Apparition 2

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood in her Ministry robes looking as poised as ever as she awaited the sixth years' arrival. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I." Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright, let us begin. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, however, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please PM me first.
School nurse welcome!
Celia had followed Ms. Finch's instructions, only bringing her wand with her to the Great Hall today. They were almost definitely apparating today, and she couldn't wait. She had already spent some time earlier that day reviewing her notes and going through the theory. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally splinch herself in front of everyone. It seemed as if Ms. Finch was also in a hurry to get them apparating, and Celia found an empty space for herself. She stared back at Ms. Finch when the woman gave her an appraising look. She could recognize a judgmental stare when she got one, and she wanted Ms. Finch to know that she fully planned on being successful at this.

The message seemed to come across since Ms. Finch asked a question and pointed at her. "Destination, determination, and deliberation," Celia answered without hesitation, quietly pleased when Ms. Finch confirmed that she was right. The woman pointed out one of the school nurses, and Celia glanced at her classmates, wondering which of them would splinch themselves. She then turned her attention to her hoop, ready to get started.

First, destination. The hoop was right there. Then, determination. Celia stared hard at the hoop, trying to convince herself that her sole ambition in life was to appear in it. Finally, deliberation. Celia twisted on the spot. She instantly felt the world around her press in, squeezing the air from her lungs. A horrid — but not entirely unfamiliar — sensation overcame her, and she reappeared with a loud pop. She had fallen to the floor, but she was in the hoop, and it took Celia a second to realize that she'd succeeded. She almost let out a laugh of disbelief. That had been so easy. Was that really all there was to apparating?

Celia got up, brushing the dust from her robes, and stepped out of the hoop to try again. Her next attempt didn't take. Neither did the one after that. Or the one after that. Celia wasn't sure what was wrong. Why couldn't she replicate her initial success? She tried again and again, staring so hard at the hoop that she could see its afterimage when she closed her eyes, but she didn't move so much as an inch. Her frustration was starting to mount, and when she finally did manage to apparate again, she ended up halfway across the hall, nearly colliding with another person. Celia grit her teeth. What was happening? She was about to head back towards her hoop when the class came to an end, causing her to sigh. She would have to wait a few more weeks before she could try again.
Eugene walked into the great hall with the rest of the class. He was very eager for this, to finally be able to try to get it. He stood out on his own, spacing himself out from others as the professor told them to do so. Eugene then glanced at the teacher as she got started. He could figure out what they were to do, and had spent quite a bit of time actually going over what apparating was in his spare time. He listened and then looked at the hoop in front of him. Eugene took a deep breath and imagined the being in the hoop. He focused, trying to concentrate on the three Ds. Trying to put them into practice. He was focused and eventually felt an unfamiliar tug feeling and in a blink he was in the hoop, all parts of him with him. He practiced as much as he could in this lesson, until the professor wrapped things up and dismissed them.
Valeria walked into the great hall with the rest of the year group. Val took a spot in the room and then when the teacher told them to spread out a little so she was enough away from others. She glanced in front of her as a hoop appeared and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what she was supposed to do. She listened as the professor went briefly back over those three important Ds and then let them get started. She focused on where she wanted to go, remembering all that they had learnt and channelled that. It took a moment before anything happened and then she apparated into the hoop. She was very pleased and took the time to try again before that lesson was wrapped up.​
Kita entered the Great Hall, knowing that they would get a chance to appariate today. They had to. There weren't many lessons left in this year, only three of appariation. The Slytherin girl hoped the ministry worker wouldn't waste more of their time. She joined her students in the Great Hall, spacing out as the professor mentioned that they did not have to be on top of eachother. That was perfectly fine with Kita. She didn't want to be associated with any of these people, as far away as she could be the better. Kita spaced out, enjoying that professor's impatient tone. At least this professor was honestly unlike the overly bubbly and annoying other professors Kita had to put up with.

Kita listened as Celia answered the question. She rolled her eyes. Of course, it was Celia. That show off. Kita was so sick of her. But she could not put her focus into such an unworthy target. Kita instead focused on the task at hand. There was a wooden hoop in front of her. That was the destination. She just needed the determination and the deliberation. Determination was never a problem. She just had to do it. Kita closed her eyes thinking about the hoop in front of her. Nothing happened for awhile. She did not move every time she opened her eyes she was in the same spot.

Kita continued to try over and over again, until finally, she felt a sick sensation in her stomach. She opened her eyes to see that she had appariated into the hoop. Finally. Kita didn't have much time to practice any more since the lesson was over. But she had done it. It hadn't been that bad. She smirked at the few students who were unable to do so before leaving the Great Hall.
Rhys was eager to finally get to attempt apparating himself. He had heeded the instructions and arrived only carrying his wand, making sure to empty out his pockets just in case he had anything in them. Standing in a line, he listened to the instructor, nodding his head at everything she was saying. All he needed to do was remember the three D's and focus on the hoop in front of him. How hard could that be? As it turned out, harder than he thought it would be and he took time before he even managed to move an inch. It was frustrating to miss on the first attempt, but he walked back, sucking in a lungful of breath before trying again. And then again. And again, refusing to give up. Finally, just before the class was over, he made a successful attempt, apparating into the hoop as instructed. Well, at least that hadn't been a complete disaster and he left the Great Hall feeling just a bit more confident about things than before.
Zee had found the first lesson of appariation rather boring. They didn't even get to try it. The Ministry worker had told them that they would get that chance today. Zee was excited. She wasn't thinking about the consequences, just about the ability at hand. She couldn't wait. She entered the Great Hall, standing next to a few of the other sixth year students. She stood there, with nothing with her but her wand. She waited for everyone else to arrive before the Ministry worker began.

