A touch of home

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
Ainsley woke up bright and early, mind buzzing with everything she needed to say to her mum. She ached for her home and her mum and familiarity, and Amber promising to show her how to send letters home was just the lifeline Ainsley needed in this terrifying, unfamiliar world. She wound up writing four letters, each time thinking she had finished what she needed to say, and each time thinking of something else and starting fresh to add it.

Once Amber was ready, Ainsley took her bundle of letters and followed the girl up and up and up, up more flights of stairs than Ainsley had ever thought was possible, into what must have been one of the castle's towers. It made sense, she supposed, if owls truly delivered the letters, that they must live up high, but Ainsley found it hard to believe, even after Amber had assured her that owls really did deliver magical people's mail. She stuck close to Amber as they walked, Ainsley's pace gradually slowing as they got closer, partially from exhaustion, and partially out of nerves. Ainsley didn't know how many strange new sights she could handle before this place became too much entirely, and she didn't know how strange to expect a room full of magical owls to be. "Are we... almost there?" She asked Amber timidly, clutching her little bundle of letters, scrunching the paper slightly.
Waking up in the morning was disorienting. Amber had to take a few minutes to remember where she was and why she wasn't in her own familiar room. Once she remembered she was at Hogwarts, she felt a burst of excitement and practically jumped out of bed. It was time to explore some parts of the castle, at least until they had found the owlery.

Amber noticed how many letters Ainsley had written and she wondered if they were really all for her mum. It made her feel a little bad about the single letter she was holding, adressen to both her parents, but at least she had used some pretty stationery. Also, she was pretty sure she had written everything she had to say after only one night at the school.

Amber had a confident stride as she lead Ainsley out of the common room, even though she only had a vague idea of where the owlery was. It had to be high up, right? To make sure she wasn't leading the other girl somewhere completely wrong, she stopped twice to ask nearby paintings for directions. They were somewhat helpful, and when Ainsley asked if they were almost there, Amber was fairly confident that they were.

"I think it's just a little further." She said, pointing to a door. "It should be through there."

With a confidence she didn't entirely feel, she pushed open the door. As soon as the smell of all the different birds hit her, she knew that she had the right place. "Oh gosh, there's so many droppings!" She exclaimed, pinching her nose shut. "Gross!"

Even though she was distracted by the smell and feeling slightly intimidated by all the different birds, she did notice how beautiful they were from a distance, but at a second glance, she also noticed their sharp talons and beaks. There were so many of them, watching the two girls curiously. Amber shrank back, moving closer to Ainsley. "Um. There's a lot." She whispered nervously. She had never been scared of owls before when her parents had used them, but she had also never been outnumbered by them before and now she wasn't entirely sure if coming here had been a good idea.
Ainsley was relieved they were almost there, it felt like she and Amber had been walking forever. This castle was much too big, and even though Ainsley's legs were long for her age, they still felt far too short to be climbing all these stairs. The anticipation of really getting to write home drove Ainsley on though, and she followed Amber all the way to the top of the stairs, and through the door into the owlery.

The smell was terrible, but Ainsley had no focus for anything but what was above her, so many beautiful birds flying and feeding and grooming and living... it was beautiful, and her jaw dropped open. "Oh!" Ainsley breathed, stepping forward immediately, mindless of the floor. "There are so many of them! They're beautiful! Do we just call them over?!" Her tone was awestruck, eyes still locked on the birds overhead. Still clutching her letters to her chest with one hand, Ainsley extended her other arm, squeaking with delight as a well trained school owl flew down and perched obediently on her arm, its leg held out proudly, waiting for its precious cargo. "Look!" Ainsley beamed, delighted. "Look, it's so beautiful!"
One of the many owls stretched it's wings out nearby and Amber cringed away from the movement. She took a deep breath and started to babble nervously. "Ainsley, maybe we should go ask another student if we can borrow their owl, like a pet owl, just one. Or two I guess. There's so many here and we don't know if they're nice or not and if we ask someone they would know right?" She stopped talking when Ainsley held out her arm and an owl perched on it, watching in fascinated terror as Ainsley seemed completely at ease while having this huge bird so close to her face.

