Apparation Lesson 1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Each year, Irene Finch represented the Ministry in coming to the school to give the students the tools they would need to pass their apparition exam. When the students began to enter the Great Hall, Irene stood up and vanished her seat. She crossed her arms, her Ministry robes settling themselves against her ankles as she waited to begin.

"Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene paced the front as she spoke. "Headmistress King has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

The woman looked at a student in the front, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will only depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination.Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly, punctuated by the click of her heels, so that even the students standing in the back of the room could hear her. "If you fail to understand these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this information. Soon enough their time was up. "Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything but yourselves to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be. If you have any questions, I can remain for a few moments to answer them." She smiled briefly, her attempt at appearing warm and inviting, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder...the moment you step out of this room,the enchantment will be put back in place until next time we meet. It would be very,very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students and began to gather up her things so that she could get back to the office.
RP the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place. I'm hoping to make the next lesson more interactive.Apparition,6,1
The thing Matthew had most been looking forward to about Sixth year was learning to apparate and the time was finally here. He waited nervously outside the doors of the Great hall as they opened to let the students in. Matthew was at the front of the crowd as they all filled inside, each with a different look of excitement on their faces. The idea that Matthew would soon be learning how to disappear and reappear anywhere he wanted was all he could think about as Irene Finch appeared and began to talk to the class about the rules of apparation. He listened intently as she began to talk about the three Ds. Destination, Determination and Deliberation. Matthew made a mental note in lieu of a real one. He needed to make sure he remembered them. He chuckled to himself as Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who insisted on talking during her lecture. Matthew was paying far too much attention to talk to anyone else. Learning to apparate was one of the most important parts of sixth year. Soon their time was up and before dismissing them Irene Finch once again reminded them of the three Ds and with that they could go. There was no way Matthew was going to forget the three Ds after they had been drilled in so much over the course of the first lesson.
Graeme had been looking forward to the classes getting started back up, unlike in the last term when he had been studying for the OWLs the teen had had no time to do anything but that and quidditch, this time around he'd spent almost all his hours just playing quidditch, getting his fitness up and better, just working really hard on being the best player, he wanted to lead Hufflepuff to it's first victory in a long while. He just wanted that for the houses and he had figured out that even if they didn't catch the snitch in the next match, if they managed to score a few more goals, they might still win the cup and he wanted that. Graeme had become so focused on quidditch that the break of classes was definitely something he was looking forward to it. The teen had spent the early morning training on the pitch, he wanted to spend more time with Maya but he had to keep training and with her working towards her OWLs, he gave her all the space that he was sure that she needed for that, but he couldn't wait to see her again.

That all being said, Graeme was ready for the class and turned up exactly on time in the great hall, much like the Flying lesson of first he only had a couple of these classes and he couldn't wait to be able to pass this test, the teen knew that the moment he learned this he could go home. Graeme's entire problem about going home was simple that it cost far too much to go home in muggle money, to most it wouldn't be that bad to go home, but his mother being muggle he had to travel via muggle transport, and Graeme couldn't wait to be able to apparate to his home. He had missed it so much, he hadn't been home in years and he couldn't wait to touch back down on Scottish soil and just give his mother the biggest bear hug. Graeme was staring at the woman at the front of the hall who had just begun speaking, he doubted they'd be doing much practice today but couldn't wait for that moment. The teen listened along, he wasn't taking any notes but he was following along with such ease he didn't think he needed to. He wasn't too surprised when they were dismissed without practicing it once, he knew that he would have chances to practice and then at the end of the semester he might just be able to go home.
Emilee tended to avoid great gatherings of people when she could, though she seemed to be finding herself more inclined to things like balls than she had intended. Attending the Yule ball last semester had been... interesting. Striking up a conversation with a younger student hadn't been expected, but he was a friend of Bothizar so she'd been mostly okay with it. Still, she didn't really like huge groups of people and so being in the Great hall with every other sixth year was a little on the side of troublesome, but she could hold her own either way. Emilee did want to learn how to apparate though and if that meant that she had to pay attention in a class of her peers, then so be it. She wasn't nervous or anything and so walked straight in when they were allowed to do so. It helped that she was a little late and so she was able to walk straight in where the others might have had to wait a bit. This was the purpose of fashionably late after all. Emilee's face didn't betray her eagerness easily and she found that she knew most of what she was doing quite easy.

Emilee stayed to the back of the crowd, she had no particular want to be noticed after all. Emilee only wanted to listen to the instructions, take a couple of mental notes and though she was sure they wouldn't actually be practicing today, maybe there would be a demonstration and Emilee wanted to see that to, though she'd been part of side apparition before. Emilee listened silently as the woman, not professor, instructed them on what they needed to know. Emilee was glad she knew what she was doing as though most adults could apparate, not all of them could and what if they were instructed in the wrong way. Emilee didn't want to be losing any limbs, she needed those. The woman apparated next to one of the students and Emilee hid a smirk as the student almost shrieked. It was rather funny when that sort of thing happened. Emilee had great pride in herself and would do anything to ensure her personal integrity was intact. Soon the class was set to end and Emilee quickly left the room. She didn't want to be a part of a massive pile. Who knew who might touch her if that happened.
James couldn't wait for the Apparition lessons to begin, it was one of the things that he was looking forward to more than anything else, with the exception of perhaps Quidditch now he was back on the team. It marked him out as a true wizard, rather than just a schoolboy, and he hoped it would mean greater trust places in him. True, it might not sway the likes of Professor Kingsley who still needed more reassuring, but to many he didn't know, it marked him out as a man, and that in itself was something that James craved. He wanted to be respected, he almost needed to be respected. Plus of course Apparition was a most useful skill, particularly if he ever wanted to visit his home country. So despite his hard Quidditch practice - his time off playing may have costed Gryffindor the cup, and he was training hard to try and ensure that the leaders of the cup wouldn't stay ahead. In reality, he thought it was unlikely that Gryffindor could make such a large comeback, but thoughts such as that detracted from morale, and his brief stint as team captain had taught him that that was about as bad as it could get.

Soon however the students began to file into the Great Hall, and he tried to remove such extraneous thoughts from his mind. The rumours from the older students were that Apparition was a difficult branch of magic to get right at first, and although he expected some exaggeration from them, he had no doubt that there was a reason why it was only taught in the Sixth Year. Lining up in one of the front rows of students so that he could hear the Professor well, he listened attentively as she began to speak. The talk of an exam in the first lesson was slightly daunting, especially as time wore on and he began to wonder whether they would even attempt apparition in the first lesson. Still, the theoretical understanding was crucial in other forms of Magic, so James contented himself with trying to remember the key concepts. The three Ds were new to him, but he fixed them in his mind, repeating them whenever the woman stopped talking briefly, attempting to memorise them before the lesson was up. James himself wasn't stupid enough to consider attempting Apparition without instructors present, but as he turned to leave what had been an informative lesson, he wondered how many others had tried that she felt it necessary to repeat.

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