A tale of life and death

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
OOCOut of Character:
Set on the 30th April 2036 but we are starting it early so we can get it done in a reasonable time, and also so it isn't too close to my Exams. It has been a long time coming so enjoy.

Twenty four hours that is all it had been since Elvera was sitting in a classroom teaching her third years that there was more to scrying than tealeaves. Now although only a day had passed Elvera felt a decade older. When her class had finished and the students had left she had received a message through the stone around her neck these stones were owned by all females of her family and were used for communication but only often used for emergencies, for example the last time she had received a message her sister was giving birth. Anyway the voice emanating wasn’t Morgan’s, or Eden or even Lilith’s it was Morgauses asking her to come with her to prepare for beltline. It was funny when she had been a child she had loved going to the main sabat celebrations with Morgause. But if the usual circles had been adults only. Although Beltane was a major one of the celebrations so she had usually attended only attended part of it and it had been a huge honour to be invited to come.
She tried to get the class finished as quick as she could and eventually it was over. once the last student had left Elvera Headed to her room to change into something more appropriate before leaving the castle and apparating to her grandmas house in England.
The first thing she saw was that Morgause was looking even more skeletal and gaunt than she had aver seen before. She bit her lip so as not to say anything, beltline was not the place of death it was a place where life was in full swing.
The day passed assembling a bonfire and preparing other things under her grandmothers direction. It was exactly as she remembered it, Beltane has always been one of her favourite festivals.
Once things were set up Morgause said she was tired and headed to bed. It was going to be a long night and the lady needed her rest. The lady was so weak Elvera had to practically carry her. ”hold on, please Morgause” she said as they made their way up the drive and into the house. Placing Morgause on her bed and ensuring she was comfortable and well tucked in. she sat by her bedside for a few minutes watching her sleep and thanking life every time her chest rose and fell. Deciding it was getting late she went and changed. Simple white dress, flowers woven into her hair and a cloak. It was when she was fastening the clasp on the cloak that she realised something, the fatigue that had been resting over her for months was lifting. After a few minutes Morgause woke ”Elvera I asked you here to be initiated into the circle, and to be my successor” said Morgause. Questions were flying through Elveras head, Why her, wasn’t Morgan naturally next? And why now ”Morgause is tonight the best time to be talking about successors” the lady slowly nodded ”tonight is the perfect time to talk about them” she said and Elvera had the felling Morgause was saving this conversation for right now. The lady unbuttoned her ceremonial robe and handed it to Elvera. ”I can’t keep going you have to continue” she said ”I don’t know how”. Morgause leaned in and whispered to her ”put on the robe, the rest is In your blood”. Not wanting to aggravate her any more she followed the instructions and found that the old lady was correct she knew what to do, she knew it as though she had done it one thousand times before. Morgause smiled and nodded before falling back to sleep. Worried for her grandma she knew someone had to lead the festivities tonight and Morgause was not fit to lead she left the room hopping she remembered everything.

The festivity was in full swing by the time se arrived, friends and family there celebrating, music playing thanks to Rosie. Eventually most of the guests left and all who were left was Elvera and the rest of the coven. This was on of the oldest covens n Britain, and one of the few where witches and muggles practiced together. It had always been lead by the le fey matriarch as high priestess, As of this evening it was on Elveras shoulders. The evening went smoothly and and soon it was over and as people parted for the rest of the night Elvera was able to head back to home. As she went and she prayed Morgause was alive.

She entered the house and made a beeline to where her grandma lay relieved that her chest still rose and fell. The ladies eyes opened and she started to talk.”Nimue, make sure that you live well, follow your path be happy and remember you too are entitled to some fun and enjoyment” she said before starting to drift off again. It was a few minutes before the lady started mumbling again ”and don’t forget to cover the mirrors and open the window” were the last words before the lady was asleep for the last time.
”Morgause no, wake up you can’t give up” she said tears running down her face. But to no avail as no more than two minutes later the lady’s breathing stopped and a spark had left her. The tears were running faster now. Sitting next to Morgause she could hardly think. she's gone, she can’t be gone, Morgause was always there, alive like the trees growing around the house. don’t forget to open the window and cover the mirrors. Her last wish. opening the window Elvera let the night air into the room She unfastened the cloak and hung it over the mirror. and then taking sheets from the airing cupboard and her wand she stuck them up over the mirrors in the bathroom, then the rest of the house. All the time crying. Next she took some sage, and rosemary and tied it together in two sprigs one on either side of the bed and started to burn them their incense filling the room.
She really should tell Morgan, Aunt Gwen, Eden, Lilith and Maya but she didn’t think she could get the words out yet so instead she was here alone wishing that someone was here with her. she stopped by the fireplace in the kitchen on the way out. and took a handful of floo powder and tossed it in the fire. "you should know who i want to speak to now, the last fire that you were connected to, the Le fey's" she said. before sticking her head in the flames, the flowers not even wilting. "Morgause has, Morgause has. She has passed." she said trying to get the sentence out without sobbing and just about managing it.
With that she had done all she could she left the house and went to the meadow behind the house heading towards the bees which were kept on a different part of the property. The spring flowers were plentiful and the grass was soft. It when she was half way there that she realised all her emotional strenth had been drained the bees would have to wait. She stopped and curled up on the ground her tears watering the ground beneath her as she wished things to change, she wished everything was okay, She wished there was someone here so she wasn't alone.
Icarus entered inside the locker room of the Moutohora Macaws' stadium after a long and exhausting practice. He went straight for the sinks to have a look of his face on one of the mirrors. A bludger had hit him straight on the face and he wanted to see the damage it had caused. Icarus clenched his jaw as his fingers traced carefully the bruise at the right corner of his lips and spat blood on the sink. Relieved that he hadn't broke a tooth, he stripped of the Quidditch uniform and tossed it on a bench before entering one of the showers. The response was immediate, the metallic head that hung loosely above him spread water unto his body, the sudden shock making him tense his muscles. The water slowly warmed his strained body and soothed the ache that clawed at his limbs. He could have stayed forever there under the caress of the water with the steam surrounding him but a sudden noise made him turn off the flow of the water. "Hello?" his voice echoed in the empty room as the water was still trickling off his body. He grabbed a towel, wrapped it around his waist and got out of the shower. "Hellooo?" he repeated as he walked towards the lockers, leaving behind him a trail of water. It was from there where the sound had came from. No one replied in return and nothing seemed to be out of order. Icarus had stayed behind to collect everything used during the practice, balls and brooms, and put them back to their proper place. So as he was getting back to the locker room, he found his team players leaving and he said goodbye to them on his way there. Thinking that maybe a teammate returned to get something and left right after, he shrugged slightly his shoulders and walked over to his locker. When he opened it to get his clothes and dress up, a piece of paper jumped off and fell on the floor. He picked it up cautiously and read it.

