Destination, determination and deliberation. River closed her eyes.

The destination was clear in her mind. The determination strong. Now for the deliberation. River waited just a few moments before the rather unpleasant feeling in her stomach occurred. She ignored the sensation, still visualizing the spot in which she had to land. Once she felt her feet hit the ground, she opened her eyes, a little dizzy. But she was on the x. "Yes!" she said more to herself than anyone else. She had accomplished it again.

River got back into the line of students for a second turn. She continued to practice, getting back in line after hitting the x spot until the professor told them they had run out of time. River had gotten quite a bit of practice in. She still did not enjoy the feeling, but it seemed to be a lot less uncomfortable each time, or maybe River was imagining that due to the excitement of appariating. Either way, River had used her time wisely. She felt like she was ready for the exam, if only she could perform like she did today. When they were out of time, River left the Great Hall, a huge smile on her face, even if her stomach was slightly upset now.
Jordie knew he needed to be on point for his Apparition lesson that day, so he'd done his best to be prepared. He'd meditated, done his yoga, gone for a run, taken a hot shower. He had pushed everything out of his mind, and arrived to class feeling more refreshed than he had in a good while. He smiled at the others as he took his place, turning to the woman and listening to what she had to say.

He took a moment to stretch once they were set to their tasks, rolling his neck and loosening up his limbs. He knew it might not be necessary, but it made him feel better. Once he was ready, he shut his eyes. There was a familiar tugging, twisting sensation, throwing him through the air and across the room. He stumbled into place, gasping in a breath. God, would he ever get used to that? He patted himself down, making sure he was all in one piece. He breathed a sigh of relief upon finding everything where it should be. He practiced a few more times through the rest of the lesson, his landings slowly getting a bit more stable with every attempt. Soon, they were dismissed, so he headed out, feeling a bit disoriented after everything.
Ryder had at least shown some excitement about attending another appariation lesson. This was the last one before the exam and being as competitive as he was, he was going to pass that exam. He wanted to be able to appariate. He doubted it would be a boring lecture today as last week they had actually been able to practice. Ryder entered the Great Hall and took a spot next to some of his classmates. He did not have to wait long before the ministry worker explained what they were doing today. They were going to appariate one by one onto a mark across the Great Hall. Seemed like a waste of time to do it individually, but it was something.

Ryder impatiently waited in line for his turn. Why were there so many people? He tapped his foot angerly as he waited. Finally, it was his turn. Ryder closed his eyes and imagined the X across the hall. It seemed to be taking a while but finally it happened. He felt that pulling inside his stomach. He opened his eyes and there he was across the hall almost on the X. Close enough was good enough though. Ryder went back into the long line to practice again.

The second time he had made it exactly on the X. He had one more go at it. Again landing in the correct spot. He shrugged. That had to be good enough. He left the Great Hall, not wanting to wait in line again as he had already done it twice perfectly.
Lucie was thankful that they were halfway through the completion of the semester. She had been moving along with her classes well and was interested in most things that were being taught to her. She was confident that she would be able to get on well with her other classes and keep on top of her work, maybe more than the year before, which would really help her. Her next class was Apparition, so she made her way there on time, gathering around with her classmates as she waited for the teacher to begin.

That lesson they were taking their apparition skills to the next level and apparating all of the way to the other side of the Great Hall. There was a large line of students, so it took some time before Lucie was finally at the front and it was her turn. The pressure was definitely high as she knew a lot of people were waiting for her, so there was a little bit of stress as she attempted to apparate, but she tried her best to focus and relax despite this. Who cares how long they had to wait? Would be better than her having a trip to the hospital wing. The teen had apparated in no time however, ecstatic when she managed to apparate cleanly to the other side. Smiling at herself, she left the Great Hall when dismissed.
Rune was beyond nervous about today's appariation lesson. He wasn't quite sure he liked to appariate. It gave him an odd feeling in his stomach and made him extremely anxious about splinching each time he attempted it. He could not bear the thought of losing a body part. Luckily, when they were in the Great Hall, he could easily find it and have it reattached. In the real world that would be a different story. That did not make him feel much better about it though.

Rune entered the Great Hall, joining the mess of students that had already arrived. Many of them looked excited. Rune did not understand how they could be. He never quite understood many of his peers anyway though. The Hufflepuff boy listened as the professor, well ministry worker, began the lesson. They were told to line up in a single file line. Rune did so. He was towards the back of the line as he watched everyone before him appariate to the mark across the Great Hall. He could feel his nerves growing as the line became shorter and shorter until it was his turn.

Rune thought about the three D's. He visualized the x mark on the other side of the Great Hall. He closed his eyes and thought hard about it. He felt that feeling in his stomach and the odd sensation of being moved through space. He opened his eyes and he was on the mark. He had done it. Rune did not want to try it again. Once was enough. He happily left the Great Hall, pleased that he had done it, even more so that he was in one piece.
Louis really didn't want to go to the next Apparition lesson. In fact there wasn't anything he wanted to do less than that. People had gone mad at him however. Obviously his sister dobbed on him, then he received a long letter back from his parents telling him he had to learn how to do it if he wanted to get places on his own. He had gone by fine without it so far, so didn't understand what the huge fuss was, but Louis wasn't one for not following the rules, especially when it came to his parents, so he begrudgingly made his way to his next lesson, eyeing the Ministry lady who obviously would've recognised him as the boy who left.

