Apparition 1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
This was an important milestone in the life of a wizard, and Irene Finch knew that many of the students looked at their license as a taste of the freedom they'd earn on their way to becoming fully trained wizards. With the registration list tucked in a folder that was under her arm, the woman stepped into the room, her heels announcing her presence. She called attendance, making sure that no one had snuck into the room without paying their galleons.

Tucking the folder away, Irene began. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. I'm here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic to prepare you for your apparition exam." She said all of this briskly. Irene was not a lady who liked her time wasted. In truth, she enjoyed teaching apparition to much of the dull paperwork she was often stuck doing as the head of a department.

Walking around as she spoke, Irene's icy blue eyes looked at all of them and none of them at once. "The headmistress has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons. But do not attempt to do so in your free time. It would be...unwise to attempt practicing here or elsewhere outside of these lessons" she stated in a very firm tone.With so few students and the furniture against the walls as she'd requested, her voice carried easily around the large room.

The woman focused on a student who'd been fidgeting, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will, solely, depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation." She enunciated each word. "There are no shortcuts. If you fail to grasp these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination." She'd made a quick scan and found the perfect landing point. " Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students on the concept of apparating. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this very important information. Soon enough their time was up, and they had done nothing but listen. "Don't forget the 3 Ds. I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything with you to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be." With that, she dismissed the students though she waited a few moments longer in the event that any of the students had questions.
Please make sure to register for the course! Remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. Without it, they can't apparate!This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.
Eugene had heard so much about apparition, had seen it be used by much older wizards, and now he was finally learning about it. The teen walked into the great hall with everyone else from his class and stood in the room. He glanced towards the professor who got started by introducing themselves and then began telling them about apparition. He was glad that being muggleborn wouldn’t put him at a disadvantage. Eugene listened and nodded along as she spoke, repeating the three Ds; Destination, Determination, and Deliberation in his head. It helped make sense of what it was, and he was rather looking forward to being able to try it. He wasn’t able to in this lesson, but was sure it would be in the next. With that, he headed out of the great hall.
Valeria walked into the great hall, she was very ready to finally learn how to apparate. She had been looking forward to this for years, and finally by the end of the semester she would’ve succeeded. The girl found a spot in the room to stand and glanced towards the woman as she began speaking. It was interesting, and she wanted to learn all about it. She didn’t take any notes, though she wanted to. She knew how vital it was to pass this class. Valerius nodded along to the three d’s and all the things that the professor was saying around that. She would take some time after the lesson to be able to write it up and had eager thought this would be where she’d first do it, but as it turned out, she had to wait. That was frustrating, but she knew she’d enjoy it when she finally got it.​
Of course, he wanted to learn how to Apparate, that just sounded like a basic skill everyone should have if you asked him. Not to mention incredibly convenient. So he was prepared for the first lesson, walking into the Great Hall and glancing around at everyone else who had decided to take the lesson as well. He didn't expect to do any actual apparating on the first time, so he wasn't too disappointed when the woman from the Ministry just spent the time explaining things. Though Rhys did make sure to pay attention, trying to file the three D's away in his memory for later, having quite forgotten to bring anything to write on for any note taking. But he didn't think he would forget, leaving the Great Hall at the end of it looking forward to finally getting to try himself.
Caleb didn't care much for most lessons but he had been looking forward to taking apparition for forever. But he had to admit his sister's splinching accident did mean he would take it more seriously than he did most things in his life. Lila had been fine of course but her leg still had a scar and he could still remember how pale she looked in the hospital wing. But he stood with the rest of his classmates as the instructor began. She wasn't saying anything that interesting but he did make sure to remember the three D's. He tried to his his laugh when the instructor apparated next to someone who had been talking and he was a little disappointed they didn't get to try it for themselves.
Crystal was excited and also very nervous for this class. She knew they would be with an big group and was afraid to fail in front of everyone. But she just had to follow the rest and hopefully things would be fine. It was important to learn about this so it was neccesary. As she went standing with some of her friends she listened as the woman started to speak. She tried to remember the three D's which seemed important. As she saw the woman demonstrating it seemed really handy but also scary. Thankfully it was just theory for now. But Crystal had to made herself ready for the next time when they actually would practice she figured. After the lesson she left the great hall with some of her housemates.
Apparition was something Ivelisse was definitely excited for. It was a useful skill and she couldn't wait to learn how to do it, use it. Travelling without depending on others would make life so much easier. She raised her hands as the woman in front of them went over the attendance list, making sure she was aware of her presence before listening when she introduced herself. The woman's words didn't do much to scare Ive, but she was highly aware of how silly it would be to try and practice apparition on her own. Instead, she made sure to remember the three 3D's, imprint them in her memory for the next time they were to meet. She listened closely as the instructor told them how apparition worked and what they would need to focus on and contently headed out of the hall once they were done.
Signing up for apparition lessons had been a no-brainer. It was by far the most convenient method of travel, and a license would literally open up the world to her. Celia knew it could also be dangerous, but she wasn't worried. Only people who were bad at magic splinched themselves, and while Celia was many things, she definitely was not bad at magic. She'd already started reading up on theory, and she even had some experience with side-along apparition. She was sure she'd get her license in no time.