Did you actually believe that the tower would keep it safe?

Icarus rooted to the spot when he realized to what this anonymous note was referring too. It had been months since he had visited the Le Feys' tower and had left there something that shouldn't end up in wrong hands. Icarus hadn't opened the long, wooden box his uncle had kept hidden in a false-front drawer but he could tell it was of great importance. Ever since it had been observed that a few individuals had been spying on the Sanctuary, Icarus had taken the initiate and had removed the box from there to the safety of the Le Fey tower. He had no idea if this object had anything to do with his uncle's abduction but he had the feeling that it should remain safe. Now this unexpected note had been suggesting otherwise. This note couldn't have been a joke from his teammates. No one knew about it other than Elvera and maybe those who were spying on the Stratis' property. He hadn't even mentioned about the existence of that wooden box to his family.

Coming around from the shock, he grabbed his wand sticking out of the stack of the well folded clothes in his locker. "Homenum Revelio!" he said and waved his wand. No indication of human presence in the room or the corridor outside. Whoever was there a minute ago had now long gone. Deciding it was too serious to ignore this mysterious note, he quickly dressed up to leave the stadium and apparate at Morgan's house in New Zealand.

Morgan was there but not Elvera. She told him that her daughter was at Morgause's place in Britain for a festival. Icarus had visited Elvera's grandmother's place when he first visited her family's tower so he was able to apparate there this time around. Hoping he wasn't going to interrupt anything but thinking it was of grave importance to see if the wooden box was safe, he reached the doorstep and knocked the door. There was no response, not even when he knocked a couple more times. Remembering of the festival mentioned by Morgan and the meadow located behind the house from the last time he had visited, he guessed that they might were there celebrating and made his way around the house to check. He found Elvera curled up on the ground, surrounded by the spring's gifts. He was wearing the biggest smile as he was approaching her but when he noticed the tears cascading down her cheeks, his face darkened. "Elvera?" he kneeled before her and lifted her chin. "What happened?" he asked worried that something had happened to her and wiped away a tear from her wet cheek.
The world felt like it was shrinking around her, in that moment nothing else mattered, not the shop, the school, or anything. The woman who had raised her had died. As she lay there curled up like some oversize white mushroom waves of grief shook violently through her body. and she felt the nothing, the darkness creeping in on her. if something didn't happen she was sure that it would overpower her like it had done a few years back.
In the distance she could here faint sounds of music and voices, be it Rosies troupe entertaining a party, other people celebrating Beltane or maybe a just group of muggle teenagers off having a nights fun, none of that mattered.
then without warning across the countryside came a noise, a loud crack. could it be apparating? she slowly sat up gasping her breath through the tides that still shook her keeping it away. Reaching for her hem she wiped her face looking to see what it was, it was probably just a branch breaking on a tree. she looked around regardless hoping that it was morgan, or eden, Maya or Lil, someone to help her fight this. But no, there was no figure in the darkness. and with this thought of loneliness she felt a fresh wave of tears coming over her, she didn't see the outline of a man coming around the side of the house, and she didn't hear him coming closer to her until he was literally kneeling beside her. at the sound of her name she looked up and once again wiped her face with her hem. "Icarus?" she said really surprised. what sick twist of fate would bring him here tonight. the one man she loved no matter how much she tried to deny it. the man who was engaged, the man she could never be with. was fate just deciding what could possibly make her day/evening worse. no he wasn't there, he couldn't be. it was just the sight playing with her, her and finally letting go of reality.
she felt a hand lift her chin up to face him. she felt him wipe a tear from her cheek though it felt like it was someone else's cheek. when he asked why she was so upset she looked him in the eye, taking a deep breath and confidence from those concerned and steady silver depths "Morgause. She has died" she said her voice catching at the end. and then without thinking she put her arms around him resting her head on his chest feeling his strength, feeling safe, and with the sound of his heart beat, slow and rhythmic she felt her breathing begin to come easier as she started to calm down.
It was tearing his heart apart to see Elvera like this. Icarus was already feeling culpable for her adversity ever since he had chosen to engage another woman. He thought that she really deserved some felicity in her life but fate was always playing foul games against her. He knew what meant Elvera's grandmother to her. She was basically brought up by her and she was also taught how to live with the gift of the Sight. Icarus had realized how much Elvera loved her grandmother. When she was talking about her, she was using words of gold. Her arms wrapped around him but he couldn't find the right words to console her. Instead, he embraced her back and his fingers tangled in her jet, black hair as he held her head against his chest.
"But how? What happened?" he asked confused. Morgan had told him of a festival but these wasn't quite festive, instead he had found Elvera grieving a death he wasn't expected to hear about.
Elvera felt safe and comfortable in icarus' arms. and as his arms wrapped around her and his fingers got caught in her hair which was half fallen from how it had been fastened up. within a few minutes like this she was starting to feel calm, not happy but calm which was a start. she heard the tones of icarus' voice echoing through his chest asking what had happened. "She has been sick for a few years. and has cone downhill rapidly over the last couple of months. until just" she said. it was then when she had a sudden flash of insight. the tower, the wheel, the high priestess, and death. all were cards that she had been getting repeatedly over the last little while and not having a clue what it meant. She tried to think of which card came next. was it the moon? she wasn't sure. she did know that most of them were major arcarna which was what really caught her as odd. "I need to tell the bees before they get offended" she said making a half hearted attempt to get up but not moving anywhere. instead using the opportunity to change her position so she and hopefully he too would be slightly more comfortable. "how come you are here?" she asked. not wanting to spoil the moment she had with him, but not wanting to be feeling like she was dragging him away from here he should have been had the fire had got the wrong house and sent it back to his home. or had she somehow managed to wish the person she wanted to see most and, in some self sacrificing noble ways, least in the world to come. she tried to think who was the last person to have used floo powder with the house, surly it had been used since icarus had arrived that winter day over a year ago to take the box to the tower.
Icarus was feeling for her. Losing the person who had defined you and who had made you who you really are must have been unbearable. He sighed and squeezed her in his arms as if he wanted to take away her pain. He caressed her back as she explained, the words coming out of her chest heavy and difficult to utter. "She won't suffer anymore. She'll rest now." he tried to find the right comforting words, carefully not to say something wrong. He hadn't been in a similar situation and he never was a good talker but in this case, he wished he knew what he should do to soothe her pain. Icarus for now helped her to get on her feet. "Let me get you some water." he said after making sure he could left her alone for a moment and got inside the house, straight to the kitchen. The house was nothing like the last time he had visited. Warmth was long gone and there was an eerie, depressing feeling in the air. As he was getting back to the backyard with a glass of fresh water in his hands, Icarus also noticed that a mirror was covered. A typical grieving custom in many cultures.

