Apparation Lesson 2

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene entered the castle, her black stilettos clicking along the floor as she made her way to the Great Hall, glad to see that her request to have the tables moved had been granted. She had worked with Headmistress King for a number of years, and while they weren't friends by any means, she liked to think that there was mutual respect. It hadn't been a request for nothing though. The students were beginners and would need all the space they could get today.

"Come in, Come in" she urged them forward impatiently. "Space yourselves out...there's plenty of room" she stated with a sigh as they remained bunched together like scared little children. Once they were finished rearranging themselves, Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student.

As she looked around at the student's faces, Irene's expression remained stern as usual. Her blue eyes stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong."Alright. Today, we will begin to practice apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips. "Before we begin, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded.
Let's try to make this lesson more interactive! Points will be given to the student who answers this first question.Apparition,6,2
Matthew had enjoyed his first apparating lesson, it had been an interesting start but what he really wanted was to start learning to apparate, properly. He greatly appreciated the theory of it but if they were going to learn then they needed to do. The Ravenclaw made his way into the Great hall where the lessons were being held. As he and the other students entered the the hall the instructor Irene Finch instructed them to spread out. Finch. Alana Finch. Any relation? Matthew tried not to wonder about it too much as he found himself some space in the hall away from the students around him.

Irene Finch began by asking the students if anyone could remember what the three D's were, Matthew had a vague idea but he kept quiet on the chance that he might get one or more of them wrong. His head scanned the hall as he watched to see if any of the students around him were going to answer the question but no one had yet.
Graeme's interest in the apparition lessons had grown a lot since they'd first started and he was very keen to just learn it better and pass the exam, to him that was literally his ticket out of this place and back home, and the more he thought of it, the more he wanted all the things he missed, the more he wanted to just be able to sit outside the house and look out over the hills, to be in the glen as the rain came pouring down. The teen walked into the Great Hall for the second of three lessons and just took his spot in the room, glancing round at the rest of the students in the hall and then up to the professor who stood at the front of the room. He was determined to do the best that he could and he was determined to pass this well. The teen listened as the professor, or teacher began her lesson, moving a little out so that there was enough space for everyone, before then listening to what they'd be doing, the question posed was one he knew Graeme had been studying this hard, "Destination, Determination, Deliberation" he answered with a definite tone of being sure of what his answer was.
Emilee attended apparition only as a need to do so. She needed to be independent so she had to attend these lessons in order to gain that independence by moving around at her leisure, since she wasn't much a fan of flying and floo was rather messy. Emilee hated mess. Still, she supposed the first lesson wasn't the worst thing in the world and she took her place near the middle of the hall, close to some other Slytherins. This was the second of their three lessons, which was fine with Emilee, though she was still fuming of the rumour about her and some third year mudblood. How would anyone ever assume she would ever be in the vicinity of a mudblood she didn't know, but she most definitely did not approve. Still, the lesson started well and Emilee was determined to master this class, regardless. The question was posed and Emilee left it to another to answer. Drawing attention to herself was not something Emilee did often.
The woman nodded her head as the sixth year began to list the three Ds. "Excellent" she stated curtly to the teenage boy as she continued. "I hope that you all heeded my advice to not bring anything with you today" she began, figuring that they would quickly find out why once they began. "Find a hoop and stand beside it. In a moment, you will begin your first attempt to apparate. Breathe and remember the three Ds." The woman crossed her arms across her chest. "You may begin. If you have any questions, I'll be walking around." The woman resumed walking among the students, demonstrating when she needed to.
Matthew was eager to get going so he very quickly made his way over to one of the hoops after Irene Finch instructed them to do so. The Ravenclaw starred through the hoop for what felt like hours as he recited the three Ds in his head. Destination, Determination, Deliberation After he had recited them enough times the Ravenclaw made his first attempt, doing all he could to not think about splinching himself, he made his first attempt. Matthew for a moment thought he had done right, well he had apparated but he wasn't on the other side of his hoop, he was at the door to the Great hall. Clearly he hadn't thought hard enough on his destination and his mind slipped, he obviously wanted to go else where but the charms had only permitted him to the door. Matthew wondered for a moment where he would have ended up if he had been permitted to travel further than the hall he was in. The dungeon maybe? A little embarrassed Matthew walked back to his hoop to try again. Matthew made several attempts to get through the hoop but he failed each time. At the end of the lesson he still felt like he had accomplished something because he was still in one piece.
Graeme was very pleased to know that he was right and more than that he was pleased that he was able to just now focus on the class and the task of learning how to apparate, since to him this would be the gateway to his old world and at this point in his still young life that was really all he wanted. Graeme listened to the instructions, finding himself to be nodding along with them, and then looking at the hoop in front of him, remembering the three D's and focusing on moving to that spot, it felt almost pointless to begin with, he could feel nothing, not any sort of movement, but eventually as he concentrated harder he began to feel a pull and knowing what they'd learned he just leaned into it, and then he felt more pulling like being sucked through a straw or something strange like that and all of a sudden it stopped, Graeme had a wave of nausea and noticed that he was in the circle. The teen smiled happy before doing it again and again.
Emilee was not pleased to know that they would be trying to apparate today. She'd figured they would do that at the end of the year as a sort of, well, as an examination to see how much they had learnt. Still she supposed it wasn't so bad, but she also knew that they had another class of this so she didn't know what there would be left to learn either. Still, Emilee listened to the instructions and rolled her eyes a little. Obviously this wasn't going to be simple, she didn't know why they had to be told over and over considering they were all almost adults. Emilee dropped her gaze to the hoop in front of her. She'd side apparated a whole bunch of times, but doing this on her own was completely different. Emilee concentrated and stared at the hoop, beginning to feel the dregs of the pull she hated. Apparition always made her slightly uncomfortable but it was the easiest way to get around. It took her almost ten minutes to finally appear within the circle. Emilee placed her hand on her stomach to make sure it was all still there before smiling quietly to herself.
James was slightly later than he had desired to the second lesson of Apparition, so he slipped in towards the back of the group, working his way towards the front so he could hear better, slowly and without disturbing the others. Noting that the tables had now been moved to the sides of the room, he realised that they would actually be apparating this lesson. Smiling in satisfaction, he listened attentively to the woman speaking. Reciting the three Ds in his mind, he was slightly slower than another student at answering the question, but he nodded to himself as he confirmed that he had got them correct.

As the lesson moved on, James chose a hoop near the front of the hall, noting that some of the other sixth years appeared to be stuffing items from pockets into their bags. He himself hadn't brought either objects in pockets or a bag, and he was astute enough to guess why that was. Concentrating hard on the 3 Ds, James imagined himself inside the wooden hoop. To his surprise, he felt a small pressure at the back of his neck, and he concentrated harder, trying to fall through the pressure. Quickly it grew around him, and still concentrating, he felt his vision go dark. A moment later and he had reappeared inside his hoop, although he was slightly disappointed that he wasn't exactly in the centre. Looking around, he saw a mixed amount of success from the other students, and grinning at his newfound ability, James stepped out of his hoop to try again.

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