Closed An Swedish Delightful Evening

Therese Fergusson

Woolongong Warriors Keeper | Sweetheart | Mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale
Therese was dressed up for tonight. Since that were the instructions she got from her boyfriend. They would go out for dinner and Therese could choose where they went. It was very sweet of Rory to suggest that and Therese couldn't help but think he had something secret. But she would just enjoy the company and the evening, and the food ofcourse. So the couple traveled to Therese her birthcountry Sweden. And this place she wanted to introduce to Rory. If they had luck they would perhaps even see the northern light. The brunette pulled her dress an bit up so that she would not step on it and walked after Rory inside. And went sitting down at the table they got. It was beautiful and perfect. They both worked hard and were playing quidditch professionally, and they deserved this evening together. It had been some time. The two had been living some time together in New Zealand. And things were good, really good. Therese still thought their relationship was very special. But she also felt for Rory and could always sense he missed an part, and the way he had to deal with his family sometimes hurted her. But he was very welcome in her family at least. As she put her bag down and watched her boyfriend she smiled.'' I hope you like it here.'' The brunette than said to him and smiled.​
Rory had been thinking about this for a long while. He and Therese had been going out for a while, and as those around him settled down, they hadn't quite. Of course they were living together, and things were easier now, with two good quidditch incomes. He was helping out a little with the family, things were just better than they had been. His heart still ached for all he'd lost but it wasn't that bad any more. The important part now was that he wanted to move forward.

Rory had been somewhat jealous as both Aonghas and Graeme had had kids in the last year or so. He love spending time with them, holding them, and though Graeme wasn't married, he was as good as, and Rory did want a little of that. He had used most of his last pay check to buy a ring, making sure it was to her size and it was a beautiful but tasteful diamond. He had it in a box in his pocket and was just waiting for the right time.

They'd come to Sweden, a place he was now relatively familiar with, and whose winters could be better and worse than the ones he grew up with. He followed her into the restaurant, his hand lingering in hers until they got to the table. He smiled at her, sitting down in front and gave a little smile. "It's nice, you'll have to translate this menu..or some of it," Rory had been trying to learn some swedish, but he wasn't very good at it. "You look beautiful," He complimented, reached his hand out to her.
As the brunette watched her boyfriend she smiled when he reached for her hand. And she put her hand in his. She grinned at his comment. Rory needed to learn an bit Swedish. But Therese spoke lately more English than Swedish, she didn't lived here anymore. '' What do you like today, fish or meat. Or neither? '' She asked him and figured they could first choose something to drink. Thankfully there as some English translation also, but the Scandinavian also wanted to name their dishes in their own language. So Therese could help him if he didn't knew what he would eat. Therese smiled as he complimented her. She was glad he liked it. '' Thank you. You look handsome too.'' She complimented him back. The brunette than looked at the wine card. And back to him. '' It's really nice to have dinner together again. Other than meeting eachother at games.'' The brunette said. She was an keeper, he an chaser and when they played against eachother he had to score at her goal. It was fun and sometimes very competitive. Although Therese was proud of him whatever he did.​
Rory glanced back at the menu at the question, frowning at some, and understanding other words. He really wasn't very good at Swedish, though he was trying. ”I think meat?” he replied a little uncertainly. But he folded the menu and looked towards the drinks. But considered for a moment that he should propose before they ordered anything, so the meal could be a celebration, so they could have champagne with it.

Rory agreed that it was nice to get away and have dinner themselves. Being an adult meant being busy, and working a lot, and they both had jobs which kept them busy. He was training as hard as she was. They played against each other. But it was always something they could put behind them. ”Yeah, it's nice…good,” he put out his hand on the table for her to take if she wanted. ”My nephew, Graeme's son, is getting his wand soon, is insisting on going to ollivanders in New Zealand. Made me think about how we met and stuff,” It had been a good connection, near instantly, but they had taken the long path to being together.
Therese watched Rory and grinned as he made an suggestion. '' You will be fine. And I eat everything so if you don't like it we can swap.'' The brunette said smiling. Therese wanted something to drink first and Rory seem to be closing the menu also. They had enough time. She put one hand in his hand and watched at the window for an moment. And Rory than spoke of his family. Therese was glad he was open to her, more than he had been. And she was positive that things would be fine, at least with his brothers and sister. Rory seemed to be sentimental as he spoke of Ollivanders and his nephew. She wondred why he brought that up, but she thought it was sweet. And got an smile on her face as she thought back. '' Ah. He is going to Hogwarts right? That's nice.'' She had met some of Rory's family on the wedding of Aonghas and short times between. Also her big family, at least most of them had seen him too. '' Yes. Ollivanders.. you worked there... And than we met. How young we were. Or at least I was.'' Therese than said. After that things on Hogwarts were like an rollercoaster sometimes. They had an relationship, but broke up. And Therese was having an relationship with someone else. But they found their way back again. Therese just knew that was faith, and real love. '' I'm glad you helped me. What if we never had met there?'' She than asked herself. Would they not be together or would know eachother? It were questions interesting to think about.​
Rory was sure that he would figure it out and he was sure too that he would like it. He liked far more food than he had as a child, which helped and would help him now. He nodded in response. "Practically begged to go," the man replied with a little smile. He would be happy that Fraser was going, but it did make him feel somewhat jealous of his brother. Of both his brothers.