"Here." he handed her the glass. "Do you feel better?" he asked while wondering if he should tell her now in her grief, the real reason of his visit. "Half an hour ago, I received a note. Someone knows about the box I have left in the tower." he decided to tell her. "Only you and me know about it." he added, not hiding his concern. He hadn't suspected Elvera for a moment for this event. She would have never joked about it, especially now and he was fully trusting her for not doubting for a second her loyalty. He was sure she hadn't talked about the wooden box to anyone else. This proved that someone had spied on him and possibly followed him last time they visited the tower. "But it isn't a priority right now." Icarus shook his head. He was talking to her about a wooden box he had no idea what it was containing when she was trying to cope with her grandmother's death. "Do you want me to inform anyone about your grandmother? Maybe Morgan?" he placed his hand on her shoulder. He was determined to support her in the best way he could.
elvera nodded at Icarus' words. He was right and if she was truly nonest with herself she knew that Morgause had been ready to go a few months ago, It had been her who had been doing the fighting trying yo keep her alive. but what if She had been suffering greatly. Should she have let the lady die? she was fairly sure she would have struggled to. she nodded in agreement looking up at him. and his hilver grey eyes looking so converned and gentle she had to look away before she caught herself wishing for things that would only go badly. thankfully he got up and said he was going to get some water for her. it wasn;t until then that she realised just how thirsty the crying had made her. thetast of salt making her mouth feel like old parchment.
Whilst icarus was gone she staggered up to her feet, took a few steps towards the bees before stopping, she they were probably asleep, and wasn't sure what to say to them, even if they were awake. she turned back and walked a few steps back to where they had been before. and another few steps towards the house when Icarus reappeared. she kept going until they met in a slightly different part of the meadow than they had been before, a part with slightly longer more cushioning grass. "Thank you" she said taking the cup and taking a few thirsty sips. "yes i feel a lot better thank you" she said.
It was then when Icarus decided to spring into his story of why he had come. she listened shocked. "a not saying they know about the tower." she said thinking. "what are the chances it is a bluff" she said unsure. "whatever you do, don't go straight there. that is what they will be expecting and hoping you do,or if you do go go via every single tower you can think of" she said mentally picturing him apparating at the top of the eiful tower as one couple was having a photo taken. this may sound odd but it made sense. If they know about it and could access it, then surly they would have already got it. If they know about the tower but cant get in they will be waiting outside for you to go in and retrieve it and, if they are bluffing and overheard someone mention a tower. my guess is they will track you to see where you go. so go to every tower you can think of and stay in each of them for the same amount of time". half expecting him to go vanishing off to the tower, or following her advice and visiting as many towers as he could find. instead she was glad when he said it wasn't a priority and asked if he could tell morgan or someone "I already sent a message. I will let her know in person in the morning" she said though the offer meant a lot to her she just didn't want him to go just yet. and besides. they would be sad and she was just about feeling okay again with icarus for company and that was a feeling she wasn't in a rush to leave. "how about we just stay here for a bit" she said wanting to just lie and watch the stars like she used to do when she was a young girl in summer. although admittedly it wasn't a particularly warm tonight it was clear and the relative remoteness of the house and near lack of a moon meant that the stars were bright.
Throughout the time Elvera was talking, Icarus remained silent while weighting the possibilities in his head and considering the different scenarios. For the most part she was right, it definitely sounded like a trap but despite the knowledge of the imminent danger, he felt it was his responsibility to check the safety of the box. "It sounds like someone had followed us last time." he broke his silence. "They know the existence of the tower but I doubt they have infiltrate it. We were there and I saw the security measures applied on it but I can't overlook this note. My uncle might be dead to insure that the box won't fell in wrong hands. I'll feel much better if I know it is still there safe." he said but he didn't want to ask her to take him there now that she was going through a tough time. He had a hard time hiding his apprehension but he couldn't act selfishly now.