"Ainsley, um... Be careful." Amber stammered, taking a step back from her new friend.
Ainsley barely listened to Amber, fixated on how beautiful the owl perched on her arm was. She reached out and stroked its head softly, beaming in delight at how soft the feathers were. "Amber, look!" She turned around to face Amber and stepped closer, arm still outstretched. "Pat it, its feathers are so soft! Ohh, Mr. Owl, you're so beautiful and smart and nice, this is the best place in this whole school! There are so many of them, Amber! They're beautiful!"
Amber let out an undignified little yelp as she took another few quick steps back when she got face to face with the owl, her hand groped for the door handle anxiously but she refused to look away in case it would attack. "Don't put it so close!" She gasped. "Oh gosh, it's so big! It might eat your fingers, or mine, or our faces! Put it away, please!"
Ainsley's smile faltered a little and she stepped back, holding the owl closer. "No... no, it's okay, he's friendly, see! He's here to take my letters! And he's so soft and gentle, he isn't even hurting me at all, it's okay!" The owl gave a soft hoot, shifting a little and shuffling its wings, no longer able to keep standing on one leg waiting for the letters. "Look, he's so gentle and friendly and beautiful, he came right over to say hello, I've never had a bird land on me before! He's amazing!" Ainsley smiled, patting the owl gently again, hoping Amber would come around and say hello to her beautiful new friend too.
Amber watched Ainsley pat the owl with wide eyes, keeping her distance. "I... I suppose if it's not hurting you it's alright." She said finally. "But I would rather not get closer, if that's fine with you." She cast a mistrustful look around the room, hoping no other owls would get the idea of coming closer to them. Her fear was lessening as Ainsley continued to be unhurt, but she really did not enjoy the idea of holding one of the huge birds herself. She wondered how she was going to mail her letters. Maybe if she threw it at an owl from a small distance they'd understand and go deliver it? Probably not.
Ainsley's face fell a little but she nodded, withdrawing her owl arm slightly, giving the owl a gentle soothing pat. "He's so beautiful and soft, I can't believe owls really deliver things for us! Are all owls this smart, or are these special magic owls? How do they even know where to go? They must be magic owls..." She smiled, leaning in and nuzzling the long-suffering owl gently. "Thank you for your hard work, mister magic owl..."
Amber looked at her nervously. "I don't know if they're magic... it's just the way it is." She said slowly, wishing Ainsley would just get on with it and give the owl her letter.

She actually cringed as Ainsley started nuzzling the animal. It had to be filthy! Owls ate dead mice and things like that, and Amber wouldn't want to be anywhere near the owl's beak. "Maybe we should send our letters." She said, her voice betraying her impatience.
Ainsley smiled, scratching the owl's feathers happily, grinning brighter as it nuzzled into her hand slightly. "Look! He's so beautiful! Oh, I don't want him to go, he's amazing!" She started attaching her letters to the owl's leg at last, but paused. "Hold on, I want to tell mum about the owl, um..." She fumbled in one of her haphazardly attached pockets, pulling out a pen, and clumsily scribbled an extra line at the bottom of one of her letters, attaching them firmly to the owl's leg. "Do you want me to call another owl over for you?"
Amber watched her, not really getting why she was getting so emotional over an owl. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, it'll bring you your reply at breakfast sometime. So I guess you'll see it again..." She said slowly, still watching the owl warily and occasionally glancing at the other owls.

At her offer to call down an owl for her, Amber barely hesitated. "Yes please. Can I give you my letter after this one's gone? They could maybe be dangerous..." She knew they weren't really, but she couldn't shake the feeling.
Ainsley beamed, pleased that she would see the owl again. "Oh, that's great!" She smiled, stroking the owl softly. "See you soon, Mr. Owl!" She held her arm up and the owl took off, soaring away to deliver her letters. Ainsley watched in awe, eyes wide and beaming.

Once Mr. Owl was gone entirely, Ainsley turned back to Amber. "Alright, I can take your letter if you don't want to touch an owl..." She said softly. "They're so gentle and friendly though, I love them... I think if they were dangerous we would need an adult with us to come up here."
Ainsley's comment was true and now that the big owl wasn't as close to her anymore, Amber was starting to feel like a bit of a coward. She had been the one helping a scared and nervous fellow student out, only to become even more scared herself over a bird.

"I know." She said slowly. "People here and everywhere in the magical world use them all the time. I know they're not actually that dangerous but they sort of... look like they are, a little." She shrugged, quickly conjuring up a smile on her face. "I'm sure I'll get used to them in no time. But in the meantime, maybe you should call one for me." She paused. "Because, you know, you like them so much. It'll be fun!"
Ainsley smiled comfortingly. "You don't have to come near if you don't want..." She said softly, before looking up and holding her arm out again, giving a soft hooting call when no owls responded immediately. After she called one of the school owls noticed and flew down, perching on Ainsley's arm, this one smaller and a little less austere, hooting and shuffling curiously.