She seemed annoyed today, which Zee could understand. This probably was her least favourite part of her job even if Zee was still excited about it. Zee spaced out more as she was told to do. She watched as a wooden hoop appeared in front of her. That would be her target, her destination.

She already had the first D that was mentioned in the first class. Now just two more. Zee was determined and now just deliberation. Zee focused on the hoop like she would if she was doing Transfiguration. She visualized it in her mind, visualized her appearing in the hood. She closed her eyes, full of focus. Within minutes, she felt a twisting in her stomach. She felt like she was being shoved through a very narrow tube. When she opened her eyes, she was inside the hoop. Her stomach felt a little off, flying was certainly more relaxing even if this was more efficient.

Zee stayed in her hoop until they were dismissed. She stepped out and left the Great Hall when she was allowed. Her first time appariating had not gone badly at all. She was pleased.
Rene was feeling a little giddy with anticipation for today's Apparition lesson. It was all well and good to image that he'd be able to learn how to teleport, he'd comprehended learning weirder stuff in class before, but it was different now standing in the Hall waiting to actually do it.

He'd pared down his clothes as much as he could, even tentatively leaving his robes behind and was still checking his pockets for things he might have missed as Ms Finch started the lesson, missing her first question entirely. He shifted on his feet as Ms Finch went over the basics of what they would be doing and pointed out the school nurse, feeling a bit as a loss as they were left to begin.

Rene felt a bit stupid, spending longer than he wanted to admit just staring around the hall, peeking furtively at some of his neighbors to see what they were doing, though everyone else seemed to be doing a lot of staring too. Was he missing something? It didn't help either that Sully had gone into great detail about what splinching was and now Rene was vaguely worried he was gonna stare at something too hard and lose a pinky toe or something. The whole lesson ended up passing and Rene didn't achieve much besides a headache and he left dejectedly, hoping he'd get the hang of it soon.
Caleb rolled up to the next apparition lesson with his hands deep in his pockets as he walked into the great hall with the rest of his classmates. He shot the instructor an incredulous look when she irritatedly told them to spread out. He wasn’t sure what her problem was but he did as he was told and waited for her to actually start teaching. He sighed and pulled out his wand as he waited to see who would be the first to answer Ms. Finch’s question and he rolled his eyes when Celia piped up. Soon enough it was time for them to practice and Caleb tried to ignore the way his heart beat a bit faster at the mention of splinching. His sister was one of the smartest people he knew and if she had splinched herself he wasn’t feeling the most confident about his odds. But as his classmates started to go he felt a bit better. With a deep breath and a tight grip on his wand Caleb felt his body move on it’s own and before he knew it he was standing in the middle of the hoop feeling breathless. That wasn’t so bad he thought and was able to practice a few more times before the lesson was over.
Louis didn't usually get excited for lessons, but he was pretty excited about the upcoming apparition lesson. They were going to try apparating, and Louis was feeling pretty confident. He had a feeling he would be a natural at this, and he hoped it would impress some of his classmates. The ministry lady seemed as sour as ever, but Louis tried to ignore it. He guessed working at the ministry was so boring it would make anyone this grumpy. He found a spot in the great hall and glanced down as a wooden hoop appeared in front of him. He was glad the lady didn't point at him to ask about the three D's, because he kept mixing them up. He was glad Celia knew them, and he tried his best to remember them now so he wouldn't forget. Louis was a bit frustrated when the ministry lady just todl them to try without reall ytelling them what to do. He looked down at the hoop and tried his best to focus on it and imagine himself in the hoop. To his dismay, students around him were managing it and he didn't know how. Louis was trying his best not to panic, glancing at his friends to see how they were doing. René seemed as lost as him, but Caleb actually managed it. Louis tried to be happy for him instead of jealous, but he wasn't sure if he succeeded. He took a deep breath, more determined to succeed now. He focused his attention and something strange happened. He blinked, then he stood in the middle of the hoop. Louis let out a loud whoop of joy, then immediately started to try again. The class ended soon after, but Louis was at least glad he had managed to apparate once.
Ivelisse was quite intrigued by the idea of getting to actually try and apparate today. Even if the possibility of getting splinched wasn't too alluring. She was confident enough to feel like that wouldn't happen to her though. That she could do better than that. Especially since she had done her best to keep reminder herself of the 3D's when she hadn't even gotten to practice anything yet. She made sure the ministry official knew she was there when she called attendance and took a spot a little bit away from any of her classmates when they were told to, glancing at the hoop that appeared in front of her. Once they were allowed to get started. Destination, determination, deliberation. She could do this. She just needed to not get cocky about it. Believe in herself, but not feel like this was something she'd do in a heartbeat. Ive closed her eyes and focussed everything she had on what she needed to do. The destination, the hoop. Right in front of her. Determination and deliberation she had. She did everything she was supposed to, focussed her mind on apparating into the hoop and then she felt a strange feeling wash over her, opening her eyes to notice she had one foot inside the hoop and one outside of it. She could do better than that. It took her a few more tries before something actually happened but eventually she apparated into the centre of the hoop another one or two tries, confident she was starting to get the hang of it.

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