Icarus sat down on the soft grass. In any other occasion he would be enjoying his time at the meadow with the stars started blinking mischievously above them. The remained silent for a while but their silence was telling more than their mouths would ever tell. There were times that doubts were invading his mind like thieves, making him wonder if he had made the right choice to engage another woman than the one who had initially stole his heart. He had thought they were totally different words that they were light years away. He was a superficial, athletic kind of guy, into sports and in the spotlight whereas, she could be compared to an elusive creature, an intellectual person who preferred her solitude and keeping a low profile. But as they were sitting there, forbidden thoughts were emerging from his subconscious. He forced himself to snap out of it and start a conversation to block relevant thoughts. "Doesn't your gift let you know about incidents like this one?" he asked, referring to her grandmother and the extend of a seer's powers. He had wondered several times of what Elvera was capable to 'see', like his real feelings that were contradicting his actions.
Elvera was surprised when he said he still wanted to go to the tower. She watched him sit down and sat down beside him leaning back on her elbows in order to see the sky better. watching the stars and a muggle satellite enter her eyes as she thought. "you still want to go there don't you? she asked, not really asking but more musing aloud. it was actually good for her to bethinking about something else other than morgan. taking her mind off it in order to let it sink in. "you should be able to get inside now, straight through the front door." she said. before pausing for a minute. if it was mad to want to go there on his own there was one thing madder. "but i can't let you walk into what may well be a trap. at least not on your own." she said. looking across at him gauging his reaction. she didn't want another death this evening. Icarus' his uncles or anyone else's. Beltane was a celebration of birth and life.
A few minutes passed after that both of them curled up in their own thoughts like feather blankets, neither quite wanting to move to put their thoughts and words into action. It was Icurus who broke the silence asking if she could see things like this. she thought on how to reply. "It kind of works like every other kind of seeing but in reverse. Just because i didn't watch you eat your breakfast yesterday doesn't mean that you didn't eat it, yet if i watched you i would know for sure. being a seer works the same. If i see something happening it will likely occur, but if i don't see it it doesn't mean it wont happen it just means i didn't see it. then there are some things i generally cant see, Myself, my family, and people i am close to" she said. it was sort of a long winded explanation but she actually managed to sum it up better than she thought.
deciding they had better make a move if they were going to make the most of things she got up. "if we are going on a mercy mission there are a few things i should get done first. and it may be easier to go when we have the cover of darkness" she said. getting herself up. they still had a few hours but the more time they had the better. "I won't be too long" she said. walking quickly off towards the house. she wasn't going to walk into a trap without a wand that was for sure. she went up the stairs to morgauses room bowed her head and said a few words wishing her passage to be smooth. She then went into the cupboard she had got the sheets from and took out the last piece of fabric, a black sheet of a fine mesh. She headed back downstairs and picked up hr wand on the way out.
she then walked back towards where icarus was still sitting "do you want to come to the hive or wait here" she said. before heading over to the bees. she knelt on the floor in front of the hive, there was a soft mummer of movement within. she knocked three times before chanting a few words to link her necklace. She may as well let her family know again. "I am really sorry to inform you that Morgause Le Fey has passed away." she said feeling the tears coming and pushing them back "her roll in the circle has been Passed on to me Elvera" she said before murmuring the same chant again. one tear escaped as she got up and headed back to where Icarus was. She took his hand and looked him in the eye wanting to hold him closer. "ready?" she asked. hoping she wasn't going to start crying again.
The timing wasn't the best and Icarus couldn't stop but think he might was asking too much from her right now. At first he didn't answer. Sure he wanted to have a look and appease his doubt. In the end, Elvera made up his mind and volunteered to accompany him all the way to the tower. A soft smile pressed his chicks, a token of his appreciation. Icarus also thought it would do her good to get away from this house for a short walk and clear her head. It was going to be a short walk as Elvera indicated that this time they would be able to enter the tower from the main entrance and not from the detour of the hidden cavern. Icarus retained his silence as she explained to him how seeing into the future really worked. Even when she disclosed that she couldn't foreseen things about herself and her loved ones, Icarus wouldn't like to have received this ability from his own grandmother seer. It should be a heavy burden to see things that were going to happen even to other people. If he had such an ability, he didn't know how exactly he could prevent himself from interfering and change what he could see. Suddenly, he could see from where was coming from this romantic melancholy that was defining her. She was much stronger than what he had thought.

Icarus followed her actions and stood up as well. "Whenever you're ready." he said. He didn't want to push her. She probably was going to tell somebody to get there while they were off. He waited there at the backyard as Elvera entered the house. His grey eyes lingered at the outline of the distant hills as he was rethinking of the earlier event. He was almost convinced that the wooden box was safe in the tower but what was worrying him was how anyone would have known he had taken it there. Someone must have really became his shadow and had followed them last time. Icarus was having second thoughts about taking Elvera with him. She was right, it could be a trap and he didn't want to drag her into that trap by any means. Just when he considered of disapparating on his own, she appeared back into the courtyard. He followed her, still thoughtful, to the hive where he witnessed some sort of protocol as she informed the bees about her grandmother's death. He was meant to ask her what was this about but instead he took her hand and with his free hand he drew his wand out of his pocket. "Ready." he responded and took a deep breath. "And thank you." he added as everything around them disappeared and swirled violently to reform into a new landscape.