Ainsley beamed. "Oh, see, this one's littler, and it's so soft, you should try giving it just a little pat, go on..." She smiled encouragingly, patting the owl to demonstrate and getting a pleased hoot in response.
Amber felt conflicted. Sure, this owl was smaller and a lot less intimidating than the frist one, but it still had a very sharp beak and some mean looking talons.

At the same time, it wasn't hurting Ainsley. Maybe it would be alright. Mostly, Amber didn't want to make a worse impression on the other girl than she already had. It wouldn't do to have people know that she was scared of a little owl. Ainsley didn't seem like the type to gossip, but you never knew.

"Well... alright."
She said softly, stepping closer to Ainsley and the owl with her hand outstretched.
Ainsley smiled encouragingly, holding the little owl closer. "See, it's so friendly, they're just wonderful beautiful friends..." The owl gave another soft hoot, holding a little stiller as Amber's hand approached.
Amber gave the owl a tiny pat and then pulled her hand back a little, making sure it wasn't going to try and eat her fingers. When the owl just hooted softly, she hesitantly tried again, petting the soft feathers gently.

"It really is very soft."
She said softly, marveling at the texture.
Ainsley beamed delightedly, watching Amber pat the owl. "See!" She grinned happily. "They're so soft and lovely, and they must be so clever to deliver our mail..." She smiled, patting the owl gently too, scratching behind its wing. "This is what I always hoped magic would be like..." Ainsley said softly, thinking of her days of playing make believe magic by herself in the bush.
Amber looked at her uncertainly, lowering her hand after petting the own for a little while. "You hoped magic would involve owls?" She asked curiously. It seemed oddly specific to her, and not very useful, but she didn't really know how muggles thought magic would be. All she had to go on were her grandparents and they had some weird ideas themselves. Maybe muggles suspected owls of being magical, or maybe Ainsley just really liked them? Either way, she was glad the other girl finally seemed to be enjoying herself at school.
Ainsley shook her head, giggling softly. "No, I mean... things that are wonderful and unexpected, and change how you see the normal world around you..." She sighed, staring at the owl as she spoke, petting it slowly. "This place is... there are so many rules, and... systems, and everything is so orderly, it's not... what I thought magic was at all. And I feel like everyone else understands how it works, but I just... can't, I spent... my whole life daydreaming about magic, and now I don't know... what bits are real and what bits are daydreams..." Ainsley sighed shakily and gave the owl another halfhearted stroke, not wanting to get so bogged down in her worries that she cried again.
Amber wasn't sure if she understood what Ainsley meant about magic. It was strange to her that someone that grew up as a muggle had spent so much time thinking about magic and wondering what it would be like. She also didn't really understand how it could be so different from what she thought it would be. Why wouldn't a magical school have rules, didn't all schools? Rules were everywhere in the muggle world too, as far as she knew. Though, she had to admit it did seem like it could difficult to suddenly be part of a world that had different rules and systems than you were used to.

It looked like the subject was making her sad, though, so Amber did what she thought was the best course of action and changed the subject to something she hoped would make Ainsley a little happier. "You know, next year you could buy an owl as a pet when you're getting school supplies, if you want. Many people have them, and you would have your very own owl to send messages whenever you wanted!"
Ainsley's eyes widened and her head snapped up at once. "I could have my own owl? Really?!" She breathed, awestruck. "Oh, wow, oh my god..." She said softly, looking back at the owl perched on her arm. "They're so lovely, I want one so much! How do you get one?"
Amber shrugged. "You buy one! Like where we bought our wands... but a different shop." She faltered. "I don't think you can during the school year, but maybe during the next holiday? I don't know for sure, but you should get one once you can because I think you'll be a really good owl owner! And maybe I could borrow it sometimes." And then she wouldn't have to come back here to the stinky owlery, she added silently in her head.
Ainsley beamed, delighted. "Oh! Oh, yes, I'm definitely going to get one, oh my god!" She grinned delightedly. "They're so beautiful! And of course you could borrow it, though... I think I'm going to send a lot of letters home..." Ainsley hesitated as she thought of home, her face falling, remembering all over again just how far away it was. "I really miss my mum..."

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