"Yeah," he said in agreement, being that young boy who had met Therese at Ollivanders felt like a lifetime ago, they were so different. The man smiled. "I think we would've," Rory said, he didn't necessarily believe in fate but he couldn't now imagine his life without Therese. He couldn't imagine not having her around him, sharing his life with her. "Although maybe it's because I can't really imagine my life without you now," he told her, "Seems too wild in my head that there could be a universe where we didn't meet,"
Therese grinned as Rory spoke of how eager his cousin was. Therese could understand that, she had been so excited too. And it wasn't for nothing. Hogwarts had been amazing to her. Taking an trip down memory lane was actually fitting as they were now sitting here together. She wanted to believe they would met either way if Rory wasn't the one selling her wand to her. So she nodded in agreement. Rory made her blush with all the kind words he told her. It was so sweet and romantic and this evening in Sweden was perfect. '' That's so sweet. I love you so much.'' Therese said to him and couldn't stop smiling. '' You know I will always be there for you.'' The brunette said as she hold his hand tight. An Hufflepuff and Slytherin were not the combination you would have thought easily. But that even proved her theory that everyone had good in them and Therese never thought you could judge someone without knowing them. '' Shall we order something to drink? Wine, anything?'' She suggested.​
Rory smiled at her, as she said she loved him. It was quite simply but he felt always reassured by it. It was nice to be told he was loved. He was always glad that someone was there for him. He would be there for her, for all she ever needed. For all she wanted. He was glad that being a quidditch player paid well. They'd never have the full assurance he had had with his family, but he felt safe in the knowledge that he could provide. They could provide. He reached into his pocket, touching the little box, lost a little in thought until she spoke again. He glanced at her almost suddenly, and then nodded. ”Oh yeah,” he squeezed the box in his pocket, ”No, actually, first,” he contradicted himself but he knew now was the time.

”I had a question for you..We've been together a number of years, we live together, we share out lives, cultures, dinners,” he said, he was holding her gaze but visibly nervous. She loved him sure, but that wouldn't mean yes. He pulled out the box in from his pocket and moved out of his seat to get down on one knee beside the table. He opened the ring box and held it up to her. ”I'd like to do this for as long as we can…So will you marry me?”
As Therese watched the wine card trying to find one she would like and Rory seemed to agree, but than suddenly he said something and she waited and watched him. And she listened as he started to speak and talked about an question. And as he went on Therese kind of knew where this was going, but she tried not too get her hopes up it could be anything. But she smiled as he described their journey. And as there suddenly was happening what she one day dreamed of and knew this was all she wanted with this man in front of her she put her hands before her mouth as an suprise and happy thing. He was getting down on his knee for her! And she watched the ring which seemed very beautiful. But if he would have an candy ring or any ring for her she would still be happy. She let him speak and the question was not hard to answer and she smiled bright. Putting her hands away. '' Yes ofcourse!'' Therese than said happy. And put his face between her hands and kissed him. This was just like an dream. And she would never had guessed meeting her husband in Ollivanders. What kind of story that was. Perhaps if they wanted to have kids of their own it would be full circle moment to show them that place.​
Rory felt like everyone was staring at them, at him. He hoped he hadn't miscalculated, that he hadn't misread things between them. He kept his eyes on her and smiled as she seemed happy, nearly immediately saying yes. It hadn't taken her long to speak, but it had felt very long in the moment. He kissed her back eagerly, feeling joy and relief at her saying yes and them being able to move forward together. He would've never imagined marrying for love when they had first met, but she was perfect and he wanted to spend his life with her easily. Rory pulled out of the kiss after a moment and took the engagement ring out of the box and then went to slip it on to her finger.
Therese forgot everyone around them as Rory just asked her to marry him. She didn't even noticed people clapping. It was all she ever wanted and secretly had dreamed of. It was such an suprise to her. She watched him smile and that ment all to her, his smile was worth it all and she wanted him happy. As his lips left hers and he went for the ring Therese took out her hand for him to put it on and she smiled bright. '' It's beautiful.'' Therese than said to him and kissed him again but shorter this time. '' I know you too well. I knew something was up.'' Therese than said to him with an grin. He had acted so nervous and all.'' I love you. So much and I can't wait to become your wife.'' Therese said with an smile. It sounded different ofcourse than girlfriend, but it was not strange to her in a way.
Rory had forgotten there were people around them until they started applauding, but still Rory remained focused on Therese and on the fact they were now engaged. He took the ring from its box and then slipped it on to the right finger, kissing her again and then moving to sit back down. He was looking at her hand as she spoke, ”You do know me too well,” he agreed, but it was nice that she did. It wasn't something he had ever thought was a bad thing. He loved her and knew she loved him. ”You'll be my wife,” he agreed, ”and I'll be your husband,” he could admit, husband sounded nice, formal. More mature than just being someone's boyfriend. ”So, shall we drink some champagne then?”
Rory didn't seemed to focus too much on the other people as well and and so did she. And smiled as he agreed with her. Therese was not the most difficult person, and they both really grew. She could teach Rory more calmness and he could teach her to stand up for herself sometimes an bit more. Him saying wife was something really where she had dreamed of and made her smile even bigger. And husband sounded good as well. '' Definitely.. soon to be husband.'' The swedish girl said with an smile. And it seemed like the staff had been really well with paying attention and brought them an bottle and two glasses. Therese took one as it was poured in and hold it up to Rory. '' Cheers to us.'' And hold her glass ready to celebrate this.
Rory smiled at her words. He had always though his marriage would come much earlier, and be decided by his parents, to a girl that was right for the family, that he might someday fall in love with. Instead though, he had fallen in love with her, and hearing her say the word husband and knowing how real it would be, just felt right. It was just right. "Cheers to us," he agreed, raising his glass in toast to them.

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