Celia had been surprised to learn that the head of the Department of Magical Transportation would be overseeing their lessons. Surely such a high-ranking Ministry official had more important things to do? She definitely didn't look happy to be here. Celia paid close attention as Ms. Finch went over the three Ds, smirking a little when the woman startled one of her classmates by apparating next to them. As the woman lectured, Celia slipped a notepad and quill from her bag and began to take notes. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be apparating today, but Celia was sure she would be able to manage it during the next lesson.
Zee couldn't understand why someone would not want to appariate. It had to be much better than making a portkey. Plus, it gave her more freedom. If she ever just wanted to get away, she could within seconds. She could not wait to learn this bit of magic. She hoped they were starting right away since they only had three lessons in total for this class. Zee wondered if that would be enough time to learn this.

She entered the Great Hall, surprised to see a professor that she did not recognize. At this point, Zee thought she knew most of the professors. She waited rather impatiently in the line of students for the lesson to begin. The professor, or Zee soon learned the Ministry worker, did not seem like one to waste time. She began the lecture with a lot of information about appariation. It was all common knowledge though, well except for the three d's. Zee made a mental note of each of the three as she watched the professor demonstrate, smirking as the ministry worker startled a few people that weren't paying attention. Another good use of appariation.

With the lecture over, they did not have a chance to appariate. It seemed like they would next week though. Zee grabbed her things and left the Great Hall, excited for the next lesson which was something the Gryffindor girl rarely could admit to being.
Kita knew that appariation would give her a chance to avoid the world. When she didn't like a conversation, she could just leave and pop off anywhere. This would give her a freedom that she needed. Plus if she was ever able to channel the anger towards the professors and students here for not giving her what she deserved, she could always make a fast get away. Even if Hogwarts wasn't known for being to appariate inside of the grounds. That was definitely a set back. Something she would have to think about. Right now, her goal was just to learn appariation first.

Kita entered the Great Hall, making sure to stay as far away from Zee as possible. She did not want to interact with her sister, not after having to spend so much time with her during break. The Slytherin girl waited in the line of students as the professor began. Kita barely listened, but she did enjoy the professor's tone. It seemed she didn't want to be there just like Kita no longer wanted to be at Hogwarts either. Kita did try to listen a bit as the ministry worker went over the three D's. Seemed easy enough. Kita didn't get the big deal of all this. It couldn't be that hard. She made mental notes of the information and watched as the professor demonstrated.

That was it though. It was kind of a waste of time. They didn't even get to try. Kita left the Great Hall as soon as she was allowed to do so. She hoped next week would be more practical and less informative.
There had been a lot of magic Rene had struggled to believe was really real when Sully had first told him about magic but apparition was up there with some of the more farfetched. No way people could just teleport anywhere around the world and keep that sort of thing quiet.

Now though, the more Rene spent in the magical world, the closer to reality the idea had become to the point that he was beyond excited to finally get to learn how to do it himself. He loved his broom of course, but after seeing Sully just pop into existence after a day of work Rene had to admit apparation had a lot more appeal just for the convenience factor alone.

Irene Finch was a little intimidating though and Rene tried to keep his head down as she started their first ever apparition lesson, even if the lingering excitement and nerves had him bouncing a little on his feet as she went over the Three D's. He hadn't brought a quill or anything though and Rene did his best to try and memorize it, hoping he'd remember to write it down later since it seemed pretty important.

It was a bit of a let down that they just covered the theory today and Rene had plenty of questions about how they would actually start teleporting and all, but at least they were sort of easing into it. And besides, from Ms Finch's comment as they left the hall, it seemed likely they'd be getting to that part very soon.
Louis had always thought apparition should have been taught earlier. It would've been so convenient to know it last summer. It would've at least avoided a lot of arguments with his dad when Louis was caught sneaking out of the house. But he supposed maybe that was exactly why they didn't learn this skill until they were almost adults. Louis listened as the Ministry lady started speaking. She seemed strict, like she had no sense of humor. Louis tried his best to focus on what she was saying, as he really did want to learn how to apparate. But man, did she make it sound boring. Louis jumped when the woman suddenly apparated. He tried his best to pay close attention to the lesson, but he knew that by the end of it he had alreayd forgotten a bit about the three D's. Maybe he would have to look it up in the library, or he could aks René if he remembered. When the lesson was over, Louis caught up with his friends on their way out of the great hall.

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