They both appeared in a treacherous grassy terrain. In front of them the tower was standing close to the cliffs were the ocean was pounding its wrathful waves. Icarus instantly pointed his wand and scanned their surroundings. No one was there instead of them. "Come. Let's hurry and get inside." he urged her to keep moving while he was checking again the surrounding hills for signs of someone's presence. This time he could see the tower as well. Perhaps the building was now 'recognizing' him because he had been inside it before. This was going to make it even easier for them now that they didn't have to deal with the cavern's guards. He took her hand and started running along her side with his eyes fixed on the tower.
When she had told the bees she turned back to see him looking at her, a sort of pensive look on his face, an expression she didn't see on him often. he often seemed like a confident down to earth guy. as she approached him she smiled before she took his hand, trying not to show that she was a little scared, that she didn't know what would happen when she arrived at the place she had visited many times when she had wanted some privacy. it mat be the same as normal, just a dark overhang of cliff, but there may be a bunch of evil wizards. She hoped that it wasn't showing how nervous she was, either way it felt good and reassuring taking his hand. even though she knew it was just for apparating. "Whenever you want she asked raising her wand. and turning on the spot.
They appeared on the edge of the cliff, maybe a little closer to the edge than she would have perhaps liked, having a sudden flash back to the 'dreams' she had had in first year at least they were the solid side this time. she quickly took a few steps away from the edge where below the waves were high up against the rocks. "you don' need to thank me. I haven't done anything. yet" she said before looking around, it seemed innocuous enough. though she did have the feeling of not wanting to be outside for too long. "lets get going" she whispered making her way a cross the ruins towards the only part of the structure still standing the tower. she wasn't sure why she was whispering, it just felt right, like they were walking somewhere they shouldn't.
Six figures in black robes were waiting patiently in a triangular formation, half a kilometer away from the edge of the treacherous cliffs. From there, they could observe the landscape stretching in front of them while having the appropriate panoramic view. The howling wind causing their hair and clothes whipping around wasn't enough to make them flinch. They were all under the effect of Disillusionment Charms while waiting further instructions from their supervisor. That role was taken over by Horus that day. It was a typical training session with a few of the new recruits. They weren't yet part of the Scitorari. They were going to prove their worthiness today.
Horus was unfamiliar with other Scitorari sects' recruitment but the Elementalists were testing first and then letting join. This was a stamina test. They had been facing the elements for hours while looking at the cliffs. If the couldn't deal with mother nature's wrath then they weren't worthy to be a member.

However, Horus had prepared a special training session for them today. The blistering cold air wasn't going to be their only trail. He had filled them in and they were now waiting for their target to show up. They didn't know it but they were facing an invisible tower. None of them could see it but their target could. This tower was the chees that was going to lure him like a mouse in the mouse trap. Horus could pretend he was calm and sure about what was going to happen but there was a fragment of fear that had settled inside him. If something was going to turn out wrong, he was responsible for all five, aspiring Elementalists. He narrowed his jade eyes determined and concentrated not to be pushed off balance by the strong wind. It was time to prove his was worthy of his new leadership role as well.

It seemed they had frozen there in time. Nothing was changing. They were facing the same cliffs where the ocean was crashing on mercilessly with the sound of detonating bombs. But suddenly, the appearance of two figures a few meters in front of the black-dressed group, alarmed him like a predator getting out of his sluggish inactivity. He smirked to himself. Their target brought company. Better for their training. "Remember. You don't kill anyone. Just give them the scare of their life." he said, his eyes fixed on the man and the woman who had just apparated in the scene. He could be merely be heard by his companions. The wind was muffling any other sound in the area. "Prepare." he said and raised his hand and the wind moaned as if it wanted to warn their two targets. "On the count of three." he said and waited a few seconds for the pair to gain a little more distance but not get too far away. "One...two..."
Nara narrowed her eyes and her jet black hair whipped around her face in the abrupt rush of wind. She had lost track of time a long time ago but her patience was almost exhausted. She had nothing to prove by standing in the middle of nowhere, facing the elements. Out of the five recruits she had the best score from the trials they have been through. She just wanted to become a part of them and be trusted with their plans but apparently they had one last task to carry through. Finally their targets appeared. Two silhouettes apparated in the scene and started running towards the cliffs. Their leader Horus, had informed them there was a tower hidden somewhere there and they couldn't access it. Their only chance was now but Horus was procrastinating with worthless notes. The wind picked up once more and she could hear no more. She decided to take the situation in hand.