Louis looked down at his feet as the instructor spoke. They were going to all attempt to apparate to the other side of the room. The Hufflepuff purposely let everyone else go in front of him. His heart was beating against his chest, and he folded his arms across him to try and hide the fact that he was shaking. He just kept repeating The Three D's over and over again in his head. So what if he... splinched? The Ministry lady clearly wouldn't care. And those nurses would be able to help anyway, of course. They were totally going to help him.

When it came to Louis's turn, he just closed his eyes very tightly, trying not to let the tears fall that so desperately wanted to come out. This was all very ridiculous. He was a wizard, right? Which mean he had the potential, right? He was able to cast simple spells... sometimes... when he wasn't so terrified of what might happen. He hated the way he was thinking in that moment. He just wanted to be able to do it like everyone else. He just wanted to be able to apparate to the other side, with everything still intact, just like everyone else did. When a tear finally escaped and fell down his cheek, Louis opened his eyes to wipe his face before realising he had actually done it. He was on the other side of the Great Hall. He looked down at his arms and legs to make sure they were all still there, and they definitely were. Had someone moved him and he hadn't realised? Or had he actually done it? A little overwhelmed, Louis headed back to his dormitory.
Weston had been dying to try apparating again, and he was one of the first to arrive at the Great Hall. That was third time in a row he'd made it to class early, which had to be a record. He waited restlessly for Ms. Finch to begin the lesson. As usual, she didn't waste time or mince words. Weston felt his mouth go dry at the revelation that they would only be given one chance during the exam. What if he messed up? He'd have to wait a whole year before he could retake the exam.

They were instructed to queue up, and Weston tried to get in line behind one of his friends. The red X seemed to be forever away, and so did the wait for his turn. As he waited for his classmates to apparate, Weston recited the three D's to himself, trying to remember exactly how he had apparated last time. Had he visualised his destination before or after starting to turn? And how quickly had he moved? Suddenly he couldn't remember.

Just as Weston was on the verge of spiraling, he reached the front of the line. He gulped and stared at the red X. Destination, determination, deliberation. His first attempt was unsuccessful, and he remained standing at the same spot. But after two more tries, he disappeared with a crack, the air squeezing in around him. Weston opened his eyes to see that he had traveled across the hall and landed squarely in the X. After making sure he hadn't splinched himself, he gave a laugh of relief before rejoining the line. He wanted to continue practicing since he wouldn't get any other opportunities to do so before the exam. By the end of the class, Weston was feeling extremely nauseous, but he had also proven that he could apparate somewhat consistently.
While apparition had proven more challenging than Salem had hoped, she was still managing to keep up her enthusiasm for the lessons, the freedom the skill offered offsetting the difficulty of all the practice and lessons they had before their exam. And it wasn't like she was afraid either, she knew that was a fear for some people, but Salem had just discarded the idea of failure entirely. Being able to apparate where ever she wanted was just too much fun to worry about messing it up.

Today was a bit more daunting in that they were taking turns to practice. Salem hadn't quite managed to nail down the destination part of her practice yet, getting pretty good at apparating in general, but her aim had yet to be on target yet. It seemed to prove true for today's lesson too, as Salem's turn to go came and she made quick work of feeling the familiar tug, opening her eyes and letting out a whoop to see she'd moved despite the fact she was no where near her target X. Still, Salem was keen to keep trying, lining back up a few more times. She didn't manage to get on target before the lesson ended but she liked to think she was definitely getting closer.
After her success last time, Natalia felt cautiously optimistic about the apparition lesson. It would at least be a nice distraction from her worries about her sister, as she didn’t think there was anything she could do for her anyway. Her parents had sent another letter and Natalia really worried what they would do, would they really go so far as to send Isadora away? Natalia didn’t know, but she wouldn’t be too surprised if they did go there. She tried not to think about that. Instead, she tried to focus on the upcoming lesson. The great hall was changed again, this time there was a bright red X where they would obviously have to apparate to. They had to line up and take turns apparating to the red X, which would make it very obvious who was doing well and who wasn’t. Natalia watched her classmates curiously as they took their turns, slowly shuffling closer to the front of the queue until it was her turn. Natalia tried to focus, the way she had last time. It didn’t take very long before she apparated. She wasn’t on the X, but she wasn’t that far away from it. She kept queueing up and practicing until she knew she could do it reliably. She felt fairly confident about the exam, though she didn’t doubt it would be harder than this lesson had been.
Alice also arrived on time this time, because this was before the last lesson, which was the most important, so the stress and fear were even greater. However, walking to the Great Hall, the girl tried to reassure herself that everything would work out and she would be able to be proud of herself later. She stood in the crowd and listened to what awaited them today. At first it seemed like nothing crazy, but in the end, when I had to do it myself, the signs of stress appeared again. He looks at others, but then he decided to try it himself, he probably won't succeed on the first try. The more you try, the better you get.

It remained only to focus on the red light, then try and even several times. When it was time to try, you had to wait until he got even closer, there was someone else who would try. Until it was Alice's turn, he looked at the X, then focused his thoughts solely on the sign. The girl kept in mind the idea of the three D's that they had learned in the previous lesson when she felt the pull and did not resist on purpose, but allowed herself to be pulled. At one point, the girl was already across the room on the X mark. By the time she realized that everything had worked, she rejoined the back of the line and then tried to practice a few more times until they were dismissed.

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