anyone,anywhere,anytime, anything

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Caley Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
so im looking for friends or enimies or anything else for all of my characters:

Izzy Shale: a second year puff. she is nice helpful and she enjoys spending her time doodling and both listening and playing music. During her spare time she practises playing her flute .

Alexis Shale: Alexis is 20.shes currently single and not much of an attetntion seeker.if someones in troule then she would be one of the first there trying to help out. shes the oldest of the shale siblings.

Tom Shale:toms the youngest shale and always staying close to izzy or when shes out would be great to get him some frends to help him when the others are away as he is shy but easy to get along with when you get to know him.

Caley Shale:Shes a fourth year slytherin currently got a boyfriend but would like soome friends for when she isnt with him. she loves to draw but isnt very good.

if you would like to be friends with or enimies or something else altogether post here. any takers???

caley a.k.a alexa
Yeah that sounds good . do you want to start a topic or shall i.

by the way this is alex
I can offer Vanessa Parker, a Hufflepuff 3rd year as a friend for Izzy. Vanessa likes to sing and be friendly. She's really friendly to everyone and she likes to write. That's the really basic basics about her.

I can offer Lily Fossil as an enemy to Izzy.

She's a b!tch and unless a person is able to prove that they are worthy she will hate them. She's mean to everyone and will really hate Izzy because she is a puff. And Lily only really speaks to those of good fashion.

Also how old is Tom?
wow lots of repliees.
imogen: i woulld like Lily to be an enemy. also tom is 11.
and Ella: i would love it if Vanessa could be a friend.
Has Tom been sorted yet? I can offer Cedric, a nice first year slytherin, or belle or jake (twins) who are both first year gryffindors ?
Caley can have Hoshi as a friend or an enemy. She's crazy and wild but can make friend with almost anyone. Even one of the Glam Squad who are meant to be her mortal enemies kinda sort of likes her. The thing that would turn Hoshi into her enemy would be if she seems like she thinks she's better than Hoshi. She can't stand stuck up people.

phoebe: tom is a first year slytherin
hoshi: how about a friend.. but maybe turn enimy in the long run??
That works seeing as she's up to no good at the moment.
In that case i can offer still Cedric as a friend :) I also have Lykke.. who well.. would make a wonderful enemy xD

(Hoshi theres a topic in the entrance hall)
hoshi :do you want to start a topic or shall i?

lykke:so cedric as a freind and lykke for an enemy?? yes do you want to start a topic or shall i??

Okay Awesome.
Would you like to start the Lily/Izzy topic? Or would you like me to.

As for Tom, maybe Tom could have a little romance on the side? Since they are in the same house and it would really annoy Izzy, just an idea.
Lily:can you please start the topic.and the top idea is a good one.
nope its entirly up to you.
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