Nara opened her arms, her palms facing down on the ground. The ground beneath her shook fiercely. The earth rippled, moved and her dark irises flashes with a golden hue. A rock slap unearthed underneath her feet and raised her in the air, her robes flapping around her at the whistle of the wind. She leaned forwards and she flew on the slab in the air towards the targets. She picked up some speed, ably maneuvering in the air, surfing on the slab. When she was close enough to the two people she let just one hand pointing at the stone slab she was controlling and the other one facing her targets. Orbs of white light floated around her and quickly materialized in jagged rocks. They cracked violently in smaller pointy stones and with a wave of her extended hand, she sent them flying towards them.
The tower was just meters away. They were going to get inside. Nothing seemed that was going to turn wrong but a soft tremor beneath his feet suggested differently. While still running he looked over his shoulder to check if they were being followed. At first he noticed nothing out of place but then he caught a glimpse of a shadow flying in the sky. He slowed down a bit. Elvera was almost dragging him towards the tower when he realized what was zooming towards their way in the sky. He used his body as a shield to protect Elvera and several pointy gravels pierced through clothes and dug into flesh. It felt like several claws ripped off his shoulders and back but he clenched his teeth and let no sound come out of his mouth. He fell on his knees. He actually knee-slid and didn't let himself stop. Feeling his body heavier, he blindly fired a curse at their pursuer and grabbed again Elvera's hand to guide her to the tower. He used his body to slam open the heavy doors, he forced Elvera in before the next wave of attack was going to hit her and send another curse zooming at the individual flying on that rock. He then shut the doors before the attacker was able to get inside and fell on his knees. He casted a last look at Elvera to make sure she wasn't injured. He cracked a faint smile when he made sure she was in a better shape than him and then he passed out. His wounded body collapsed on the cold floor.
there was a noise behind her and a shaking underground, Elvera started to speed up but Icarus seemed to be slowing down and looking around. "come on" she said. but even she couldn't miss the sight of what was coming up behind them. a figure on what seemed o be a lump of rock flying towards them. but that is all she saw before she felt icarus' body against hers shielding her from the onslaught. what little he didn't cry out she did, she let out a, not a scream, but a loud shout. this wasn't what she was used to, she was used to her slow life at the school. this must me what life was like for lilith. she took a breath and thought what would Lil do? taking out her wand she shot a couple of jinxes and a shield towards the lady before she felt icarus' hand back in her own and they earthly dragged each other into the tower, the door slamming behind them.
the world suddenly went quiet, the wind stopping, the waves stopping he adrenaline stopping leaving her a little shaken but otherwise unharmed. she lit a couple of torches for light and she was just doing something that hadn't ben done for centuries, locking the door, when she heard a crashing sound behind her. turning around she saw icarus on the floor bleeding out of his back and felt her heart in her throat, she didn't want more casualties than necessary today. "Icarus" she called in disbelief. there was no response though leaning towards him she did feel his breath. feeling relief flowing through her that he was at least alive she was unsure what to do. she had nothing here, to help him and she sure as hell wasn't going back outside, and thinking about doing the back way she was fairly sure it had been a high tide. looking down she realised he was bleeding a fair amount though thankfully it was mainly superficial, only a couple of really quite deep wounds. she took her wand and aiming it at her skirt cut most of the fabric off and used it to bind his back loosely to prevent blood loss as she traveled upstairs. as best as she could propping him up against herself as she worked, muttering charms, old charms as she worked. once she was happy enough with her handiwork she looked at him and seeing no change she realised that to get him moving she would have to use magic as there was no way she could carry him up all the stairs. "now icarus i am going to have to body bind you to make it easer to get you up the stairs" she said remembering that people who were unconscious often could hear. "I will let you go once we are up there" she added. once again raiding her wand this time at him. casting first the body bind curse, and secondly the hover charm on him. before picking up a torch and making her slow progression up the stairs.
eventually after much effort Elvera reached the last two steps icarus floating just behind her. she stepped into the room never so glad to see it and directed icarus gently onto the bed on his side before undoing both spells. she put the torch in the wall bracket before she checked him to make sure he hadn't got any worse which thankfully he hadn't. she then went over to the full cupboards to see if there was anything up here she could use to help him.
Horus didn't manage to count up to three. The earth roared like a furious beast and he was almost knocked off his feet along with the rest of the initiates. Next thing he saw was the Afro-American, young woman raising up on the air by controlling a stone slab beneath her feet. He watched her helpless flying across the distance separating their group with the pair. "Everyone back to the Headquarters. Now!" he ordered and seethed with anger as the rest of the initiates disappeared one by one. He had to stop her or in the worst case scenario, she was going to kill herself. Horus opened his arm and the wind howled with the same anger now boiling in him. Blades of grass around him were tearing loose and his jade eyes quick-blinked to keep out dirt debris. A wall of brown air stretched high behind him and when he brought both arms in front of him it was released to charge down at the tower. He used the power of the sandstorm he had just summoned to left himself in the air and travel faster to the location of the conflict. The flat wall of brown reached in time and blew off the counter curses of the targets. One missed the initiate by inches. "Are you insane? Do you have a death wish?" he roared and grabbed her wrist as the dust cloud was raging around them. Few more flashes of light came from their targets but the dust cloud changed their course. Horus held up his arm and sent the sandstorm straight to the tower the two of them couldn't see but knew that their targets had found safety inside. "You're in serious trouble." he said through clenched teeth and tightened his grip around her wrist before disapparating with her back to the Headquarters. The slab fell on the ground, no more under the woman's enchantments and the sandstorm pelted the invisible, exterior walls of the tower with rushing before eventually subsiding.
Icarus was struggling between conscious and unconscious but a veil of darkness was wrapping around him. He remembered that Elvera was with him there and he had to make sure she was safe. He pushed himself to open his eyes. It was a blurry image but still he could recognize the mysterious eyes worryingly looking at him. He sunk into darkness again but this time his name echoed in the blackness, forcing him not to give up. His eyelids were too heavy this time but he could hear her. His breath rasped in his throat. He wanted to tell her he was okay with her casting on him the body bind curse in order to move his body easier but he couldn't. With all the power left in him, he nodded and moments later he felt his body tightening up but floating away from the cold floor like it was the lightest feather. His eyes opened a couple of times to catch blurry glimpses of torches on the walls and stairs. His breath was echoing in this vast darkness and his heartbeat was pounding in his ears. His body was placed on something soft and no longer was rigid. He remembered that Elvera was there with him and he insisted until he reached the bright surface. His eyes blinked and he found himself looking at a wall. He tried to move but pursed his lips as sheer pain on his back and shoulders reminded him that something wasn't good there. He sat up, ignoring completely the intense, piercing pain shooting up his back.

Everything around him seemed to be in hyperdrive as adrenaline pulsated through his veins with loud booms. Every sound in the background was magnified to a countless number. He took his shirt off, stripping his torso bare, revealing heavily tattooed arms and heavily injured back. Fortunately, the wounds were just superficial but his whole back was stabbed with pieces of sharp rocks. Their removal was going to be a long and painful job. His shaking hand reached for his shoulder and his finger met something hard pointing out of it. He pulled it out, the sound of flesh ripping sent a prickly sensation all over his body. The pain was making him gasp and stagger for breaths he couldn't catch but he managed to remove what was poking out of his shoulder. Crimson liquid was dripping off the piece of pointy rock he removed and he dropped it on the floor. His body was quivering uncontrollably but he wasn't going to stop. He couldn't see Elvera around him and he had to find her. His hand reached for another stone stabbed in his back and took a deep breath. A groan of agony escaped his lips as he removed it.
now there was an unnatural wind howling around the tower, causing it to be even more draughty than normal, which didn't help her body still shaking slightly from the adrenaline. Elvera rummaged through the cupboards to see if she could find something useful. she found an ointment which would have been perfect but as soon as she had taken off the lid she knew t was rancid. looking again she found a fresh cream which was almost as good. she also found a liquid potion and some clean sheets she could use as dressings. and a pair of scissors to cut them. it was then she heard a moan of pain from the bed. she rushed over seeing icarus now shirtless trying to pick the rocks out of his back. "shh, icarus, I will do that. i can see what i am doing." she said. pudding a gentle hand on his arm. which was covered with a brilliant display of tattoos which if the situation was different she would have asked about wondering what the story behind them was. she summoned a lantern of its hanger on the other side of the room and lit it so she could see what she was doing and was a little shocked by what she saw, his back was far worse than she had thought back in the entrance. "now have a mouthful of this, it will help sooth the pain" she said putting the bottle up to his lips. in it was a potion which was designed for pain using amongst other things willow and poppy. it certainly didn't taste good, but it would help with the pain. then moving around to the other side she put a blanket over him to at least try to keep his body warm whilst he worked on his back. she was cold herself but didn't mind, or rather her wanting to help icarus was far higher than her need to be warm. she took the lid of the cream and gently started work putting it on the wounds. The cream was designed to reduce bruising and aid healing. one by one whilst at the same time gently removing the shards of rock. from his back chanting an old charm as she went. the charm wasn't anywhere near as strong as those healers used today, it didn't cause the cuts to heal perfectly but it did stop the bleeding and caused them to scab in a way that looked a a week old. It was one of the spells in her families book, the one that she had been studying all year leading up to this evening when she had had to lead the circle. an evening which had felt a lifetime ago. pausing to readjust her position before her leg started getting pins and needles and move the lantern so she could see better. as she paused she realised just how cold she was getting now the adrenaline was leaving her blood, but she didn't do anything to aid that, that wasn't as important as his shredded back. "are you feeling better?" she asked. as she started working again

