*Accio n00b*

Katya Starling

OOC First Name
Hiya! I used to stalk this board a lot, and I finally decided to join. ^_^
I'm Essa... Aaaand, I'm fourteen... And I'm from Australia! I don't have an epic Aussie accent though. :unsure:

I tend to ramble sometimes.... And use commas excessively when I'm writing. ^_^
I have a feeling that I'm going to use the " ^_^ " emote a lot... Urrrr.... I'm a fan of Harry Potter, Doctor Who and other awesome things.

Would you ever guess that I'm an introvert like my character?

I hope to roleplay with you all sometime! ^_^
Welcome Essa. I am Eden and you will see me on as a few different people. We are all very friendly people and don't bite except on days that end in Y :r I am sure that you will come to love it just as much as we do. I am from America so I really don't have a cool accent which I am sure you have but since you live there you just can't hear it. If you have any questions about anything. Anyone of us esp the site staff will be more than willing to help you out.

Hope to RP with you.
Welcome to HNZ Essa!
I'm Jessye and I have a lot of characters on here, I can definitely say that HNZ is both addictive and fun. If you haven't already you may want to check out the Site Documentation! It's really helpful. Like Eden said if you have Questions you can easily contact one of the Admins or Global Moderators whom would love to help you out!

I hope to see you around the board often!
♥ Jessye
Professor Daisie A'Dare said:
We are all very friendly people and don't bite except on days that end in Y :r
I bite all the time. :r
.. as was said. xD

Hello Essa! Welcome to HNZ. I am Zach, and I have more characters than Jessye. xD I have a lot. I used to be addicted to character making. :correct:
Kso, I hope you enjoy your time here, and I hope to be able to RP with you some time. ^_^

- Zach
Professor Takuya Blaze said:
Professor Daisie A'Dare said:
We are all very friendly people and don't bite except on days that end in Y :r
I bite all the time. :r
.. as was said. xD
Snap. :r

Welcome Essa, to the Land we call HNZ. I used to have a lot of characters but now I only have four. I hope you enjoy your time here!

Hey there, Essa! Welcome to HNZ. :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here; and I too lurve Doctor Who (not entirely sold on Harry Potter, though :r ).

Yay for another Aussie! ^_^ I take it you're safe and far away from the floods? :) I hope you are, at least. A handful of our members have been affected by the floods and it doesn't sound very awesome. :r

I'm from Canada, myself. I'm not sure if I have an awesome Canadian accent, though. :unsure:

Anyway! Enjoy your time on the board and I'll see you around! :D
I lurked the board for months before I joined xD *high five for stalking*
Anyway, welcome to HNZ - I'm Beth, I'm 17 and I'm from England. (The more insane part where people phone the police when their snowman gets stolen)
Rambling ftw! ^_^
Harry Potter is my life and Doctor Who is so epic. ♥
I'm a little bit hyper, at the moment, so I apologise for that :p
Always love getting new people, and we always seem to get the really awesome ones (maybe because Harry Potter is exclusive to awesome people? :r )
I hope to see you in the OOC chat topic, and maybe even get a chance to roleplay with you :o

I shant be this hyper all the time, but I've just gobbled up a ton of sweets :p

I promise you'll love it here! :jesse:
Welcome to the site Essa!

I'm glad you decided to join the site. We have loads of fun here :)
I'm Cyndi, one of the global mods and ^_^ is one of my favorite emoticons too!

See you around ^_^


Welcome to HNZ!
I'm from Scotland, with not much of a Scottish Accent.

Anyway, Hope to RP with you in the future!
Welcome to HNZ, Essa! :D
Welcome to HNZ Essa! ^_^ I'm Melissa aka Mel, and I love HNZ. I may not have as many charries as the others, but I am still addicted to HNZ and I'm sure you will be as well. :p If you'd like to RP any time just send me a PM and I'll RP with you for sure. :) I'm from Australia as well, and I'm not sure if I have an awesome Aussie accent since I've been in Australia my whole life... New South Wales to be exact. :) The furthest I've been is to Queensland, and here I go rambling on... I do it a lot. You get used to it after a while... :unsure:

Well, again, welcome! :hug: Don't worry, you'll get to :wub: all of us and our uniqueness. ^_^ I hope you have an awesome time here!

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