((note: in real life aspirin originally comes from willow and codeine from poppy)
Icarus managed to remove a couple more of them off his shoulders but the process and the excruciating pain was consuming most of his energy. Fortunately, Elvera appeared with a few ingredients in her hands. He looked at her hand now touching his arm and he forced a weak smile on his lips. This wasn't going to hurt less but at least he was feeling some sort of safety that Elvera was in his field of vision. "How bad is it?" he rasped as she used the lantern to shed some light on his hurt back. He couldn't quite see her facial expression now that she was behind him, tending the wounds but he had sensed her surprise. Elvera handed him a bottle and helped him drink of it. Icarus was quite thirsty and took a few hasty sips, something that he regretted immediately. The concoction in the bottle had a nasty taste that made his whole body shudder.
"Just don't tell me what is included in this." he grimaced and finished the bottle. The aftertaste in his mouth was horrible but a soothing numbness spread all over his body. He looked her straight in her eyes as she brought him a blanket. Icarus wasn't feeling cold the slightest. On the contrary, he was feeling his body temperature rising. A velvety sensation spread all around his broad back as Elvera applied some sort of medicine cream. The earthy smell suggested a mixture of herbs. It felt so cool against his warm skin. Icarus couldn't feel anything back there, just Elvera's cooler touch. The pain had vanished for now but he was sure it was because of the medicine's work. He didn't even realized when she removed all these rock shards. He felt his back to discover scars. Elvera's nostrums had done a great job and he was feeling a lot better. Like he never had that encounter outside the tower. As his hand was searching further on his back, it met Elvera's hand and he flinched. "Yes, a lot better." he said and stood up. The silence lingered, empty and full. "You on the other hand, you don't look so good. Are you cold? Here, have this blanket." he said after noticing her body language. Icarus pulled the blanket around her shoulders. All he could hear was the beating of his heart as he looked down at her. He was so grateful she wasn't hurt out there.
looking at the wounds on Icarus' back elvera grimaced he really must be in a lot of pain. however as a voice came through the room asking how bad it was there wasn't much more elvera could do but bight her tongue and lie through her teeth. "It isn't too bad" she said knowing it was bad. his reaction to the mixture was not quite what she was expecting. she knew it was bitter but his expression exemplified the effects. "I wasn't planning on it, do you want something else to take the taste away?" she asked. this tower was not immune to the le fey trademark habit of always having somethign sweet nearby. in this case some jube like sweets.
Once she was done she realised how tense she had been trying not to shiver and tremble too much. She was cold. her thin slip not designed to be worn at night this close to the coast, especially when dew damp and when most of the skirt had been cut off leaving hardly enough skirt for a muggle pop star to call adequate. what also didn't help was her lack of sleep. if she had thought about it she would have realised she had been awake for around thirty hours and had hardly eaten in them. "I,i,i ammm finne ssso long as you are feeelling better" she said the shivering making her stutter. thankfully she had just about finished. all the stones were out there was just a strip of cuts that needed healing. however before she could get to them Icarus was on his feet and wrapping the blanket around her, around them both, in a way to warm her up. she stood there her head resting on his bare warm strong safe chest. listening to the beat of his heart before they somehow managed to be sitting on the bed, leaning half way between sitting and lying. her head still snug on his chest somewhere above his heart listening to the steady buboom, buboom of his heart and feeling hers beat in time to his metronome. and in this moment despite everyhting going on in her world she felt herself warming through, and at peace with the world which was pleasant no matter how short the moment would be. before one of them spoke and ruined it with talk of scrolls, or Scitori, or morgause anything that wasn't them there and then, especialy, heavens forbid, Kida.
Every muscle in his body strained to move forward, to close the sliver of distance between them as he wrapped the blanket around both of them but Elvera did it for him. He felt her head against his chest and his throat suddenly was drier than ever, knowing that he could no longer resist this draw. He swallowed hard, her touch against his skin was throwing gasoline on the flickering flame of longing he had been fighting ever since they had first met. When they both sat on the bed, he knew there was no way to resist anymore. Her aura, her suddenly erupted fervor of her body was wrapping him. Something unidentifiable flickered across his features and his grey eyes darkened as they swept over her face. He leaned over and touched his lips to hers, a deceptively gentle press that from someone else would have seemed sweet, innocent even. But the heated grip on the back of her neck and jolt of awareness that sizzled down his nerve endings were something else altogether. He knew that there were reasons he shouldn't be doing that but his uncontrolled desire had claimed veto power over his brain. The softness of her lips made him give up completely. Icarus took control with his kiss as unapologetic as he was himself. His commanding fingers twisted in her silky hair and blanketed her with his upper, bare body. There were no remorse, no doubt. Only white-hot rawness as he dipped his head and claimed her mouth again.
Elvera was getting closer to icarus more and more skin was touching his with each second sending exited sparks of electricity up her nerves. She had wanted this for so long, years she had wanted to be this close to him. she felt his hand around the back of her neck and his kiss on her lips. kissing back. the last time they had kissed all those years ago in the sanctuary surrounded by glow bugs. her vision had been filled with him in the past and the future. now she was seeing him only in the present. the now.
she kissed him back the kiss filled with both passion and tenderness. letting him do what he wanted as she wanted, no needed, it deeply, and desperately too. Only realising now how much and how long she had craved his touch.

maybe they had been together for longer than she had realised, as after almost 48 hours awake time did not seem to travel as smoothly as normal. or maybe the night wasn't as young as she had thought it had been, or maybe still they had gone to sleep in a peaceful sleep, not sure where one ended and the other began but Elvera had been lying there for about half an hour watching the room gradually grow lighter. She rolled over to see the sky out of the small window was the most fantastic shades of pink. a beautiful fresh dawn, the air and world was still enough to be as if they were frozen even the fine strands of mist seemed to hang in the air like diamonds in total contrast to the gales of the previous night, she lay there feeling Icarus' warm skin beside her. making the most of this opportunity as she doubted she would ever get the chance for it again. she snuggled closer to him his body feeling almost as natural to her as her own, she wasn't if he was asleep or not but so long as he was thee it didn't matter
His eyelids were closed against the dim light of dawn and his breathing deep and relaxed, all the muscles in his face and body were totally at peace. The creak of springs woke him up as she snuggled closer to him. He refused to open his eyes, afraid that that what they had lived under these bedclothes was going to fade away once he was going to give in to reality. But she was there. The heat of her body was pleasantly scorching him. He could smell her scent all over his body. Her breath, a gentle caress on his bare chest. Icarus curled his arm around her and tugging her gently closer to him. "Good morning." his voice came out rough, slightly deeper but he tenderly kissed her forehead. He thought that an angel soon to fly away was resting in his arms. He had thought that after that night he was going to be tortured by guilt but he hadn't regretted this. Logic might was screaming in his head, reminding him of his engagement to another woman but the voice of his heart was far more persuasive. He knew however, that soon this was going to end. They belonged to different worlds.

He propped himself up on his elbow and his eyes glowed at her. "I usually have trouble getting out of bed in mornings. You make it even harder now." he said and stole a kiss from her lips. He checked his watch and his fear was confirmed. He might wanted time to freeze there in that tower but daily routine had different plans. In less than an hour he had an interview to give and a photo shoot along with his teammates for a Quidditch magazine. He signed and got up. He picked up his shirt from the floor. It was full of holes from the rocks that stabbed his back. He put on the rest of his clothes while looking out of the tower's window. The scenery was empty and peaceful but the people who attacked them last night could be there, hiding, waiting patiently. "We should leave from the cavern. We can't risk it again." he referred the alternative, secret exit they had used the first time he visited the tower. He just remembered the reason they had came there in the first place and his eyes scanned the room for the chest where he had hid the wooden box. He found it and went towards it to open. He let a sigh of relief when he saw the box amongst the other objects stored in there. "Safe and sound." he commented and closed the chest. "We should be going. I have an appointment really soon and I can't let you here alone nor let you leave later on your own." he said, not willing to negotiate this. He was going to take her home and make sure she was safe.
Elvera felt herself melt as Icarus kissed her forehead and whispered good morning "goodmorning to you" she whispered back. before kissing him lightly. they lay there for a few moments each savouring it as it sure couldn't last and each in their own thoughts until icarus sat up and she sat with him. as he said something about not wanting to get up but before she had processed it he had kissed her again. she kissed him back. tenderly as if any moment his world would break and shatter into fragments leaving her alone by morgauses bed, where the only fragments that remained were the fragments of a glass she had knocked over.
with a glance at his watch the stillness was over as icarus realised the time and was busying about getting ready. "you can't wear that" she said as he was trying to put on the shirt from the previous night "people would think you have been attacked by a pack or wild animals it's so shredded" she said getting up herself the cold air burning her exposed skin until she picked up the blanket and wrapped it around herself. she went to a trunk in the corner of the room and opened it pulling out an old t-shirt and a jumper. she didn't know who's they were she had a feeling they may have been Arthurs, her dads once. sure they looked a little old but a plain tshirt never really was too far out of style. "try this on" she said. maybe it would be a little tight but at least it wasn't shredded. she then went to the wardrobe and reached for an old dress of hers. and slipped it on as her last nights dress had been well and truly cut up too as she had used it as bandages.
once she was dressed she saw icarus looking at the scroll hidden in its secret compartment under the windowsill. "is it still there" she asked. knowing it would be. she was unsure what icarus was going to do. was he keeping it here, taking it with him or something else. "Good plan with the cavern. the tide isn't too high. we should be able to get out at the bottom but it may be a bit of a wade. we could apparate from the cave as it will be deeper at the ends" she said. "yes we should get going otherwise the tide will come in too high" she said. she could take herself home, and look after herself but if icarus was offering to escort her home she wasn't going to argue. she picked up her wand and made her way to the steps. she had just descended two of the stairs when she had a thought. "should we make a pact. what happens in the tower stays in the tower?" she asked. "stops any gossip from happening, what with your press and family." she said. not wanting him to be slammed by the press for cheating on his fiance, not wanting kida to be mad at her (as she didn't put much past that girl when she was mad, even if she just told Eden it would likely get back to her) and it would also mean that she wasn't top gossip of being a harlot. even though that was kind of what every generation in her family had sort of had a few whispers about.

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